
Magus: My Virtual Experimentation Chip Will Make Me Invincible

Thinker_ · Fantasy
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28 Chs


The door creaked open suddenly, interrupting the intimate moment between William and the girl. A tall, skinny young man appeared outside, his heavy breathing revealing the frantic run he had just undertaken.

His face was marked by an expression of urgency as he struggled to catch his breath. "William, someone has invaded your private garden!" His voice came out between gasps, carrying the gravity of the situation.

A frown formed on William's forehead, his demeanor instantly shifting to a serious expression. "What?! Damn it! I thought that lunatic Nicolas didn't care about plants." His voice resonated with a mix of irritation and concern, aware of the dangers an invasion could entail.

The girl's voice, now filled with anguish, echoed with perfect feigned distress. "Love!! Love... Please, you can't let this intruder destroy my garden. Without it, I think I'll go insane in this airship." Her plea was laden with genuine love for the vegetation flourishing in the garden, a refuge amidst the chaos.

William gently placed the girl on the ground, his eyes meeting hers in one last look filled with silent promises. He kissed her one last time, a demonstration of his sick love and commitment, before turning to the intruder who had just disturbed his peace.

"Don't worry, my sweet Princess Alice," William murmured with determination. "Nicolas is annoying, but after a few punches, he realizes that wasting time fighting someone as strong as him is foolish."

However, before William could take another step toward the door, the young man who brought the news raised his voice once more, interrupting him with an unexpected revelation. "William, it wasn't Nicolas, and it wasn't a member of his gang either..." The grave tone in his voice denoted the seriousness of the situation.

William stared at his subordinate with an intensity that could make even the bravest tremble. His usually calm red eyes were now sparking with a mix of anger and suspicion. He clenched his fist tightly, a clear sign of his frustration and irritation.

"What?!" William's voice cut through the air with incontestable authority. "So you dared to interrupt my intimate moment because of some ordinary person?" His expression was a blend of indignation and menace, making it clear that he expected an immediate and satisfactory explanation.

The subordinate swallowed hard, feeling a chill run down his spine at his superior's reaction. Nonetheless, he composed himself, aware of the importance of his mission to report recent events.

"It all started about 2 hours ago," he began, his voice slightly trembling but determined. "I was in the mess hall when someone came and told me that there had been an invasion in the garden, which is in our territory, and that they had found guards unconscious. At first, I thought it was someone from Nicolas's gang, so I sent some goons to investigate. But none of them returned with a report."

He took a deep breath, gathering his courage before continuing. "So, I sent more, this time our best men. Again, none of them returned. When I went to check personally, I found bodies everywhere, all unconscious with marks of brutal blows. Whoever is in the garden is a complete monster."

William listened intently, his mind quickly processing the information received. His heart raced as he considered the possibilities, trying to find a logical explanation for the situation. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting his mind whirl in search of answers.

"No... This isn't right," he murmured to himself, shaking his head in denial. "Nicolas wouldn't be able to fight twenty people, and neither would I be able to do something like that." An idea began to form in his mind, a possibility that had seemed unlikely before but now seemed plausible. "Some soldier like him who was resting in his room got tired of waiting for the airship to reach the great magical schools' conference and decided to act and explore the airship we're on."

William found himself in a whirlwind of thoughts, his agile mind working frantically to assess the situation and formulate a plan of action. "Damn, this shouldn't be happening..." His frustration was palpable, knowing that facing such a formidable opponent could jeopardize all his carefully laid plans.

The possibility of facing another warrior, trained on the battlefield like him and Nicolas, brought with it a frightening threat. If this new adversary was truly at the level of an experienced warrior, all his efforts and strategies could be annihilated by the opponent's sheer brute force.

However, an idea began to form in his mind. An alliance with Nicolas might be the key to defeating this new enemy. But, would Nicolas be willing to cooperate? And more importantly, what was this new adversary's goal in invading the garden? Was he simply seeking refuge, and the massacre of William's goons was just a natural reaction to the threat?

While William is lost in his thoughts, Alice observes with interest. Her eyes sparkle with undeniable cunning, perceiving the intricacies of the situation. She recognizes the opportunity that arises with the presence of this new warrior and is willing to exploit it to the fullest.

"Oh? How interesting," she thinks to herself, a subtle smile playing on her lips. "How will you react to this new variable, William?" Alice knows her beauty is a powerful weapon, capable of seducing even the most powerful men. If William fails, perhaps the other Boy will desire her, so whether he wants it or not, she will maintain the status of the most prestigious and influential girl.

William, with a determined expression on his face, makes a quick and decisive decision. "Lucius, follow me!" He orders his subordinate, his voice resonating with authority. Without waiting for a response, he turns and begins to advance towards the door, leaving Alice behind in the room.

Alice watches William walk away, her gaze reflecting a mixture of disdain and curiosity. She then turns her attention to the leadership chair where William was seated just a few minutes before. With a graceful movement, she settles into the chair as if it were a princess's throne, adjusting her posture.

A sigh escapes Alice's lips as she settles into the chair. "Olivia Ortil, I need a foot massage," she declares serenely. Immediately, another door nearby opens, revealing a young woman with dark skin, green eyes, and short, straight red hair cascading down her back, a beauty of black skin.

The girl is dressed simply, with a scrap of cloth wrapping around her body as if her dress had been stolen. She kneels before Alice with a false reverence, her movements agile as she removes the princess's shoes and begins to skillfully massage her feet with both skill and a hint of resentment.

Alice watches Olivia with a penetrating gaze, her red eyes shining with intriguing brilliance. "Olivia, I like your dress," she comments casually, her voice soft and melodious. "The tailor who made it really has impressive skill."

Olivia, still massaging Alice's feet, feels a shiver run down her spine at the princess's voice, she forces a smile, knowing she wouldn't be foolish enough to tell the truth, that Alice is nothing but a noble-blooded harlot who sold herself for a bit of power and a thief who stole her dress and earrings.

She knows she must choose her words carefully, aware of the delicate power dynamics permeating the environment. With a forced smile, she responds carefully, "Thank you, mistress. I'm glad you truly liked it."

Alice sighs, lost in her thoughts as she watches Olivia work. "What do you think of this new warrior?" she asks, her voice laden with curiosity. "Do you think he can defeat William or Nicolas?"

Olivia, still focused on her task, takes a deep breath before responding. "I haven't seen him yet," she begins, her voice carefully neutral. "But like all boys, I think he will certainly use his strength for personal gain. It would be unusual if he didn't."

Olivia's response is measured and cautious, reflecting her understanding of the intricacies of human nature and the complexities of power relations within the airship. Alice listens attentively, absorbing her servant's words as she continues to contemplate what the future holds with the arrival of this mysterious new warrior.

A look of determination crosses her face as she decides on the next course of action. "Events are more interesting than when we found out the second-floor bathroom is being watched by a bloodthirsty ghost," she murmurs, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and intrigue. "I think perhaps we should follow them to see firsthand what is happening."

Olivia listens carefully to her mistress's words, agreeing with a respectful nod of her head. "Yes, as you wish, madam," she responds promptly, her voice calm and submissive.

With careful delicacy, Olivia slips Alice's once-her shoes onto her feet, a feeling of deep hatred surging in her heart, but it soon fades as she knows it's not yet time for revenge. She then rises and follows her mistress towards the door through which William had exited earlier.


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