
Magus in Marvel

Baldur Mikaelson has just completed his Magnum Opus and he prepares to open a portal to another world. What will await him on the other side? Will it even work? discord code: F9G9ub4NDr

Pineappl3 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 Part 2

Magus in Marvel

Chapter 2 Part 2

By: Pineappl3

Rushing out of my seat I made my way out of the classroom as quick as possible. Once outside in the packed hallways, I took in a deep breath. 'How have they managed to make learning boring? I didn't think it was possible. I now understand those forums.'

Whipping around I zeroed in on a white haired figure. 'It's her, the one with the faint aura of Fate Mana surrounding them.' Taking my chance during my ongoing lunch break, I waded through the sea of students till I arrived near the girl.

Noticing my shadow that now blocked the light, the girl turned around to face me. "Need something?" For a moment I studied her, and likewise she did the same. 'This world seems to have an overabundance of beautiful people.'

She wore faded blue jeans and a loose tee, her long platinum hair freely flowed down the sides of her face and perfectly framed her emerald green eyes.

"I'm Baldur. This may sound odd, but are you interested in learning magic?" Giving her the best smile I could, I waited for her response.

She laughed and waved her hands to indicate no. "Sorry, this is the strangest way someone has hit on me. Not interested in magic."

"No- that's not-" I tried to explain but she closed her locker and began to walk away.

"You can try a different pickup line next time you see me." With a wave she was gone.

"What just happened." I held my face in my hands and let out a large sigh. Feeling a pat on my back, I turned to look at the source. It was Johnny. With a hand covering his mouth, I could tell he was struggling to keep in laughter.

"First day and you try to nab one of the hottest freshmen. You got balls Bald, but no game whatsoever." I rolled my eyes at his statement and began to walk away.

'This is good, she didn't react to the word 'magic.' So she shouldn't have a master. I'm not sure if she is a prophet, but she does have faint amounts of fate mana surrounding her. While I'm unsure about her talent, she is destined to be more than ordinary. But how can I convince her? I need to learn more about her first. Maybe I should read that car salesman book.'

Pulling out my phone, I whispered to Athena. "Can you download that car salesman book onto my phone?" I fished out my earbuds from their pill container and stuffed them into my ears.

"Yes Father, would you like me to read it to you?"

"Sure. Only the important parts on how to sell a product." As Athena began to read to me the ways to sell a car, I found myself a place to skip class. Looking around, I found the janitor's closet to be the best.

By the time school was over I had finally found my quarry. Casting a quick spell to dim my presence, I followed the white haired girl as she left the school. 'I've studied the art of being a salesman. I should be able to do this. Who am I kidding? I'm a fucking Archmagus. If I can't convince someone to become my apprentice then I've really fallen.'


Felicia Hardy POV

As I made my way home from school I couldn't help but think about the cute guy who attempted to ask me out today. 'It was too bad his pickup line was terrible. He was kinda my type. He looked like a real bookworm. I probably ruined his confidence. What a shame.'

I shook my head and focused on other things. As I weaved my way through the alleys on my way home, I thought about my Dad. 'He keeps coming home late to prepare for his big heist. I hope he doesn't get caught, this will be his biggest theft yet.'

Snapped from my thoughts by the realisation I was suddenly surrounded, my expression fell. On all sides, I was flanked by large men wearing suits. The biggest one walked forward. "Tell us where your Dad is kid. The Kingpin is a patient man, but even he has his limits."

My eyes narrowed at the mention of my Dad's current employer and I began to fear for the worse. 'Oh no. Why do they want Dad?' The lead man stepped forward and snapped his fingers in my face.

"Are you listening to me you little shit? Tell us where your dad is. Or else." The man signaled to the rest, and they began to move in closer. Goosebumps covered my body head to toe and I couldn't help but shiver.

My words were stuck in my throat, my vision narrowed and my hearing dimmed. Before I realized it I was being helped up from the cold, dirty floor of the alley. Feeling something wash over me, I returned to a calm state and finally got a good look at my saviour.

"Y-your that guy from earlier." He nodded and helped me stand on my own. Looking around I saw the men who surrounded me all laid out on the ground. None of them moved.

"This is a perfect example of why you need to learn magic. It's a great method of self defense. I don't have the slightest clue why they attacked you, but you should take me up on my offer." The cute boy, who in this instance looked more like a man than those men who accosted me seconds ago, held his hand out towards me.

"So, I'll ask again. Are you interested in learning magic?"

My brain short-circuited while I tried to come up with a response and without even realizing it, I shook his hand. He gave me a bright smile and I thought about it. 'Cute and mysterious, let's just see where this goes.

"Hello? Are you listening?" The cute boy, Baldur, tried to get my attention and I finally gathered myself from my thoughts.

"Yes, sorry. Everything is going a million miles an hour." I looked down at the ground and unconsciously twirled my hair. "I'm Felicia by the way. Felicia Hardy. I don't think I got your name."

"I've already told you my name."

My cheeks went red and I remembered that he did in fact tell me his name.

"Well, no harm in telling you again. My name is Baldur Mikaelson. I'm an Archmagus of the Arcane Arts and from now on I will be your teacher and you, my apprentice. You may call me Teacher, Master, or Archmagus. I will teach you everyday after school, and all day Saturday."

He then took out his phone and spoke to it, "Athena, add the details and my contact to her phone." I raised an eyebrow at the last part, but I heard my phone ding and Baldur's phone responded.

"All ready done Father." The confused look on my face must have shown, since Baldur smirked at me.

"I hope you got all that. Anyways. Take this." Baldur took a step closer and handed me a key. "This will allow you to get in my house. It will also alert me if you are in trouble again. So don't lose it. See you tomorrow Felicia."

I blinked trying to take everything that had just happened in and before I knew it, Baldur had already left. Slipping the key he had given me into my pocket, I was extra careful on my way back home.

'Who gives out a key to their house like that? We aren't even dating. Wait he doesn't think we are an item from this does he? Stop thinking about stupid things Felicia! Focus. I hope Dad is alright.'