
Magus in an Apocalypse World

In the Recorded Year of 2050, Two and a Half Decades since the Start of the Apocalypse. The  Whole Human Civilization has been wiped off the World. Only Ruined Buildings that formed its former Glory. The Last Stronghold of Humanity fell to the Apocalypse, and the Last Humans in the Planet fought against the Apocalypse Alone. The ones that died first were lucky to have not seen the Current World. It was Horrifying... A man was fighting against the Undead from a High-rise Building Rooftop. He was cornered as he had nowhere to go. The Last Human City fell, and the only thing that was left for him was a Wasteland. His name was Arthur Ironhearth, The Last Human Survivor. He was surrounded by an Undead Horde that resembled a Sea of Bodies with no End. He didn't want to give up, but the future in front of him was a Cliff heading to Damnation.  He wanted to kill himself before the Undead eats his Body. He pointed his Rifle to himself, and as he was about to pull the Trigger. A Book from his Backpack shone in an Illuminating Bright Light. It was the Magus Book, The Random Book he found in a Store. It was abandoned, but it looked interesting, so he took it. Never did he thought that such a book would have power. The Bright Light illuminated the High-rise Building, and Arthur found himself closing his eyes in fear. The moment Arthur opened his Eyelids, He found himself in a Nostalgic Scene. In the Recorded Year of 2025, An Hour before the Apocalypse falls upon the World. A Third-Year Highschool Boy woke up from his nap with a shocked expression. He was Arthur Ironhearth, The Last Survivor that managed to Survive until the End. The Holder of the Magus Book. And the Future Magus in an Apocalypse World. [Be warned that the MC is Ruthless.]

OrdinaryHuman · Fantasy
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45 Chs

26-Arsenal Extraction Plan

Erika stood alone in the Broken Window, where Two Police Officers got executed. She was in silence as she thought about the words of Arthur. The World was Lawless. There was no Justice within it. Everyone was free to do anything without consequence. Assets were free to be stolen by anyone, and criminals can roam free without the shackles of Society. It was a World where the Weak gets eaten by the Strong. It was a Dangerous Time and Era to live in. Death would be something common to see for everyone. It was a Simple World where everything turned into an Oversimplification of the Former World. These were her Thoughts after hearing what Arthur said.

'Why am I thinking like this. Aren't I someone who stands beside Justice.?' Erika thought to herself while gritting her teeth. As a Person who stood beside Justice, Shouldn't she stopped people from killing each other? But she then remembered the words of Arthur towards Samuel. Where do you stand? Laws were a Social Creation that was useful for Humans as they would make them cooperate quietly without killing each other or causing each other harm. It was as simple as that. It wasn't something moral. It was just a simple paper to make people get along with each other without harming one another.

Each Human has their own Morals and Laws they personally Abide by. Such Rules would stop them from being Monsters who moves on their Beastly Desires. Society was made to scorn such things as it was one of the things that could stop Humans from cooperating with one another. In many Books and Comics, Some worked in the Government created by the People, while some turned into a vigilante and followed their own laws and morals. "What am I even thinking..." Erika shook her head as she walked back to the Supply Room. She remembered that they needed to take the Arsenal within the Police Station.

She walked back to the Supply Room as she calmed herself from such thoughts. She didn't want to think of such things as the Police Station was still full of Undead. While calmly walking in the Hallway, She noticed the Undead on the Groundfloor growling. They were former humans like her. They turned into a Mindless Beast that only eats humans as its goal. They turned into monsters that destroyed the World. Some were Children, Some were Men, and Some were Women. All of them turned into Undead.

Erika arrived at the Supply Room and noticed that the group had already begun talking about the plan. She walked towards Arthur and stood in front of him. She then slightly bowed and apologized. "I am sorry that I am Naive, but I will not abandon my Laws. My Personal Laws and Morals." Erika said with a hardened face. "It has been a long time since I met an Idiot like you. Do what you want... What I did was just a warning. It all depends on your choice." Arthur chuckled as he didn't know what to say.

"She really never changes." Samuel also smiled after hearing Erika's words. She wouldn't change even if the World fell. As expected of someone who truly sides with Justice... Arthur then spoke with a serious tone. "Now that all of us are gathered. It will be time for the Arsenal Extraction Plan to be created." Everyone within the Supply Room nodded. The Arsenal Extraction Plan was about taking the Military Grade Weapons within the Police Station.

"Samuel, Give us information about the Arsenal," Arthur said as Samuel nodded and replied. "The Arsenal is below the Police Station. The Arsenal got created to be something that would help the Police or Citizens to fight against any Hostile Enemies. Only the Police Chiefs know about this as we are directly connected to the Capital. It was one of our rights to have an Arsenal that can be used when things go south." Samuel began explanation why there was an Arsenal below the Police Station.

"It would have been hard from the Government to hide something like that from the Military," Arthur said as hiding an Arsenal below the Police Station should have been known by the Military. "Of course, it was hard. There was a reason why this Local Police Station got chosen as a holder of an Arsenal." Samuel chuckled and continued to explain the Arsenal.

"It has been a while, but the Weapons and Vehicles within the Arsenal should be enough to Rival a Small Military Organization," Samuel said while still chuckling like an Old Man. He stopped chuckling when he noticed the silence around him. Even Arthur was in silence as he understood what that meant. If they take the Arsenal in the Bottom, It was like ransacking a Small Military Outpost.

"Well, Isn't that a piece of good information? Uncle Samuel." Arthur said while having a smile on his face. "Fuck off with that Creepy Smile, Kid," Samuel said while smiling like Arthur. Erika, on the other hand, had thoughts about the two of them. Arthur was like a Young Man version of Samuel. Samuel must have realized how annoying he was at a young age. The two continued bickerings at each other until Lilith spoke. "We should continue creating our plan."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that..." Samuel apologized. "I Apologized for being Childlike." Arthur apologized, while Samuel hearing him, got pissed off. "Why the fuck are you trying to be a gentleman? Are you trying to chase my niece?" Samuel said as his voice echoed in the Supply Room. Arthur also got pissed off after hearing Samuel. "Motherfucker! Stop speaking slander!!"

"hahaha!!! Lilith, did you hear that? He called you slander!!!" Samuel continued laughing like a maniac while Arthur had nerves on his forehead. This bastard really knows when to strike. The only thing Arthur could do was silence him. He wanted to throw the Old Man off the Building, but before he could continue with that thought. Lilith looked at the two of them and spoke with a cold tone. "Let's go back to the Subject."

"We Apologized!!!" The two of them apologized at the same time. They needed to focus on creating a plan. Lilith was a bit pissed when she heard about Arthur's words. But she was also a bit happy at seeing him acting like that. Arthur was always acting like a Leader, and every choice he made was correct and better for the two of them. But as this relationship continued. The two of them being a partner wouldn't be possible. It would be a Relationship between a Subordinate and a Leader.

"As long as the two of you don't forget about the plan," Lilith said with a calm tone. Arthur decided to straighten his clothes and began talking about the Plan again. Erika, who was leaning on some wall, was smiling slightly. 'He is still a Kid...' She shook his head after seeing Arthur acting like that with Samuel. The Police Chief was really good at talking with people.

Samuel and Arthur began talking to each other seriously. They didn't have any ounce of carefree aura around them. They were talking like generals who were about to go to war. They planned on strategies and the variables that would come with the strategy. They argue about their ways of doing things and sometimes reach a good middle area for the two of them. These were the things the two of them were doing during an Hour.

Erika and Lilith were in silence as they listened to the Plan Arthur and Samuel were building together. They even began writing notes on a piece of paper to further the detail of the whole plan. Seconds pass by, and the two of them weren't even talking anymore. They were writing notes and sometimes spoke about something. They would then turned into radio silence after speaking once.

The Two Girls were sending gaze signals towards each other. They didn't know what to do about the guys planning as they couldn't hear a single word about the plan. The only thing that echoed within the Supply Room was the Pencil being shredded on Paper. The Two Girls wanted the Guys to stop as this would probably last until Nightfall.

Lilith sent a signal gaze towards Erika, and Erika nodded in agreement. Erika then silently walked towards the Two Serious Men. She stood in front of them and as she was about to stop them. The Two Men stood up and began stretching their bodies. Arthur spoke. "It was good talking to you, Uncle," Samuel replied. "That was a good tall, Young Man."

'Did these bastards even talk?' These were the thoughts within everyone except Samuel and Arthur's minds. Arthur then began talking about the plan as the others needed to know about it. "The two of us finally complete the Plan. It is simple... I'll give you a basic explanation." Arthur then began talking about Routes. There were many Routres they could take, but the most useful Route was the Internal Emergency Staircase. It was something that would only open in cased of emergencies. The Internal Emergency Staircase connects to the Underground Basement of the Police Station. That would mean that the group didn't need to fight the Horde.

The only problem they had was going out of the Underground Basement, but that problem got solved after finding out that there was a Military Grade Vehicle in the Arsenal. The Talk about the plans took minutes to explain. The Behaviors of the Undead and the ways they could use the Undead behaviors for their own use. Lilith and Erika were nodding as they began thinking about how the two manage to make this plan.

While talking about the plan, The Group got interrupted, and all of them looked at the Fat Police Officer. "Is there something you want?" Arthur asked as he was curious as to why the Fat Police interrupted them. The Fat Police lowered his head and spoke. "I'm sorry, but I cannot come with you." Erika was surprised and didn't know why the Fat Police didn't want to come with them.

The Fat Police then began thinking about what he thought during this entire time. "I won't be able to survive in this world. I am Weak-minded and not strong enough. I don't want to forget my Former Life to live through this World. I am tired, and I want to take a rest." The Fat Police explained with a Depressive tone. The Supply Room was in silence as they didn't know what to do about the Fat Police.

"Why would you want to die? What about your Wife and your Children?" Erika asked she didn't want the Fat Police Officer to kill himself. The Fat Police Officer shook his head and sighed. "My Wife and Daughter were supposed to bring my Lunch. I saw them walking on the Streets then the Apocalypse Struck. I tried finding them only to find them walking on the Streets with Monsters around them. They turned into one of those Man-eating Monsters. My family is already dead. I couldn't even protect them."

The Group was in silence after hearing more about the Fat Police Officer's family. It seemed that he was going through many things during the Apocalypse. They didn't even notice it as he rarely speaks about things. Arthur stopped talking and stood in front of the Fat Police. "Are you sure about your choice?" Arthur asked with a calm tone.

"Yes..." The Fat Police Officer said. He felt Arthur giving him something. He looked at it and found that it was a Handgun. Erika seeing what Arthur gave to him, wanted to stop Arthur, but before he could move. Samuel grabbed her arms and shook his face. Erika couldn't help but turned around and left the Supply Room.

"It is time for us to leave... Let us begin the Arsenal Extraction Plan." Arthur said as all of them left the Supply Room. They were currently heading towards the Area where the Emergency Staircase was in. They walked through the Hallway and while walking through the Hallway. A Thunderous Sound echoed. *BANG!!!* Some Humans gave up their Life to stop their Suffering. It was something Arthur would always see in this Kind of World.