
Magus in an Apocalypse World

In the Recorded Year of 2050, Two and a Half Decades since the Start of the Apocalypse. The  Whole Human Civilization has been wiped off the World. Only Ruined Buildings that formed its former Glory. The Last Stronghold of Humanity fell to the Apocalypse, and the Last Humans in the Planet fought against the Apocalypse Alone. The ones that died first were lucky to have not seen the Current World. It was Horrifying... A man was fighting against the Undead from a High-rise Building Rooftop. He was cornered as he had nowhere to go. The Last Human City fell, and the only thing that was left for him was a Wasteland. His name was Arthur Ironhearth, The Last Human Survivor. He was surrounded by an Undead Horde that resembled a Sea of Bodies with no End. He didn't want to give up, but the future in front of him was a Cliff heading to Damnation.  He wanted to kill himself before the Undead eats his Body. He pointed his Rifle to himself, and as he was about to pull the Trigger. A Book from his Backpack shone in an Illuminating Bright Light. It was the Magus Book, The Random Book he found in a Store. It was abandoned, but it looked interesting, so he took it. Never did he thought that such a book would have power. The Bright Light illuminated the High-rise Building, and Arthur found himself closing his eyes in fear. The moment Arthur opened his Eyelids, He found himself in a Nostalgic Scene. In the Recorded Year of 2025, An Hour before the Apocalypse falls upon the World. A Third-Year Highschool Boy woke up from his nap with a shocked expression. He was Arthur Ironhearth, The Last Survivor that managed to Survive until the End. The Holder of the Magus Book. And the Future Magus in an Apocalypse World. [Be warned that the MC is Ruthless.]

OrdinaryHuman · Fantasy
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45 Chs

14-Escape Plan

"Anyway, It is time for us to leave the school," Stella said towards Arthur and Lilith. The two of them nodded in understanding. It was time for them to leave the School as there was no reason to stay in this place. It would be a good plan to head towards a Place with the least population. They would deal with Lower Undead which means Lower Danger. It was an Obvious Fact, and Stella already had such a Plan in mind. The only thing she needed to do was to ask the students an important question. She looked at all of them with a serious expression and asked.

"Before we leave the School. Do you have any Family Members?" It was a Clear Important Question for all of them. Stella asked them with a calm but cold tone. She wanted to know everything about the Family Members of her Students. The Students were in silence as they quickly remembered their Family. With the chaos and anarchy spreading upon the World, They didn't know if their Family was walking as a Human or walking as Undead. Arthur stepped up and answered Stella's Question.

"I have a Sister in the Region Unom, which is in the Northern Borders of this Region. The Two of Us won't follow you as we have plans on our own. We only want to have a Ride before leaving in the Suburbs." Arthur answered with his calm voice. Stella, hearing Arthur's answer, nodded and had numerous thoughts within her mind. Arthur and Lilith were great teammates, but she couldn't force them to stay with her group. The only thing they could do was give Arthur and Lilith what they wanted.

"What about you, Lilith?" Stella looked at Lilith with the same question. She wondered if Lilith would try finding her own family. "My family is okay. I trust them, and they are a bit skillful than me." Lilith answered with a carefree tone. Arthur also didn't have any problem, but he wanted to be sure. He wanted to meet her family as he didn't hear anything about them in his Past life. Stella nodded and began asking questions towards the Remaining Students within the Group.

After a while of talking, She had a Route in mind where the Students could meet their Families. The only ones not included in the route were both Arthur and Lilith. She planned to head south in the Wilderness. They would have to gather supplies and weapons on the way. There would also be a possibility of enemy humans. Why would she have to be born in this Era? Stella shook her head and spoke.

"Thanks for being honest with me. I already have a Route in Mind that would help us meet your Family Members. The only thing we have to do is pray for your Family Members and a Safe Travel." Stella said towards the Students as a smile slowly formed on their faces. After talking to them about their Family Members, She walked towards Arthur and Lilith. She stood in front of them and spoke about the current situation.

"I'm sorry, but all of us are heading south." Stella apologized to the Two Students. Arthur shook his head and spoke. "No need to Apologized, Teacher. Being dropped in the Suburbs is enough for the two of us." Lilith nodded after hearing Arthur's words. Stella sighed as she smiles towards the two of them. "Then we should begin leaving the school now. It is time for a Reminder about our Plan."

Arthur, Lilith, Stella, and the Other Group gathered in one place. Stella took out a Map of the Parking Lot and the Ground Floor. Stella already draws a Way for all of them to pass through without any problems. She already checked all of them and found that it was clear of Undead or it had Lesser Undead. As she placed the Maps on the floor, Stella began speaking about the Plan.

"The First Thing we need to do is to secure a Route which is already completed. The Second Thing we need to do is an Escape Vehicle which is already here." Stella took out the Keys of the Schoolbus. It was a Better Vehicles that could fit all of them without any problems. "The Third Thing we need to do is clear the Undead in the Route of our Escape. The Fourth Thing we need to do is to protect the ones that carry the supplies. And the Last Thing we need to do is escape the School."

It was a simple plan. All of the students could easily understand it. But such a plan was easier said than done. Many variables could sabotage the Operation. It would probably result in some of them getting killed. Arthur, Lilith, and some of the Students knew of this. Stella already noticed their worries and smirked. She then spoke with a serious tone to clear their doubts.

"The Undead are Lesser than other Routes. The Escape Route doesn't have any Variables such as Locked Doors. The Escape Vehicle is already fueled as I did my research in the records. The Ones that carry the Supplies would have to trust their teammates. The Gates is not that strong to stopped a Full Accelerated Bus. And trust me." Stella said many things that made Arthur and Lilith smile. Arthur thought that Stella would be a good teammate, but it was unfortunate that she was a teacher with responsibilities in mind.

"Well, Isn't this a good plan you have, Teacher? I think... We should go with this plan." Arthur said as he stood up from his spot. Lilith nodded in agreement as the remaining students cleared their doubts. The Plan got hammered like a nail. It was time for them to execute the plan and escape the School. They then began walking through the hallway of the third floor and found the Stairway.

Arthur and Lilith were the first students that were in the scouting position. They were strong, fast, and stealthy. Four Students were carrying the supplies while Two Students and One Teacher protect them from incoming Undead that passed through Arthur and Lilith. They quietly climbed down the Floor with silent footsteps. They were the last survivors within the School. It was surprising how they survive this far. They didn't let their fear take control of them and stayed positive.

"Lilith, Check the Second Floor while I Check the Ground Floor," Arthur ordered as Lilith nodded in agreement. She walked through Arthur and began exploring the Second Floor silently. One Undead could sabotage their plan, so they needed to be silent and careful. Lilith looked around the Second Floor and found some Undead roaming around. She walked towards them and beheaded them silently.

Arthur was a bit happy at seeing a good operation doing a good job. He continued climbing down the Staircase. The Current Staircase they were climbing down on was different from the Staircase near the Cafeteria. The Current Staircase was near the Main Hall, and it was also near the Parking Lot. This was the reason why they walked into this place. Arthur climbed down and reached the Ground Floor. He could see much Undead roaming around the Ground Floor.

He signaled the Students behind him to stop moving. They stopped moving and were holding their breath. Arthur already took out most of the Undead in the Main Hall to the school ground, but it seemed that some of them stayed behind. They were also quite a lot in number. It was problematic for Arthur as it would hinder a lot of things. There was also Undead in the Parking Lot, which would slow the escape.

"Is there something wrong?" Stella whispered onto Arthur's ears. He nodded and pointed his finger towards the roaming undead. Seeing the Undead, Stella furrowed her eyebrows. "Should we forced our way through?" Stella asked as she was curious about what Arthur had in mind. Arthur looked at Stella and nodded. Lilith then arrived and noticed the tense atmosphere. She then saw the Roaming Undead in the Distance.

"Arthur and I should be the Vanguard and kill the Undead roaming around the area. You should protect the ones carrying the supplies." Lilith gave a suggestion. Arthur and Lilith would be the Vanguard. The two of them had no trouble escaping, but they needed to escape with the Group behind them alive. Stella wanted to decline, but Arthur spoke. "We should go with what Lilith said."

Stella sighed and nodded in agreement. They had no time to argue with each other. Arthur and Lilith already gave the Offer. Stella then began giving the remaining Students about the Change of Plans. The Stealth Plan got compromised, and they will be charging towards the School Bus. The Students were feeling anxious. Arthur gave three numbers on his hand. It slowly got lower and lower until the Three Numbers turned into Zero.

The Charge began as Arthur and Lilith came first. He held his Baseball Bat tightly and bashed the nearest Undead Head. The two of them began the attack with everything they had. Lilith beheaded every Undead near her and left corpses of Beheaded Undead. The two of them managed to reach the door and kicked it opened. The Undead around them was Dead in the Head, and the Group of Students followed them.

Arriving at the Parking Lot, Arthur looked around and noticed the Undead heading towards the two of them. "Lilith, Terminate all of them and clear the Path," Arthur ordered while charging towards the Right. Lilith nodded and charges towards the Left. They were stronger than before after consuming the Crystalized Cores. It was unfortunate they couldn't take the Cores within the Undead, but the Cores they had was enough.

Terminating the Undead in the Parking Lot took a lot of time. The Group of Students were in shock after seeing corpses of Undead everywhere. They ran towards the School Bus. Stella opened the Door, and the Students went on the School Bus. The Undead around the School Bus got handled by Arthur and Lilith. Arthur and Lilith were currently at the Edge of the Parking Lot. The Undead in the School Ground turned their Attention towards the two of them.

"Lilith, retreat," Arthur ordered while bashing the Undead's Brain that was near him. Lilith nodded and began running back to the School Bus. Stella already placed the keys and activated the ignition. The Sound of the Engine echoed within the Silent Parking Lot, which gained more Attention from the Undead outside and inside the School. The Fences in the School Ground got broken down by the Undead Horde, and it was time for Arthur to retreat.

"Tsk... I need to escape." Arthur said while running back to the School Bus. The Undead were passing through the Broken Fences. They needed to escape before they get surrounded by the Undead Horde. He ran as he held his Bloodied Baseball Bat tightly. Lilith already arrived at the School Bus and looked at Arthur that got chased by Thousands of Undeads. It was not something comparable to a Hundred Undead.

Arthur ran towards the School Bus while his beating Heart echoed all over his body. He was near the School Bus, but before he could reach it. Something managed to grabbed his Legs. He looked down and saw a Tongue-Looking Flesh. Arthur looked back and saw the Undead that owns the Tongue-Looking Flesh. He was surprised at what he saw. It was impossible for something like that to exist this early.

"RUN!!! RUN!!! NOW!!!" Arthur shouted as he swung his Baseball Bat towards the Tongue-Looking Flesh that got him. Arthur stared at Stella, who looked at him with a worried gaze. "Get them out!!!" Arthur shouted as the Doors of the School Bus closed. The Engined Roared and the School Bus began its escape. Seeing the Schoo Bus escaping, Arthur sighed in relief.

"A Stage-1 Undead... Never did I thought that I would meet an Undead like this Early in the Apocalypse." Arthur sighed as he stood up from the Ground. He looked at the Thousands of Undead charging towards him. He couldn't help but feel the nostalgic feeling from his Old Life. It was not a good feeling for Arthur. "It seemed that I'm alone once again."

"Oi... You forgot about your Partner." Arthur could hear a Soft Voice behind him.