
Vigilante vs. Mercenary

Magnus and Kade rush towards each other.

The fight begins.

Kade is a highly trained mercenary in his own right, having being part of the Australian Army and the Australian Special Forces before being dishonorably discharge for disobeying orders. Kade felt that the life of a military personnel restricted him tremendously, and longed to be free and take control of his destiny, so he fled the country and became a mercenary, traveling around the world, learning his so called craft from the most dangerous terrorists the world had ever seen. He then returned to Australia seeking to make a name for himself, wanting the country that held him back to know who really is superior.

He started his own mercenary group, recruited those who he saw were lost souls, looking to break free from the shackles of the system. The group was responsible for many terrorist attacks and various crimes around the country over the last two years, ranging from mass murders, bombings, high-profile kidnappings, extortion and theft. They let themselves run wild and free believing they were finally the people they were meant to be.

The Benefactor obviously saw them as a valuable asset to have. She obviously saw fit to provide them with limitless funds, weapons and equipment.

The fight kicks off with various punches and kicks being thrown by both combatants, with most hits being block and some connecting. Kade has tremendous speed given his small built stature and height, which proves a challenge for Magnus to get an edge.

Kade quick-draws a knife at Magnus at lightning speed, followed by three more. Magnus deflects them with ease.

But Kade spins for a second and throws another knife with more force.

This knife penetrates Magnus between the shoulder and pectoral muscle.

"Yes!" Kade proclaims proudly, "How does it feel Magnus? This is only the beginning of my comeback and where I finally get even!"

Magnus pulls the knife out and throws it on the ground with anger. He then rushes at Kade.

"Don't you ever shut up?"

He throws more punches and kicks, but Kade expertly blocks and evades them.

In his two years as a vigilante, Max Kade has been the only one to really go toe to toe with Magnus' special abilities,and with that, Magnus begins to be frustrated. No one ever fought this good with Magnus ever, besides his own father of course.

"This is the greatest fight of my life!" Kade shouts with joy. Clearly, Kade is enjoying himself, being full of life like a child opening his presents on Christmas Day.

Kade throws a spinning elbow. Unfortunately, his attention was on his boasting.

Magnus delivers a blow to Kade's stomach, a forearm to his chest, a hook to his side, a double round kick sequence to his leg and head, followed by a spinning back kick to Kade's stomach, sending Kade to the floor.

Kade slowly gets up, spitting out blood. The hits to the stomach and head did a real number, though Magnus is seriously holding his strength back. Though Magnus is tempted to let all hell loose.

"Good! Good!" shouts Kade, "Who needs sex when you have a good fight on your hands!"

"Clearly you never had sex in your life!" Magnus shouts a sarcastic remark,

Kade rushes at Magnus with another knife in hand. He goes for a thrust. Magnus rolls out of the way.

Kade turns to face Magnus, only to be met with 10 lightning fast punches impacting the shoulder points, stomach and sternum, before being sent to the floor with a massive forearm to the face.

Clearly Magnus is feeling the exhaustion, but continues to push on. Ariel's life and safety is on the line.

"Give it up!" Magnus shouts, "You're finished!"

"Oh no!" Kade proudly remarks, "You don't think I have a plan B?"

"You mean the men you have around the Piazza?" Magnus replies proudly,

Kade looks around, only to spot Dallas dispatching the last of Kade's men.

"Nice pants Kade! Do they come in men's?" Dallas jokes.

"Seriously Max!" Magnus sarcastically says, "You haven't changed your tactics in two years? Let alone your fashion sense?"

"No! NO!" Kade is now in an angered state. He's moments away from his first embarrassing defeat in battle since losing to Omega Magnus two years ago. "I am the greatest mercenary this country has ever seen! Who are you to defy me! This country is mine! It's my right!"

"The only right you have is your head up your ass!" Magnus is quick with his sarcastic remarks.

"YOU!" Kade turns to Magnus to rush him.

All he feels is a cable piercing his shoulder.

Magnus fired a cable from his left gauntlet at Kade.

He pulls Kade towards him, catches him with his right hand, and with one arm, throws Kade over his head and slams him on the ground with force.

"Exit stage, Down!" Magnus with the final remark to end the fight.

Magnus takes a moment to catch his breath, and proceeds to run to Ariel and the mayor to untie them. He unties the mayor first.

"Thank you!" Mayor Damian is extremely grateful, "I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come."

"You're safe now Mr. Lord Mayor." Magnus reassures.

Magnus then proceeds to untie Ariel.

He is met afterwards with a warm embracing hug.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Ariel is in tears and is in a serious thanking mood, "Thank you so much! I thought I was going to die!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Magnus reassures, "You're okay now, that's what matters."

As the embrace continues, Dallas walks up to the pair after tying up Kade.

"Get a room you two!" Dallas jokes.

"Shut up!" Magnus shouts. "Anyway, thanks for dealing with the ambush."

"No problem." Dallas says, "You'll be happy to know we've located the commissioner and the sergeant. They're in the Function Room at the Reservoir on Queen Street."

"Alright, we'll head there now." Magnus says as Dallas turns to head to his assault bike.

"What's this with the Commissioner?" the Lord Mayor asks. Magnus turns to the Lord Mayor.

"She's the Benefactor." Magnus tells Mayor Damian the truth. "I found a ledger in her office containing records of payments, equipment distributions, job details and tributes in relation to the majority of crimes being committed in the last five years."

"No! This can't be!" The Lord Mayor is in shock, "I trusted her! To think this crime wave that has been going for so long... is because of her!"

"She won't get away." Magnus proclaims, "She will face justice. Her and Sergeant Carter, he's basically her stooge."

The Lord Mayor extends his right hand to Magnus, "Thank you." the Lord Mayor says gratefully, "You are a hero to this city and its people."

Magnus accepts the handshake. "I'm not looking for praise. I just want some peace and quiet for once." Magnus manages to get some sarcasm out.

"Don't we all?" Mayor Damian smiles and lets out a small giggle as he notices a few police cars pulling up to the Piazza. "I'll head over to the Police Precinct and inform everyone what's going on." The Lord Mayor runs off towards the police officers

Magnus turns to Ariel. "You'll be safe here now. The police will take you where you need to go."

After saying that remark, Ariel steps forward, pulls Magnus towards her and kisses Magnus' lips.

Dallas looks on with wide open eyes, shocked from what Ariel is doing.

Ariel then pulls her lips away after a few seconds, which felt more like an eternity to Magnus.

"Well... Umm..." This is an absolute first for Magnus, "You're welcome."

"Go get em Magnus!" Ariel cheers on as Magnus runs and hops on his assault bike.

Magnus and Dallas ride towards the Reservoir.

"How was the kiss?" Dallas asks with a smile,

"Tastes like strawberries, now shut up!" Magnus shouts whilst blushing.