
Magneto of Hyuga

[Byakugan] + [Electromagnetic Force] + [Bow and Arrow] + [Science] Starting as a Hyuga and awakening the electromagnetic force! What kind of changes will occur when the sun is paired with electromagnetic force? Hyuga Satoru said, what is Gentle Fist? You haven’t even learn it! Aren’t electromagnetic guns fragrant? What? Hyuga doesn’t have a ranged attack? My bow and arrow are paired with the electromagnetic force, within the range of byakugan, where to shoot, the magnetic storm is here! What? Can’t Hyuga drive Gundam? Hyuga Satoru snapped his fingers. Electromagnetic force, move! Completely in the middle of Susano’s body, Madara Uchiha looked up at the metal Gundam hundreds of meters high in front of him and fell into contemplation. 2 to 4 chapters per day. My first language isn't english so please bear with me, I'm doing my best. I'm translating this with Chat GPT, then I edit the chapters, mainly the names and things that doesn't makes sense. Raw link : https://m-xpiaotian-com.translate.goog/book/416523/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=in&_x_tr_hl=id I'm translating two others chinese fanfics, so go check them out if you have nothing else to read : My Pokemon Trainer Simulator, In Kuroko no Basket as Shōgo Haizaki

Ethanma · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Beauty Secret

"Go, consider it again! Won't you really tell me your beauty secret?"

Satoru was helplessly covering his face, while next to him, Anko held onto his arm, constantly acting cute, asking him to share the beauty secret.

"I've already said it many times, I really don't have any beauty secrets."

He was speechless, just repeating the same words that had been repeated many times before.

Is the temptation of fairness so great for girls? Since he came over this morning, Anko has been pestering him for two classes already; no matter how he explains, she just won't believe him.

"How could you not have any beauty secrets? It's only been a few days of vacation, and you've become so much fairer, it's like you've become a different person."

Anko's tone exuded jealousy, with a hint of gritted teeth, as if she wanted to devour Satoru alive.

Ah! The boredom of women's jealousy!

Satoru helplessly shook his head.

Satoru inwardly thought that after upgrading and modifying his body with electromagnetic power, he did become more handsome, but why did it come with the side effect of fairer skin?

Since he came today, he had already heard many people whisper that he looked like a pretty boy. Perhaps because he has been getting closer to Rin, even her reputation seems to have changed.

Satoru glanced at Anko, and decisively shattered her illusion, "I'm telling you, you should stop thinking about whitening."

Anko: ??? What does this have to do with Magnet Release?

What does this Magnet Release have to do with whitening?

Just then, Daiki walked in with textbooks in his hand, and Anko had to give up on asking for more.

The class covered the theoretical knowledge of the Clone Jutsu, which was not very useful for Satoru, but it was the only way for other students from non-noble families to gain knowledge.

Due to the influence of the life magnetic field, even though he stayed up late for cultivation last night, Satoru didn't feel too tired. He remained energetic.

Bored, he earnestly flipped through the textbook.

Daiki shed tears when he saw this scene. Finally, my class has become attractive! You finally stopped sleeping during class.

Daiki couldn't remember how long it had been since Satoru last stayed awake in class. He felt deeply moved by this change.

After school, Satoru, Rin, and Anko agreed to go to Ichiraku Ramen together. During this period, Rin and Satoru spent a lot of time together, and as a result, they also became more familiar with Anko.

At this time, Ichiraku Ramen's master, who hand-pulled the noodles, was still quite young. His daughter, Akame, was only a few years older than Satoru. She wore all white clothes and was busy shuttling back and forth in the kitchen.

Rin casually found a seat and raised an eyebrow, saying plainly, "I'll treat."

As soon as she finished speaking, Anko hesitated and said, "Um, Rin-kun, we should pay for ourselves."

After all, they hadn't known each other for too long, and it was the first time they had dinner together. Anko was a bit hesitant about letting someone else treat them.

"Anko, since she wants to treat, let her. Rin isn't short of money."

Satoru immediately came to mediate; he understood Rin very well. She had money, but she also had pride.

"Then... thank you, Rin."

Since it had come to this, Anko naturally wouldn't continue to insist. She smiled at Rin. She never expected Rin, who usually seemed quite aloof in class, to be such a warm person. She thought this in her heart.

Rin nodded in response.

Soon, the ramen master brought several bowls of ramen and placed them on the table, smiling at the three of them.

"Enjoy your meal."

"Thank you."

Rin ordered a bowl of clear-broth ramen. She didn't like heavy-flavored food. If it weren't for Satoru suggesting it, she wouldn't have come to eat ramen at all.

She took small bites of the noodles, chewed them carefully, and then sipped the clear broth. The delicious taste flowed in her mouth.

Rin closed her eyes slightly, silently praising, "It's much better than I imagined."

She looked at Anko's bowl. Anko ordered a bowl of pork-bone ramen, which looked quite tempting. She used chopsticks to pick up small pieces of noodles and slowly put them into her mouth, savoring the delicious flavor while maintaining a ladylike demeanor.

Rin secretly nodded, her good impression of Anko increased a bit.

She then looked at Satoru's bowl. Instantly, her eyelids twitched.

She saw that Satoru was voraciously devouring the ramen. Instead of using chopsticks, he twisted the noodles into a large ball and then gulped them down in one mouthful. Next to him, a tall stack of empty bowls was piling up.

One... two... five... seven...

The number was still increasing.

"Boss, one more bowl!"

With the noodle strands at the corners of his mouth, Satoru raised his hand and yelled incoherently.

Anko also stopped eating, staring at the scene in a daze. The high stack of empty bowls looked like a monument, recording the fierce "battle."

"Satoru... are all members of the Hyuga clan such big eaters?" Anko asked stutteringly.

"It's about the same." Satoru thought for a moment, and swallowed the noodles in his mouth. "Because Hyuga clan members need to support their Byakugan, their appetite is much larger than others."

"But this is too exaggerated..." Anko didn't know how to respond.

There was another reason that Satoru didn't mention. The vigorous life magnetic field in his body constantly stimulated his activities, which also increased his energy consumption and appetite.

With these two reasons combined, as soon as he finished one bowl of ramen, it was as if a hungry beast in his body was awakened, roaring wildly.

Rin couldn't help but feel a headache. She roughly estimated the money she had on her; she might be in trouble. Although she wasn't short of money, it didn't mean she would carry a large amount of money with her at all times. Who could have expected Satoru to eat so much...

"You idiot..."

Looking at Satoru, who was still devouring the ramen, Rin gritted her teeth.


"Welcome to come again!"

The ramen master and Akame bowed deeply to the three of them, wearing cheerful smiles on their faces.

What a generous customer! Just with the three of them, their consumption was already equivalent to a whole day's income. Especially that boy, he really loved ramen!

Having such customers was an honor, and the ramen master was happily thinking so.

Rin's face looked quite unpleasant, she was gnashing her teeth as she stared at Satoru, who was walking ahead with a big belly and a satisfied burp.

Too close! She thought.

Fortunately, she had brought a bit more money today; otherwise, it would have been a big embarrassment!

After thinking for a while, Rin was still furious, and she stepped forward, ready to give Satoru a good scolding. But just as she reached out to grab his arm, he unexpectedly turned around, his face serious as he looked at her.


Rin had never seen Satoru so serious before, and she was instantly stunned.

Following Satoru's gaze, she saw a small shop where several customers were whispering to each other with disgusted expressions on their faces.

"Hey, have you heard? Sakumo abandoned the mission, causing huge losses to the village."

"Yes, I heard it was because of a comrade."

"Hmph! Abandoning such an important mission for a comrade, I used to think he was the hero of the village!"

"That's right!"



Rin was taken aback. Wasn't that Kakashi's father?