
Shrinking, NO!!! its Reincarnating

After don't know how much time passed Xue Xin opened his eye. seeing an unfamiliar ceiling in his sight, he immediately rose up from his sleep. as he observed the room, it was big enough room with a good ventilation there is a wooden table at the side of the bed he currently sat on. Xue Xin wondering what happen to him, his memory a little bit fuzzy after he saw the blinding light from the pearl before.

'But where someone still using this kind of material to build a house' he thought, as he remembers the residence around him is made from material from the current time where the wall is like a glass that can change color so they can enjoy the scenery outside by setting it on invisible. there are only some of these ancient built houses at aristocrat family or already became an object for learning in the historical park.

"Wha!...my hand is small, my body too" exclaimed Xue Xin as he examined his body was shrinking to that of a young boy.

'Well just leave it' he immediately composed himself, he didn't think of it too much. once in the past he saw an entire village population became old after all and become younger is some kind of advantage he can get too rather than became older than he already was.


"Are you okay?" waking up from his stupor was an old man entering the room and asking him after seeing Xue Xin already wake up and sitting in the bed.

"I'm okay" Xue Xin answered after dazed for a bit as he still thinking about his current condition.

"Good then" the old man said while smile before asking "What is your name boy? my name Tang Wei, people in this city call me Grandpa Wei you can also call me that"

"My name is Xue Xin" answer Xue Xin smile wryly, it feels strange for someone of his age called boy. but he can't complain about anything as his looks currently that of a boy.

"Why I'm here Grandpa Wei?" he can only call him accordingly so that he didn't arouse suspicion. Xue Xin didn't want something that can lead to him getting younger found out, after all something like getting younger will hit a major news like when that incident in the village happens.

"You don't remember? I found you drowning in the river on the way to White Jade City" said Grandpa Wei.

"Drowning? White Jade City?" Xue Xin puzzled, does he blasted or teleported away from his home that far. besides where is this white jade city, he didn't remember there is any city named white jade.


Xue Xin screaming as he clutching his head with both his hand. his head hurt so bad that he almost fainted, there are many memories flowing to his head.

"What happen ?!" Grandpa Wei panicked seeing Xue Xin abruptly screaming and held his head.

after several minutes passed the pain in Xue Xin head receded.

"I'm fine" beckoning Grandpa Wei to calm himself.

"Are you really alright?" Grandpa Wei asked doubtfully. as he saw Xue Xin drenched in sweat probably from holding pain.

"It's really fine, I know my condition well. I'm just a bit tired and that makes my head hurt a lot" answer Xue Xin giving wide smile assuring Grandpa Wei he's okay "Maybe my head hit some rock to hard when washed by the river, but it really alright now " continue Xue Xin seeing Grandpa Wei still giving him that doubt look.

"Rest again then" nod Grandpa Wei believing his word. he left the room after saying that.

Xue Xin nodded at Grandpa Wei when he looks back after reaching the door.

After the door closed Xue Xin lying down again recalling the memory that had just entered his mind.

From the memory he just got, Xue Xin realizes now that his body was not shrinking or getting younger. This body was entirely not his body in the first place. Looks like he was experiencing something like reincarnating to a new body after his body is shattered, he remembers that after his body shattered. His soul is pulled away to a crack of dimension by those pearls.

This body previous owner already dead when his soul entering the body. the boy has the same name as him, Xue Xin.

He was an arrogant bastard that drowned in praise. moreover, his will was very weak just after getting a setback and his attitude became worse. at age 4 he is famous as someone that can already cultivate earlier, wherein normal case someone starts cultivating at age 6. his cultivation also rises faster than most people at age 9 he already reaches body tempering stage 9 and ready to breakthrough reaching origin realm. everyone praising him a lot at this period of time, but when he is undergoing his spiritual awakening ceremony upon reaching origin realm, the soul spirit that he awaken was only soul spirit grade 10.

Soul spirit ranked from grade 1 to grade 10, with grade 10 is the lowest grade. each soul spirit graded based on their soul spirit trait to evolve. beside that, it was also graded as for how far the spirits ability to enhance its users.

For Xue Xin soul spirit that he awaken was only a black rod everyone know on one look that it only has a slim chance to none for evolving as anyone that gets a black rod to have the same fate. its ability is also minimal to enhance it users battle prowess because it can only be considered as a normal weapon. weapon bought from the store much better than black rod he got.

After that day he is often flaunting his status everywhere, bullying commoner and anyone he sees weaker than him, his body already reach origin realm and stronger than most people.

His behavior even makes the family member that originally still care and feel pity start loathing and look down on him. his cultivation resource also stopped as he never cultivates again since the ceremony.

As for how Xin boy was drowning Xue Xin know from the memory that this boy was drunk and when he is going back home he is tripped when crossing the bridge. from there Xin boy fell into the river moreover his head hit so hard to a rock. with his drunken state, he can't muster up any energy to defend his head and he lost his conscious there.

No wonder when Xue Xin wake up before his head feels a bit painful.