
magical world with system

macsyer · Fantasy
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2 Chs


I was excited when I woke up I rushed down the stairs to the bathroom I couldn't contain my excitement well that could be only said for me though.

every human child awakens an ability at the age of 15 but it wasn't necessary a good thing

infact most people consider it a curse, because at the age of 15, system abilities decides your life from that moment, people die when they are not compatible with their system or get poisoned by harmful system

and most dangerous system which influence the user sense of humanity are called disabled or hybrid, system power which deals with pretty much anything about the mind or

mutation tends to have this system these system user are referred as nefarious system user.

System user are divided into four categories which are nefarious systems user(evil or dark system user),aurora system user which comprises of 70% of all system user,primordial systems user which are blessed by nature which influence their power allowing them to wield elemental ability, and the last system which are called deviant system user and they are the rarest system user, they are given abilities which are able to rival even the gods they are mostly known as irregular.

Despite knowing this fact about systems I was still excited and wasn't nervous.

"CHARLES! CHARLES!" I heard my mom screaming my name, mom I'm almost done I shouted then went to the dining room.

My family could be considered a typical normal family we do not serve directly under any of the five major factions, my mom owns a jewelry shop which sells crystal, magical ornaments and jewelries, my mom is a beautiful woman with silver hair and blue eyes she is also very caring,my younger sister sera who is 13 year old with silver hair and blue eyes, can be considered quite pretty and cute, I don't know about my dad that much, my mom said he suddenly disappeared when I was 3 years I only knew him from the family picture I saw,and I resembled him a lot, we had the same brown hair colour except I took my mother blue eyes and I'm also considered tall and handsome among My peers.

I started eating my food at an extremely fast rate.

"charles the awakening is starting 9AM you don't need to rush just calm down beside aren't you a bit nervous about it." My mum said as she was eating.

" I know" I told my mom