
night fall

I was just about to fall asleep when boom something in the distance so i knew i had to go check it out so i got up out of bed and used my teleportation powers which only work half the time to get out of my house and check it out. When i got over there i found out it was a magic exploding mushroom. "that's boring" i said i was hoping for more. So i teleport'ed back to my room, and i went to bed. I woke up to the most strangest sound and i thought what the hell could that be. Turns out it was my cat she was playing with my wand and was making a lot of ruckus. After that i just couldn't get any sleep well i didn't brush my teeth i guess i should go do that. After i was done brushing my teeth i tried to fall asleep again but i couldn't "well i guess i will be tired for school tomorrow". I finally fell asleep.