
Magical stone Seven.

Summary of the novel "Seven Magic Stones": The novel is about a young hero who decides to search for the legendaryknown as the "Seven Magic Stones," whichpossesses unparalleled power. However, the evil forces of legend have taken control of this神秘and used it to manipulate many people. The young hero's mission is to find the Seven Magic Stones and save the world from the clutches of evil.

hennsy_JK · Eastern
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25 Chs

Chapter 21 A generation of genius

The strong toxicity contained in the stone caused the Death God's expression to change, and a bloody barrier appeared on his body. The bloody barrier is his defensive move. This barrier can protect his life. This stone was transformed by the blood of the God of Death. The God of Death turned around and saw two men wearing armor and carrying swords at their waists standing in front of him. These two people are more than three meters tall. Strong body. Death frowned. He did not expect that Qin Tian and the others would catch up here so quickly. These people should not be from the Qin family, otherwise, they would not have such powerful power. "The God of Death!" Qin Tian's voice came from outside the valley: "You escaped here, and you are destined to die!" "Qin Long!" The voice of the God of Death resounded through the sky, and he snorted coldly: "You think I'm just like this?" Is it easy to die? You want to kill me, it's just a dream! Although I, the God of Death, am not a peerless master, I am not someone you can kill easily!" Qin Tian smiled and said: "God of Death, you are too arrogant. I know your You are very strong, but we have more than two hundred masters of the Qin family. I don't believe that even these two hundred people can't kill you!" "Qin Long, I advise you to stop. Do you know who I am? I am the son of the Lord of the Holy Emperor City, and my father is General Qin Long. He is currently in seclusion to strive for the realm of super strong people. If you dare to mess around, I think you will be in a lot of trouble, right?" Death said coldly. "Retreating to attack the super strong? Qin Tian, when did your Qin family have such a heaven-defying figure?" Qin Tian was stunned. The God of Death is indeed very powerful. He can compete with Qin Long, the head of the Qin family, but he cannot. Reach the level of a super strong person

, then who is General Qin Long? Seeing the expression on Qin Tian's face, Death said triumphantly: "Qin Tian, you probably don't know who my father is. But it's no wonder that even your Qin family can't understand my father's cultivation!" Listen. At Death's triumphant words, Qin Tian snorted coldly: "I don't care who your father is. Since you are seeking death, I will help you." "Death, suffer death!" Two Qin family masters suddenly rushed forward.

"Huh, just two losers!" The God of Death roared angrily and punched out. A "rumbling" sound came out, and the two Qin family masters were blown away more than ten meters and fell heavily to the ground.

The God of Death coldly glanced at the people around him and said, "If you want to kill me, just do it!" A group of people in the Qin family looked at the God of Death, with solemn expressions on their faces. "Qin Tian, what are you waiting for? Kill the God of Death!" an elder shouted. Qin Tian nodded and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, kill!" After saying that, more than two hundred Qin family masters took out their weapons and rushed towards the god of death. When Death God saw this, his expression changed slightly. He didn't expect these people to be so brave. Although his strength is very strong, he is still outnumbered. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Blood shadow!" "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and a black shadow flashed out. The moment the black shadow appeared, an extremely terrifying aura filled the air. "Roar!" Xueying roared and bit a Qin family master on the opposite side. The master of the Qin family saw the black shadow approaching and quickly evaded it. "Boom!" The black shadow bit the air and fell to the ground, making an explosion. The sound of an explosion immediately frightened all the Qin family masters nearby. Qin Tian and the others' eyes widened with deep fear in their hearts. They never thought that during all these years in the Holy Emperor Academy, the God of Death would still hide such a terrifying trick. This blood shadow move is one of the Death God's unique moves. It is rarely used in normal times and will only be used in times of crisis. Qin Tian and the others also knew how powerful the God of Death was, but they did not expect that the God of Death was so terrifying. Death looked at their reactions and was very satisfied. Although the blood shadow move just now was quite powerful, he still couldn't use it to its fullest. He wanted the people of the Qin family to understand that he, the God of Death, was not someone to be bullied easily. Although his strength is not as strong as General Qin Long, he can still be regarded as a half-step super strong man. It's just that this time he went out with a few of his men. "You all get out of here!" The God of Death shouted, and the true energy in his body surged out. An unparalleled force burst out. "Bang bang bang bang!" A burst of intensive attacks sounded, and the masters of the Qin family were defeated and retreated continuously.

These masters of the Qin family are extraordinary in strength and can withstand the attack of the God of Death. But the true energy of the God of Death is really terrifying. One move of blood shadow is enough to make them lose their fighting power, let alone fight against the God of Death. "Haha, you trash! I told you a long time ago that no one can save you today, but you just don't believe it." The God of Death laughed wildly. He looked at these masters of the Qin family who retreated, and his heart was filled with pride. They are indeed very powerful, even comparable to their Qin family, but it is a pity that these people's cultivation is too weak. "God of Death, we advise you, you'd better not force us." A Qin family master said loudly. The God of Death laughed and said, "Am I forcing you? Who do you think you are? Dare to threaten me? I want to see what you can do to me!" As he said that, he punched out with both fists. "Boom!" One punch after another, the punch was like a stormy sea, and each move could destroy a big tree. Moreover, every punch hit the opponent's chest. The master of the Qin family was bombarded by the god of death and retreated repeatedly, vomiting blood. "Boom, boom, boom!" The god of death struck one move after another, each move could knock the opponent away, and every punch injured the master of the Qin family. "Pfft!" A Qin family master vomited blood again and was knocked back more than ten meters. "Bang bang bang bang!" With one voice after another, the masters of the Qin family were blasted away by the god of death. "Bang bang bang bang!" All the masters of the Qin family were knocked out. "General Qin Long is really powerful, and his son is also a genius." Qin Tian secretly sighed in his heart. He is indeed the leader of the Holy Emperor Academy. The look he looked at the God of Death was full of fear. "Why are you still standing there? Kill this guy for me!" Qin Tian shouted to everyone in the Qin family standing aside. "Yes!" These Qin family masters responded and rushed towards the God of Death. "God of Death, go to hell!" Qin Tian roared angrily and struck at the God of Death's head with a palm. When the God of Death saw this, a sneer appeared on his face and he grabbed Qin Tian's wrist. "Hmph, do you think you can kill me with your strength?" After saying that, he suddenly shook off Qin Tian's hand, and in a flash, he was in front of Qin Tian. "Death!" shouted loudly, and the God of Death punched out hard, as fast as thunder, and arrived at Qin Tian's side in the blink of an eye. "Pa!" The God of Death slapped Qin Tian hard on the face. Qin Tian was knocked down to the ground. "Poof!" He couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood, his body trembled violently, and he felt as if his internal organs had been displaced. "Huh!" The God of Death snorted coldly, and in a flash, he came to Qin Tian again. "Pa!" Another slap hit Qin Tian's cheek, knocking Qin Tian unconscious. "