
Magical Marvel (HP X MCU)

[A SI Harry Potter and Marvel (MCU) Xover Fanfiction] --------------------------------------------------------------- A sick 16 year old MC dies at the same time, emerald eyes open up confused. Shouldn't I be dead? Why the hell am I so tiny? What's her name? What are these voices in my head? Follow the young telepath as they make way in a world of gods and magic. Will they make their mark in this scary world or did they already do so. F*ck, time travel is really confusing. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I will admit that the first part of the story is pretty bad. It was my first time writing anything for fun so I was pretty green. If you're prepared to suffer through the first twenty chapters or so, and the story should get a lot better. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own pretty much anything in this Fanfic. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON LINK: https://www.patreon.com/athassprkr ----------------------------------------------------------------

athass_prkr · Book&Literature
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378 Chs

Of Dark Bargains

If you want to support me check out my patréon at https://www.patréon.com/athassprkr

I tend to upload drafts of early chapters on there to get people's opinions of them.

I would like to thank my beta, Akisu, for his help in this chapter.


7th May 2013, Land of Shadows

(King of Shadows POV)

A few years ago, a cosmic event occurred that locked down the entire universe, including their connection to their home universe. The Norns were now blind and the future uncertain for the first time in millions of years. And yet, Ragnarök needed to occur after the lockdown was over, for the energy to be sent through the connection they forged between their home universe, a connection that was currently blocked by whatever happened.

It was possible that Loki was being truthful with this. Rune King Thor had become more powerful than any Asgardian before him and that might have included the influence to put such a plan into motion. As much as the King hoped that he could break Loki's mind, as he had done many times before, he couldn't risk Thor's supposed plan from coming to fruition. He could accept Loki ascending into becoming one of them if it meant that his people would survive.

And should an accident happen to Loki before his ascension, and he perished before he could truly become one of them? Then it would be an unfortunate circumstance that no one could predict. Everything will stabilize and return to what it should be, in no time.

After all, this wasn't the first time they were in hot waters. Rune King Thor aside, Odin had come scarily close to banishing their realm away from the World Tree like he had done to Heaven when he was victorious.

It was a cruel punishment, this banishment, and it was a testament to Odin's power. He severed Heaven's connection to the world tree, to the borders of the main universe. An entire realm, just like that, gone forever, imprisoned in the void between worlds. Sure, they could have survived and latched onto another universe and another cycle of Ragnarök to absorb. But that would have been a terrible setback, and with how time is in flux in the void, it's entirely possible that they would be too late to save Asgard.

This was one of the biggest reasons why they chained Odin the way they did. He was a very powerful being, not as powerful as the Shadows of course, but his wisdom and knowledge were a very dangerous combination. It was why they were especially vigilant with Odin in the first place. After his attempts at revolt, even if they did not interfere as extensively as they do now, it was the prudent choice.

Additionally, the man remembers every past life whenever he performs his ritual, and that was dangerous. The King and his Shadows did not have the luxury of reincarnation and thus have multiple tries. Odin would only need to win once.

But now Odin was free for the first time in millions of years and according to the young frost giant in front of him, he was planning on finishing up what Rune King Thor started. This was troubling, but the King could not bring himself to trust Loki completely, for he was a danger of his own.

Long ago, before the King decided to keep a firm hand on the cycle, an iteration of Loki had risen unlike any other. Odin was dead and Loki on a fateful night discovered his true divinity. He was far more powerful than anyone knew, even himself. He was a monster, one that truly understood what he was capable of. It was one of the first times he had chosen to interfere, for Loki had realized the truth of the cycle with his powers and was planning on launching an attack on them. It was only because he had taken the godling by surprise that he defeated him so easily.

But that was in the past, and the King had grown far more powerful since that time, absorbing small amounts of Ragnarök's energy over millions of years. Loki, at his strongest, will not be able to scratch him. But the King always made an extra effort to ensure that Loki's true powers are suppressed.

However, for all his misgivings of Loki, they were very heavy handed with him in this cycle. They planned on having him bring on Ragnarök as soon as possible and did not perform the usual long-term manipulation they used. They were weakened and needed to conserve as much energy as possible.

Such a Loki was barely functioning and only cared about gaining more power. He would not understand their sacrifice, the need to protect their world, and their people. Because they would not be his, in fact, he would be sacrificing his to protect what would seem like pale imitations of them.

The God of Mischief was a selfish being at heart and would attempt to sow chaos to rise in power and status should he ever join their kind as a God of the Gods. The King decided then and there that he would betray Loki the moment the cycle stabilizes once more, and the timeline is fixed. A part of the King, the one that used to be Balder Odinson, was disgusted by this decision. But that part barely existed anymore. After all, Balder was dead, and only the King of the Shadows, the savior of Asgard, remained.

As for now, the King needed an agent on the outside. Their powers were limited and even if they were at their strongest, they could not leave their realm. That was their sacrifice, the proof of their commitment to their people. They were forever cursed in this realm of darkness and shadows, which they have been named after. It was especially hard for him at first, he had been the God of Light once, eons ago.

They had bound themselves to the realm itself, to be able to control and channel the energies of Ragnarök. They had become voids of the cosmic energy that the universe uses to expand and grow life.

The moment that any of them leave the shadows that they dwell in, they would be erased from existence. The universe would treat them as foreign invaders. It would know that they were not natives and that they were not meant to enter because of what potential damage they could cause to the very structure of reality. They would be disintegrated, erased completely from time and space. They would forever be cursed in the shadows. It was fitting for the crimes they have committed; the King supposed.

As for now, having an ally, a puppet in the field would be beneficial. A meager powerup with a promise for more would prevent Loki from disobeying them. There was an irony to the fact that Loki was trading his family, and his people's freedom, for power that he will never be able to use, for he will be bound by the same laws, and be unable to leave the lands. He would have his power but lose his freedom. A part of the King wishes to give Loki his powers just to see him understand what he would have become.

Yet, for now, an agent in the mortal realms would be enough for them. It was time for the King to speak about his decision to Loki, who had just ranted about how much he hates his father. This would get tiresome fast if Loki was left to continue insulting his adoptive father.

Interrupting Loki's little monologue, the King spoke up, "We have an accord, small god. You shall be our agent, our spy in the mortal world, and should you succeed, you will join and ascend to become one of us, a God of the Gods."

"I am gladdened that we came to such an arrangement, my King," oh here it was, Loki's silver tongue. It was as if that small bug wasn't planning on betraying them all, the moment he would benefit from it.

"Let us begin, young Loki. What was Thor's plan?"

The God of Mischief let out a smirk, "He wanted to wage war upon you, to bring the fight to your realm with an army from all over the nine realms. An army that Odin has been raising secretly for some time, by having a human mortal under his employ make the bargains to hide from your sight."

The King of the Shadows almost slumped in relief. In this realm, they were all powerful, even as weakened as they may be, they are still more than mighty enough to crush any army Odin could muster.

Unfortunately, Loki continued speaking, "But this will be nothing more than a distraction. The main plan is to free Nidhogg and set him on your realm. Killing you and everyone involved. You would die permanently, but the Asgardians will be reborn in a new cycle, free of you. This was Thor's plan, at least as far as I'm prepared to tell you."

The King of Shadows did his best to try to hide his surprise and wariness, but the rest of his subjects obviously shifted in their seats. This plan could possibly kill them should they not have been aware of it and were taken by surprise.

What a horrible creature, the Nidhogg, the Dragon of the End. He was one of the only beings that does not die at the end of Ragnarök. It was more than a regular dragon; it was the ultimate devourer. It was not a creature born of flesh and blood, but a true void of energy that developed a conscience and took the shape of a dragon.

It had the ability to absorb any energy it could touch. It was a representation of the chaos and emptiness that existed before the universe was born. To prevent its rise, the Endless bound its powers and chained him to the very edge of the outside of the universe, the root of the world tree if you will. The King of the Shadows did not know the madness that Thor must have thought up to let such a beast escape, but should that happen, and the beast attacked their realm, then they would be drained and consumed, the entire realm destroyed, and with it any chance of his people's survival in another universe.

Doing his best to not let his worry show, the King responded, "And how would Nidhogg be freed?"

Loki shrugged, "I do not know. All I know is that it will have something to do with the convergence somehow. Thor wrote of it as if it was a foregone conclusion."

"The Dragon of the End's freedom cannot be allowed to happen," interjected one of his subjects, "we will need to know more."

The King nodded, "That is correct. This will be your first assignment. You are to investigate the Dragon's prison and see if you have any idea how Odin might release it. This beast will bring danger to the entire universe, not just our realm."

Of course, the King will need to do some investigating of his own. Trapped in this realm he may be like the rest of his kin; his reach was still far and wide. He should be able to detect any changes in the prison of the Dragon of the End.

As for now, he needed to make a decision regarding Loki. The King tried to use his connection towards Odin to determine if he was truly planning to do something this foolish just to get rid of them. Alas, the connection had vanished somehow, blocked by some unseen force. He tried to do the same to any other Asgardian but was met with the same barrier.

The All-Father had occluded his sight somehow, and that did not bode well. With Odin officially free of his bindings and apparently planning to finish what Rune King Thor had started, the King of the Shadows knew that he had to make a choice. He could either trust Loki and hope that he was telling the truth, or he could try to find another way to stop Odin and Rune King Thor, which would have probably involved Loki as well.

In the end, the King decided to take a risk. He would trust Loki, at least for now. It was a risky move, but he couldn't see any other way out of their current predicament. He hoped that he wouldn't regret it, but he knew that only time would tell.

"Very well, Loki," the King said, his voice echoing throughout the throne room. "I will trust you, for now. But know that if you betray me, you will suffer the consequences."

Loki nodded, a sly smile playing across his lips. "I understand, my Lord. You won't regret this decision."

The King watched as Loki left the throne room, a feeling of unease settling in his stomach. He knew that he had just made a dark bargain, one that could potentially have disastrous consequences. But he also knew that he had no other choice. The fate of his Asgard was at stake, and he would do whatever it took to protect his people.