
Magical Cube Controler

This story is about a boy named Leon, who suddenly entered a new world decorated with various Magic powers and unique creatures. He was destined to control the magic called is Magic Cube, which is one of the strongest types of magic in this world. With that powerful magic cube, now Leon must go on an adventure to explore a new world filled with enemies who are ready to confront him.

Rizki_akbar · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Special Force

When Leon and the others were busy preparing troops to investigate the place that Eris said earlier, the young girl suddenly grabbed Leon's hand quite tightly.

"Why do you want to follow them, my lord? Do you remember that you will create a special force after the meeting? Eris commented very politely.

"Good job! You remind me. I had so many topics to write about recently that I almost forgot about them." Leon chuckled and also rubbed his head when he said that.

With sadness and concern over her master's concern for her citizens, Eris said, "This must be a difficult thing for you since you have to take care of all of us."

"It will never be difficult, as long as I have some friends and subordinates who are solid and loyal to me," Leon said while patting Eris's head gently.

After the conversation was over, they immediately ran into several people who had previously worked as assassins and mercenaries.

--Special Forces Camp --

The location of the special forces camp was eight hundred meters to the right of Morgan Village Hall, and there were already several troops practicing light exercises to stretch their muscles.

In the army, there is not a single leader or subordinate but their status remains the same.

And there is one rule that Leon announced at the camp, namely that combat troops are prohibited from abusing each other and must establish brotherly relations.

Thanks to that rule, the atmosphere in this base was so peaceful and there was no visible separation between them.

after ten minutes Leon walked with Eris to the special forces camp, they finally got there and received a warm welcome.

the troops who had stretched their muscles immediately stood up straight and saluted their master.

"I hope there is no conflict between you guys today," said Leon who looked at the special forces face.

"No Captain Leon!" said the troops in unison and full of firmness.

"Yesterday, I gave you indirect orders to appoint some of you to be the leaders of this army. Have you all done it?"

Yes, captain! the troops again answered loudly and firmly.

Not long after, two men and a woman knelt before Leon. He drew closer to the two chosen men and women.

"Say your name, troop!"

"My name is Izumi, and the woman beside me is Rose; we hope that my lord would accept us." remarked the blue-haired man with the not-so-long hair.

Leon then placed his hands on the shoulders of the men and women to indicate that they had been chosen to serve as special forces commanders who would support all of these soldiers' operations as directed by Leon.

The two special forces commanders then took their positions in front of their master, both proud and uneasy since they would soon each take on a significant task that would have an impact on many people's safety.

"As my first instruction to you, I would want the two of you to quickly build up a configuration in this unique force that is helpful in driving away any rats that will approach this region," the leader said.

Leon spoke sharply to the special forces commanders. When Leon gave the command to disperse, they did so right away.

And now Leon and Eris decide to relax by going back to Morgan Village Hall. Even though he still hadn't seen the dawn, he planned to continue to relax and sleep for a bit.


Meanwhile, at Commander Raeley's first defense camp, several envoys from the Red Hawk Clan had arrived.

The guards who saw the sign of the Red Hawk Clan immediately invited the men into his territory and even willingly took them to his commander's private camp.

Raeley had been waiting for guests from the Red Eagle Clan to arrive, since 4 a.m.

So that the Red Hawk Clan's side might somewhat reduce the price from this agreement, he had even prepared some light dishes to make them pleased.


After a loud bell rung, one of the Red Hawk Clan representatives was seen being carried by the guards.

Raeley was therefore a bit taken aback as to why there was just one visitor when he had anticipated a whole squad.

"Where are your friends, why don't they come?" asked the Raeley with a look of disapproval.

"Hah... your friend said, I came here alone anyway." replied one of the members of the Red Hawk Clan casually.

With a feeling of anger, Raeley then slammed the wine glass to make the troops around him shiver with fear.

"Are you crazy? Those slaves have strong knights who can defeat Darian," warned Raeley both exasperated and annoyed.

"Heh.. all of this is following the existing agreement, if you want more please give me an additional five times my salary," said Neil who was a member of the Red Hawk Clan and had the same magical energy as Realey.

"I warn you, if you fail this mission then both of us might be humiliated and if that happens, I will not hesitate to finish you off!" snapped Raeley, who was losing his temper.

"Don't compare me to those trash Darian Knights, I will carry out your mission thoroughly," said Neil with a much sought-after face.

Neil didn't feel any regret or shame for Raeley when he said that; instead, he drank the wine from the glass in front of him.

Raeley despises the Red Hawk Clan since they have the same mindset as the royal side.

Raeley chose to start his own group because of Neil's extremely haughty attitude since Raeley no longer had any faith in Neil.

In either case, he has big plans for getting Morgan Village under control.

Because if the royal side finds out, it will be a major disaster for his reputation.

--06 a.m.--

By the time the sun had started to shine, Izumi and Rose had managed to form the formation of a special force whose purpose was to spy on intruders who would enter Morgan Village and then ambush them mercilessly.

The squad was divided into four sections, which they all kept in line with the cardinal directions.

They will keep watch without any rest until finally the departure date of the citizens to the village that was just approved by Leon.

On the other hand, Neil and his troops had also started to invade Morgan Village from all directions.

The departure of Neil's troops was also followed by other troops tasked with overseeing the success of a very crucial mission for Raeley.

To be continued...