
Today Is The Day

---Lucas POV---

Lucas had gotten up early excited to start the day but when he opened up the store and got ready no one had stayed to eat after seeing the prices of dishes on the wall, the pancakes were $20 while all drinks were $10 except the coffee which was $25 the burger and fries was another $40. He also met the Mythic Owl this morning that hasn't left his side but what surprised him was that is was just a little bigger than his palm, after feeding it he watched as it sat comfortably on his head before falling asleep. Now it was just resting there while he was sitting at the bar, on the wall to the side was a list of rules for the store,

1.Only Two servings per customer

2.Anyone who doesn't finish their food is banned

3.Anyone causing problems will be banned

That was all it said it was really simple when I asked the system how they will be banned it told me that they world be thrown from the shop and a barrier would prevent them from coming in again. It also made him ask about the security which made the system promptly make this place a fortress even if they were grade 15 magician they wouldn't be able to get in here.

Lucas used the free time without customers to think of a name for the Owl it was a white owl with blue streaks running through it that captivated you if you looked at it to long, so he went with Zulu for no reason. Rubbing its little head he couldn't help but smile when it Hooted at him giving him a satisfied expression, while he was playing with it he didn't notice the little girl that was standing outside the shop peeking in. Setting Zulu back on his head he turned around and saw the little girl right as she pulled back shyly but he could still see her big blue eyes looking at him from the side, letting out a small smile he watched her to she what she would do. When she noticed he wasn't going to let he go she hesitantly walked into the store and stood in front of him.

"Umm…. Do you make food here?" She asked not sure if she could actually find anything to eat here.

"Yes I do, here is a menu." he said passing her the little menus that the system had passed out.

The little girl looked it over but she had to concentrate real hard because she had never heard of any of the words on here so she wasn't to sure if anything was good or not, noticing her not being able to read it clearly Lucas helped out, "This is a sort of sandwich but cooked, while since it is past eleven I cant make the Pancakes but you can have any drink other than the coffee."

"Umm well then can I try the….. Burger and Fries with a Lemonade please." she said twisting her waist real nervous like.

"I don't know can you afford it cause I don't offer food for free." he said looking her over her light green dress looked bran new but that didn't mean that she actually had any money on her.

"Humph, Of course I can afford it I am Princess Olivia Talley after all," she looked wrong before taking out a little coin purse and putting down $50 Rips like it was no big deal and pushing out her non existence chest looking very prideful.

Lucas shook his head before moving into the kitchen to make her food, the stuff was already in place so all he had to do was start cooking, after grinding the meat he started working on the fries to get everything out together. When everything was ready he carried out the plate full of food and found Olivia practically drooling and following the food with her eyes, she was sitting at the bar watching him bring the food over. After setting it in front of her she wasted no time biting into the burger and letting out a satisfied moan, meanwhile Lucas grabbed a cup and filled it up with Lemonade setting it in front of her.

Lucas moved around the counter and gave her a friendly smile before reclaiming his stool next to her and watching people pass by on the street there were a few who looked inside but left after seeing the prices again. The only sounds coming from his shop now were the smacking of Olivia's lips as she chewed through the food like a starving dog, before she let out a satisfied sigh after downing her cup of Lemonade, "Get me another one please." she asked pulling out another $50 bouncing in her seat. Lucas didn't say anything but gave her a friendly smile before cooking her more, it was hot outside so he decided to grab himself a cup of Root Beer of course the restaurant was cooled by the system but he felt it relaxing.

Olivia didn't waste anytime and finished her food asking for another but her just pointed to his sign or rules making her pout, but Lucas was honestly surprised that she could even finish that much with such a small frame that she had. Olivia saw his question gaze before puffing out her chest again, "Don't look down on me this princess can eat more than you and still keep my perfect figure."

He didn't bother arguing with her and just shrugged waiting for her to leave but she surprising didn't and instead was staring at Zulu on his head hesitating on whether or not she should touch it. Nodding her head she reached out to pet the little owl but was pecked when she got close to it making her pull her hand back and looking at it with tears in her eyes, "Why did it do that?"

Lucas pulled the little owl off his head and it rubbed it head into his hands hooting softly, he learned earlier since it was a Mythic Pet it was very prideful and wouldn't allow anyone to touch it besides him it didn't even think the counter was good enough for it to sit on. "She doesn't like anyone to touch me but her." he told her thinking her pouting expression was really cute with her big watery blue eyes and long pink hair she looked like a little fairy that had been wronged and he couldn't help laughing a little. She didn't respond but thought about something before letting out a big smile then she moved from her stool before standing in front of him, without a word she hopped into his lap startling him greatly. They had just met not to mention the fact that this was a little girl he didn't want to go to jail if her parents suddenly showed up and saw this scene, he was going to move her off but before he could he watched in fascination as Zulu actually aloud her to pet her now.

Lucas was going to say something but he stopped after hearing shouting and the sound of running feet heading straight for their location, looking at the front of the store he was shocked to see twenty armed men now surrounding them, "RELEASE THE PRINCESS NOW AND FOLLOW US TO YOUR NEW HOME... JAIL!!!" a man yelled at him startling him like crazy he could only look at Olivia who was still playing with Zulu so he moved her back on his head making her take notice of their surroundings.

"Oh." was all she said.

"Don't give me that 'oh' crap what the hell is going on here?" he demanded holding he by her armpits putting them face to face. In hind sight it wasn't a smart thing to do since he was already surrounded but no one made a move and just stared at him releasing their killing intent when he picked her up.

Olivia stuck out her tongue but didn't seem to mind him holding her, "Sorry Mr. Shop-owner I forgot I ran away from home earlier. It's okay though I wont cause trouble for you since you gave me really good food." after that she turned her head slightly since he was still holding her and she couldn't move, "Go back and tell my dad I will be home soon I am going to play in the shop-owners store for awhile."

The men were hesitant because their mission was to bring her back at all cost, someone was finally brave enough to step forward, "I'm sorry your highness but we were instructed to not come back without you so we cant leave you here." he was very nervous while he wanted to bring her back everyone knew she had a bad temper and it was never good to get on her bad side. Olivia growled a little making them all take a step back they were extremely afraid she was known for framing people and the would lose their jobs the next day sometimes they even disappeared. Not want to be the next they could only salute before rushing out the store.

Lucas just watched everything go down without saying anything he didn't expect that the little girl who proclaimed herself to be a princess earlier was actually the real thing he just thought she had a princess personality. Putting her down in the stool next to him he looked her over before nodding now it made sense that she was wearing a dress that was so clean and why it looked bran new she should have new and different clothes to wear each day unlike a lot of other people. Olivia pouted again from not being able to play with the cute owl she was planing to sit in his lap again but he stood up and walked into the kitchen leaving her alone with a fresh cup of Lemonade making her smile.

---Third Person POV---

Inside the thrown room four people were shaking their heads at the information that they have just gotten from the solider sent out to bring back the princess, she was always unreasonable but to think she would actually stay out to play in a new restaurant they could only sigh. A beautiful woman in a purple dress who looked no older than twenty-five but was actually forty-four was trying to hold back her laughter he daughter had inherited her glutton stomach which caused her to visit many places to eat. That's right this woman was the queen of WestWood Sarah Talley who married her husband thirty years ago for a political marriage but eventually fell for the fool, she took a glance at her husband smiling, "It seems she wont be home till late dear we can only wait and hope she returns before the delegate from the falcon kingdom comes."

The king knew it was hopeless now to bring her back as she would just cause a problem during the ceremony if she was forcefully dragged back, "You're right we can only hope she comes soon they are expected to reach here before midnight so I hope she can be here to greet them." He was a muscular man people would assume he was the Leader of the knights corps in his golden days but the truth was he is a 12th grade Magician that has fought in countless wars before he took over the throne from his now retired father. After his father gave him the throne he has spent his retirement years as a bum instantly wrecking the golden image he had of him since he was a boy only leaving him with a few words last time they spoke 'My boy you will come to understand why I am this way after thirty years of ruling a troublesome kingdom.' after that he left and only appears for big occasions.

A girl wearing a light blue dress that complements her dark pink hair smiled lightly thinking of her little sisters antics, this was the oldest daughter Eve Talley who was engaged to the prince of the Falcon Kingdom, they were coming to discuss talks of the day to announce the engagement to the kingdoms. She was excited and afraid at the same time excited because if the chance to be married to the most handsome prince out of the five story princes and afraid because she didn't want to lose this chance to her younger sister who she knew they all had a competition for. Looking over at her she steeled her heart to put everything forward to snag Chris Galsworthy, she would do whatever it took they would be here for the next two weeks so she had to do everything they could.

The second daughter Ivy could only roll her eyes at her sisters antics Olivia was a little of all three girls in the room, she was a glutton like their mom, outgoing like her and had a trickster side like Eve. Ivy brushed back her hair causing all the knights in the room to be taken with her, she was the nicest, prettiest, and selfless one of the three girls everyone loved her for these traits and hoped she wouldn't be married off to another kingdom. Ivy was unaware of the stares she got from others and instead turned to her father, "Since there is nothing we can do then we just have to wait until she gets here, until then I am going to go back and visit the Orphanage to give help to the nuns there."

Everyone was use to her by now doing these types if acts so her father just sent her away with a smile, after she left Eve didn't stick around and went to make sure she had everything ready for when they arrived. Alone in the throne room Sarah looked at her husband contemplating something, "What's really going on?" she had a feeling it wasn't as simple as just announcing the engagement between Eve and Chris there was something else beneath the surface.

"When they arrive so will the people from the Swine Kingdom, I am going to also announce the engagement between Foster Collins and Ivy." He said with a frighten expression but not from the fear of the marriage but because as he said each word his wife was releasing more and more magic power at once scaring him more and more, looking over at her he could only try to quickly run away but he was grabbed by his collar. In the halls of the castle screams could be heard from the throne room and the knights could only shake their heads thinking their king was an idiot.