
Magical Bloodlines

" are you okay", I asked "Yeah, are you I heard you scream", she replied "there is one problem with that statement I didn't scream" " well then who screamed!", she shouted back at me Sage is a twin who came from small town Lima, Ohio there was only one problem she was being hunted down. Now in a turn of events saving the whole entire world from dreadful creatures put on her shoulders. Sage also gains a new love interest . to save the people she loves and everyone else in the world she will have to do the unrhinkable.

Ahranti_Secession · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Just Don't Leave Me

3rd p.o.v

Haley dog into her food hungrily at that point she didn't care whether or not anyone I was watching she ate like animal cheetahs do find it quite odd that she was this hungry she had of course eaten while she was dead and she didn't feel this hungry 2 seconds ago or was it just the fact that Elena had means food that made it taste so much better evelinas let out a small chuckle at the piggish way Sage was eating handing her napkin to wipe her face with sage ignored Evalina's offer of a napkin and continued stuffing food into her mouth "wow! "Evelina exclaimed "my food is so good but it has turned my girlfriend into an animal "Facebook Deb at her with the glare rolling her eyes and going back to eating the last little bit on her plate Adelina "I missed food, okay, even though there was food there it's not the same as real food', Sage said emphasizing real still chewing the food in her mouth. Evelina walked over to her now very full girlfriend and kissed her on the forehead. Sage melted into her touch and shifted her so she could kiss her on the mouth. Evelina deepening the kiss further by pulling Sage closer to her. their tongue dancing with each other and their teeth clashing against one another's until they were both starved 4 are both pulling away Breathing heavily Sage lending her head against Evaline Ness I missed this so much oh, she whispered tears running down her face "me too, I miss this too ", Evelina agreed to pull her girlfriend in for another chaste kiss "umm. "both Evelina and Sage jump back starter why the sudden sound both snapping their heads towards the sound being met with one of the younger members of the pack who quite disturbingly had a very worried look plastered honest face Evelina wasted no time in answering "ummmm...are you okay is everything okay Israel ", instead of her question clearing any of the confusion Israel's I just seem to get wider

"You're kissing ghost ", both sage and Evelina looked at him in utter confusion and disbelief "oh my God you're kissing a ghost ", he repeated to himself sage and basil still looking on and utter confusion. it was a while until it dawned on them they had forgotten to tell the rest of the pack that they had somehow managed to bring Sage back to life. Sage started to chuckle are her chuckle soon turning into a huge guffawing laugh which then made evelena burst out into laughter

Evelena managing to contain her self just a little spoke "we forgot to tell them didn't we"

"Yep we forgot to tell the rest of the pack", the sage said laughter still evident in her voice.

Israel tells everyone that there is going to be a pack meeting in the banquet hall at 7 tonite ",evelena barked at the still dazed boy.

"Okay, "said the boy nodding his head still trying to figure out what exactly was happening.

"Oh and tell everybody that unless you are seriously injured that it is necessary",evelena added the boy just nodding in response.

Sage tapped evelena on the shoulder whispering in her ear making a shiver go down the black-haired girl's spine "why at 7 why so late it's like 10:oo am " evelena spun around and lifted the curly-headed girl off her feet making her squeal

" is it such a crime to want to be alone with my girlfriend for a while ",evelena fake pouted running her hands through the curly blonde strands on her lovers head the once wiggling girl completely still in her arms the action making sage sleepy so very sleepy in fact that she began to go to sleep in events arms. evelena pressing her forehead to the sage's now very tired forehead

"Don't leave me ever again okay"sage demanded.

"M'kay" the tired girl responded gripping evelena chuckled maybe we should take a nap first, evelena carried the tired girl into her room. Sage's face lit up with joy before the joyous look was replaced with a look of sadness and confusion as she noticed that the events room was the same way it was the morning that she had left

"Have you ever slept in here", the sage asked her girlfriend.

"Ummm...well... no I haven't slept really at all ", sage's face completely changed to a look of absolute concern before it turned to the naked raven-haired girl in the back of the head.

"What were you thinking you could have made yourself seriously sick not sleeping like that

"Ow ow okay okay I'm sorry I did sleep a bit but I slept in your room."

"Okay but that was still stupid", sage sighed just trying to look out for her girlfriend.

"I know I know ",evelena says wanting the conversation about her health to change

"But if I were to lose you I would probably do the same ", sage agreed

Evelena glads their little disagreement was over plopped on the bed inviting the curly-headed girl to do the same before scooting closer to her.

Sage laying her head on events chest instantly calmed down by the girl's heartbeat

"Oh yeah let's do not forget to set the alarm",evelena said reaching over to turn on the alarm and setting it for three hours before seven.