
Magical Bear

In a world where magic and deities are real, a young polar bear embarks on a journey to end poaching.

BibleAnimeGamer · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter Eleven:World 3 Boss

[3rd POV, 4/8/19] Magical Bear was confused. One, there was hardly any humans. Two, the strange layout of ... Whatever that was. Three, how to open the door.

Then suddenly the door opened meaning it moved up. 'well .... Guess I'll go in.' thought the bear. Inside was completely dark partially due to the lights being off and partially because the door closed behind the bear.

[4/9/19] "Hello ... are there any poachers here or anyone at all?" Asked Magical Bear. Once Magical Bear finished there was a loud noise. And one that happened the lights suddenly went on.

"Hello Magical Bear. I ... We don't have time so I'll just let you fight the Semi-mechanic think. Oh and watch for your head." Said a human before fleeing.

Once the human was gone the lights that were ok the rhinoceros' metallic suit turned on. Magical Bear thought about trying to talk it out, however the rhino be gane to charge.

'This is wasn't what I expected oh well it's another challenge to overcome.' the bear ran forward and prepared to jump over the rhino.

[1st POV, 4/12/19] Using my quick calculations I managed to jump over the ... Semi-mechanic rhino (I'll just call it the SMR). There are some platforms that bear similarity to others i saw in here except that these are solid. The SMR crashed into a wall and stopped for a few [4/15/19] seconds. I'm quite sure I have to land am attack in the red and white circle.

I headed towards the SMR and preformed a dash punch hitting the target. The SMR go up and started to charge. Ow I got hit and lost some HP. That caused me to move out of the way. The SMR was moving and this time it jumped when it reached the space in between the platforms. I was taken by surprise by this, but I managed to avoid it.

The SMR turned around once it reached the edge. Time to dash punch once the target comes into view. This time the SMR didn't jump so I landed on the ground. Dash punch!! I shouted while using the move. There was a noise form the SMR when I hut it. On the other side's platform I saw the Semi-mechanic rhino get angry.

[4/16/19, 3rd POV] The SMR turned around again and charged in that direction. Magical Bear waited on the platform. This time however the SMR jumped and landed on the platform then turned around and jumped to the other. 'Dang it I lost more HP' thought MB.

Magical Bear did some quick thinking & jumped down, waited for the SMR. Once the [4/17/19] SMR jumped over Magical Bear the bear preformed a dash punch. 'Yes another hit. Hopefully just one more.'

On the platform Magical Bear waited. The SMR walked slowly but soon git faster. It turned around once. It reached the wall & headed towards the bear. '1...2...3!' Jumping the bear avoided the SMR's pointy horn. Right as the SMR turned around Magical Bear had a genius idea. To use something the bear was [4/18/19] taught, the ground pound.

The SMR mad aloud noise upon losing the rest of its HP. 'Yes I've done it' There seemed to be an explosion and the SMR's armor fell off. Magical best looked at it and thought 'It probably wasn't the best idea I've ever...' [4/19/19, 1st POV] my thoughts were interrupted by a weird noise. (Here all noises are weird.) I knew it wasn't the SMR, part of it fell off & was lying down. Looking behind me I saw a door similar to the one I entered.

[4/20/19] The SMR wouldn't be any more trouble. I headed toward the opening. There was a weird thing with an animal. A weird did a weird thing and the first weird thing opened up like a door. The animal inside stepped out. It was around my height, had a strange neck, spots a tail, four legs, and fur.

"Hello. Can you understand me?" I asked the other animal.

"Yes, I can understand you and thanks for saving me." Told me the animal.

"You're welcome. I am Magical Bear. A polar bear from Greenland. And you are?"

"I am Gerald Giraffe, a giraffe form here in Africa in the plains."

"We will discuss later because right now we need to find a way out. Say will you be an ally to me against the humans/poachers?"

The giraffe thought for a moment & said "Yes."