
Magical bead

Sage ru spends his life to find the meaning behind demon lord words who brought great calamity to hole world . He said that blood of million of people would open the passage to new world. Ren died without finding anything. Born again in the modern world would ren able to find the truth.

AsuRa358 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Late night practice, fight

Coming back Wang Yao ate lunch with his family and went to bed , his soul was really exhausted from forcing breakthrough to middle stage martial artist.

When he woke up it was already late at evening. His mother was preparing dinner, he checked his sister she was still asleep.

He moved to his courtyard to check his new strength, now he is middle entry level martial artist is strength has greatly increased compared to normal person.

Wang Yao clinched his fist and felt strength surging trough it, he swung his first and smashed in on boulder, small debris flew and a first size hole appeared on boulder .

"Without any impurities, my blood and flesh got perfectly refined, my strength is compared to late entry level martial artist, If I practice some skills my strength will leap another stage." Wang Yao thought.

Wang Yao has learned many skills in past. He scanned many skill which are suitable for his current cultivation level and finally chose vacuum hand and octadic smash. Both skills complement each other and can be used at later stage of cultivation.

Vacuum punch has great use in battle , it could pull or push boulders at ease. Octadic smash has mighty attack power, trained until great success it's attack imply 8 layer strength.

Wang Yao performed Vacuum punch for some time, he tried sucking bolder, after failing for two three times he grasped it perfectly, he already had understanding of skill so it was easy for him to master it. But this has high requirement for spirit energy, with his current spirit Energy level he could only stall a person of peak entry level martial artist for brief moment.

Even though Octane Blast doesn't have high requirements of one's Spirit energy it has a huge toll on the body. With his current strength he could only stack two forces, but it's still enough to seriously injure peak entry level martial artist. Even 1 star bronze stage martial artists also has to take precautions .

After practising for sometime Wang Yao has clear understanding of his current strength. Because of him cultivating 'Heavenly Tactics' his spirit energy is very pure and his spirit energy is comparable to peak entry level martial artist and his strength also reaches peak entry level martial artist when he use octadic smash.

Wang Yao nodded his head , he was satisfied with his strength. With his current strength he could easily fight peak entry level martial artist. Even if he encounters bronze stage experts he could run.

"I will practice movement skills at night" Wang Yao thought. It will help him exert strength more proficiently.

Practising for some time Wang Yao went back inside and took shower. When he came out , his father was already back and watching T.V . He sat beside his father and also started watching.In news, it was showing how a man fought wild wolf with bare hands. The man fought with wolf evading his every attack's and attacked wolf time to time . The man was unharmed but wolf was riddled with wounds, after seeing that it could not win wolf ran back to jungle. There were many news of animals leaving there natural habitats for some days.

Wang Yao mother came of kitchen to see man fight with wolf and was very amazed. She doesn't know that her son could kill wolf with one slap.

There were many such post on internet, but were soon removed labelled as spam. It was hard to deduce real and fake videos.

But Wang Yao could guess that many posts were real, authorities are hiding some news. They are letting some news spread so they could let reality sink slowly to everyone. The military may have let the fight with wolf to be release to promote martial art.

Soon dinner was ready everybody started eating, during dinner his mother and sister were talking about fight between wolf and man.

Wang Li know that Martial artist could fight wild animals with bare hands , she could feel that her strength has crossed normal human level, maybe she could also fight with wolf.

After confirming that everyone was asleep Wang Yao came out of his room and slipped out of his house. Wang Yao ran outside the town at normal speed, if someone saw him maybe there will be post about him. Now Wang Yao speed has increased by four to five times normal human, if someone from town saw him running at that speed it would be problem for him.

Wang Yao moved toward mountains where people rarely come.

A light leap from the boulder was enough to propel his body several yards forward. After a cultivation, his physique has been changed from head to toe. He has broken free from the constraints of the human body.

Agile like a panther chasing wind!

To the current Wang Yao , the once dangerous and precarious mountain routes now looked no different from well-paved roads.

As he climbed mountain he practiced his movement skill 'Cloud Steps' his steps became lighter and lighter and his speed increased twice as before.

Wang Yao was practising his skill when he heard noises of people fighting.

Wang Yao stopped at once and followed the cries. He soon arrived at an abandoned factory.

That was where the noises were coming from. Wang Yao saw that more than 20 people were surrounding 5 people. Five people were wearing uniforms like some special force in movies.

"From there speed and strength they all seemed to be martial artist" Wang Yao thought.

On one side there were 2 late stage entry level martial artist and other were mixed of middle and beginner stages. They outnumber the other party, they were wearing black clothes like villains in dramas, they totally looked shady. Wang Yao marked them as bad guys. He already printed possible script in his mind.

The late stage entry level martial from special force uniform was really strong he alone

battles two late stage martial artist from shady gang and was continually making them retreat, but his four companion were attacked by eight middle stage entry level martial artist and were in dire state. When they die other will join force to finish him off. Wang Yao was having soft spot for special force uniform guys he cheered them in his heart.