
Magical Adventure in the time of Vikings

After pulling up an old save on Elder scrolls V: Skyrim. Loading the game, I proceeded to butcher my way across Skyrim to kill time as I waited for a job I would hate. In a society that is doomed to fail to its incompetence. After killing off the last named NPC. I paused as my character sat in the tavern in white run wondering what I am doing with my life. Pausing the game as I saved it under the name Hugh Munges an old favorite of mine. I head off to bed. Waking up to a world of white I blinked a few times clearly either having the most realistic dream I have ever had or... or I am not in Kansas anymore. Looking down at my hands I realized that I am not in Kansas anymore where once my chubby body was now a towing mass of robes and bone armor. Clenching my gloved hand I recognized the armor from a Mod I had installed... I can work with this. A twisted grin worked its way across my face as I shouted "Fos-Ro-Dah" Watching as a tidal wave of unrestrained power plowed through the nearby ground. While the shout ripped up trees like a child ripping up a hand full of grass. I turned my eyes around the now clear path I throw back my head coming down off my power high only to shout again making a clearing in the forest. A/N: So this is going to be a stereotypical Viking adventure based around before the Vikings discovered New England. There will be Non-consensual sex in this story just a warning so it is up to you to read. The MC is stupidly overpowered with all the mods he had installed. This is a book I will be writing at a leisurely pace so don't expect daily or even weekly updates but they will be long chapters I do this for fun, not profit. If it starts to become dull, I will add other stories into the mix, maybe DXD or Marvel, depending on what I feel. I also own Nothing but my OC's

resistingsea · Video Games
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New Start, New Me

Looking around at the ground and I realized that I felt... more. Almost like when I took mushrooms that one time with Tyler and lived an alternative life. Looking down at my hands... that were not my hands. Clenching and opening my hands as I watched the metal and leather move as I moved my hands. Looking around spying on the sun rising above the distant mountains bathing me in its morning glory.

Looking closer I recognized these hands how could I not I played for over four hundred hours looking at these hands. Bringing them to my face, I felt my shoulder length, which I pulled in front of my face. Deep blood-red hair was what I was holding. Out of habit, I scratched my normally shaved face only to grab the magnificent beard that now covered my face. How do I know it is magnificent... because it would be my first beard that I would be able to grow. Grabbing and stroking the new facial hair with love and care. As a man how could I not, instead my normal thin and wispy hair was not thick and soft like to locks of a model.

After molesting my face I go over the new sensations coursing through my body. Thick full-blood red beard, thick coarse hands the size of dinner plates. Thickly corded muscles covered my exposed flesh. Daedric armor covers the rest of my body. I was my all-around bullshit level six hundred and forty Vampire Lord Nord character... Hugh Munges. Taking a step causing the ground to tremble as I put too much power into the step. I stopped myself from moving as I relax taking a gentle step up the embankment of my new crater and slowly gaining some control of my new strength.

With a mental flick, I was standing there naked as my armor was removed. Take a breath for one I am now my Modded Skyrim character and I am in the past or at least the past of alternate history. Looking around the clearing seeing familiar trees and plants that have been covered in a thick blanket of snow. If I was in some fantasy setting I would be seeing a different variation of animals instead of the normal birds, and forest-dwelling inhabitants.

Closing my eyes I reached deep within myself before letting loose "Fos-Ro-Dah!" Watching the invisible wall of power smashing through every obstacle in its path. Causing a trench in the dirt, ripping apart the trees and bushes. Leaving me with a bare dirt trench stretching almost a hundred feet away. Throwing my head back laughing like a maniac for a few minutes.

After calming myself I still smiled at the thought of being able to shout my way out of any situation like an overpowered Karen. Thinking of fights that have yet to happen I felt... excited almost like hunger for... fuck I am a Vampire Lord. Looking up at the sun I didn't feel the slightest weakness... Looking down at my ring-covered fingers spying on my pinky finger a familiar ring that negates any weakening effects that come along with being a vampire. A terrible smile spread on my face at the possibilities this brought me.

First, find out where I am or better yet when I am because all the plants are telling me Europe. So Hopefully I am not in Nazi-occupied territory during World War ll or better yet maybe I can be pre-nineteen hundreds with lots of blood to drink and no modern government. Pausing as the thoughts of blood keep coming to my mind along with the sensation of arousal at the thought of blood... Speaking of blood I remembered that Skyrim had those blood potions that I would always seal from Serana's father. Reaching my hand out I grabbed one of the blood potions that I know I had thousands of. Popping the top of the heavenly smell liquid downing the whole bottle I felt power coursing through my veins. After the euphoric sensations passed I felt more in control of myself. Thinking over my situations with what felt like post-nut clarity I came up with a few ideas.

Whatever did this to me left me without remorse or guilt at the thought of eating my old race it only left a gaping hole that I know will never be filled. A yearning along with a hunger that will never be filled. Running my tongue along my teeth until I rub it along my fangs. Twisting my wrist to see if I can see my reflection in my forearm armor I gaped at the two burning blood-red orbs staring back at me. Instead of feeling panicky, all I feel is cold and calm as I dissect my situation. Taking a breath I run through various spells in the destruction branch including my modded spells. Everything worked Ice, fire, and lightning basic spells all worked well. If I am my modded character I will never run out of mana as with my ten rings and five necklaces and a certain potion I made has made all spells I use cost negative mana... which makes no sense.

Shrugging my shoulder as it was something for a later me to worry bout and I will probably not care about it. Letting out a sigh shaking my head taking a breath now to figure out where I need to go. Running my head through where is a good place to start my head is filled with hundreds of different spells. Pulling mu the Clairvoyance spell I instinctively knew what to do. "Place for my thirsts" My eyes fogged as I released the spell. My eyes fogged for a second as a green mist formed before my eyes over through the trees behind where I had been devastated earlier.

After hours of following the green misty trail, I paused in the middle of a forest filled with blown-over trees. Sitting on top of a log even if I didn't need rest. While sitting I thought over the circumstances that lead me to this place I was wondering what I will do with myself. Having read about these types of situations, reading and experiencing them are two different. Now that I am here and assuming this isn't some fever dream what will I do when it comes down to my morals... Yea no fever dream would ever feel this real.

Throwing my head back I laughed out loud at my old memories and the old morals that constrained me while in society. Now though I am the mother fucking Dragonborn on top of all my mods I had installed in the game I am as close to a god-made flesh as possible. Shaking my head at my train of thought. Later I can go over my so-called 'god' abilities. For all, I know where I am nothing but a child compared to other freaks of nature like the Daedric princes.

As of now, I am a fucking Elder scrolls Vampire Lord... If the Daedric prince of Cold Harbor doesn't already have my soul someone else holds it. I doubt that Molag Bal has any sway here even if he did I would feel some kind of a connection to him and his realm. Shaking my head while standing up and continuing my journey for blood or food.

Before taking off further I smacked myself in the face as I remembered... mounts that I could summon. Curling my hands up a familiar purple ball formed in my hand along with the black and purple smokey vapors. Feeling the spell reaching its crescendo throwing the ball away from me. Watching it land and expand silently.

As the spell faded my jaw dropped as the... pony reared back letting out a whiney... blinking a few times at the... pony. My little pony to be exact. Working my jaw as the pony walked or rather strutted over to me. Looking down at the pony's ridiculously sized eyes. The bright pink pony looked... retarded big bulbous eyes a tiny mouth set in a permanent frown, and its head was the size of the rest of its body. Kneeling to the waist-high head level of the...pony. While kneeling I watched it. I watched one of its eyes lagging behind the other almost like a bad internet connection. Turns out one of its eyes was lazy while the other was darting around. It almost looked like it was following an invisible fly that only it could see.

Mentally placing that spell into the trash pile I paused realizing with growing horror that... I also had permanent summons added. My eyes darted to the retarded pony as it twitched in place... unless I killed it, it was here to stay. Feeling my eye twitch I kneel beside it. Looking into its eyes... eye... its face. "So I am your summoner or conjurer if you prefer... I will need you to... just hang around and... protect me." Feeling somewhat defeated as I watched it nod its head with conviction looking around in different directions and waiting for unseen foes. As it strutted around the area looking for enemies I was mentally going through the list of mounts I could call on.

I wanted something I could ride easily and have room to relax which took out the tiger mounts, bear mounts, and deer mounts. Pausing as I pulled up a spell feeling it become a familiar black and purple sphere I charged up the spell tossing it to an empty spot in the forest. The spell expanded to the size of an eighteen-wheeler and disappeared slowly over a few seconds. As the smoke cleared I saw a flaming horse standing in the dissipating smoke. The horse looked around spotting the pink pony before rearing back in terror making me blink... No fucking way he is scared of that pony...

Looking between the two, the pony was stumbling around drunkenly as the flaming horse sprinted around me, leaving a fire trail behind it...hiding behind me. As the horse stood behind me the little pony was staring up at me with unblinking eyes... or so I thought he was looking at me. The flaming horse was shaking as its flame dimmed lowly. Reaching back at the coal-black horse with red lava-like veins running down its body.

Feeling no heat from it I patted its side calming it down. "It is ok... horse. This little guy is a pony he wouldn't hurt a fly." Turning my head to the horse as it shuddered in terror... "I will need to name you since you are sticking around... so I shall call you Fire." Turning back to the pony "I shall call you pink" Nodding at the name sweet simple to the point.

The pony walked over to me looking up at me as it opened its mouth and... "Fuck you little shit!" Its mouth wrapped around my ankle gnawing on my leg. Kicking its head until it let go looking no worse for the wear even though those kicks cause the earth to tremble..."Fucking little shit... fine you don't like that name?" It shook its head negatively... "How about mike?" Shake "Ted?" shake "Are you a guy?" It nodded its head "Jeff?" I can't tell if it is even thinking but it nodded its head after a few seconds. "From henceforth you shall be the pony of my little world... Jeff."

Turning to my other summon "So you like the name flame?" It just stared at me intently with its charcoal-black eyes... I gave it a nod "Good! or I would have named you murder horse or maybe skull stomper... yeah those are good names!" Turning back to Jeff. "I don't know why you like Jeff as a name it doesn't exactly inspire fear.." Shaking my head "Don't know why you don't like them, Jeff."

"Alright let me, conjurer, some protection!" Giving them both a big thumbs up which was met with two sets of dull stares... everyone is a critic.

Watching the mist fade as my last batch of skeletons appeared I looked over the small hoard of gathered dead before shouting "Form up!" They all looked around with black empty eyes as they all just stood around with some of them carrying rusty swords and others having balls of elements floating in their hands while they hung in the air with crossed legs and tattered cloaks. Letting out a sigh "Follow" Now they all started shambling toward me staying twenty feet away as black mist flowed off the gathered hoard. Climbing on top of the flame I nudged him forward as I cast Clairvoyance again.

As flame trotted through the forest following an unseen trail I turned behind me as the skeletons all weaved through the trees with all the athleticism of toddlers. Some of the run into trees falling apart and others get tangled in branches... "Dam shamblers can't even run through the woods" muttering to myself as flame let out a snort and small gout of flames. Continuing to cast the summoning spell as I rode along the seemingly unused trail.

After the sun crested the mountains in the distance I let out a huff at the sounds of frustration at the seeming lack of progress. "Fuck I am hungry and horney." It seemed my new construction only dealt with extremes. Either I am completely fine or I am mind-numbingly hungry. I need warm blood and a warm woman as soon as possible.

As we rode I was compiling a mental checklist of spells I had available to me including the modded versions which had a ridiculous amount of them. Including if my memory was correct a Mansion in a separate dimension that only I had access to full of my cheat gear which I placed on the mannequins in the armory. Blades that could destroy cities, armor that could stop gods, and most importantly experience books if I still had my menu I don't know how they would work now but it will be interesting to find out. Throwing caution to the wind I kicked flame harder as he let out a pained huff before the flame around me roared in fury burning a portion of the forest around us.

I could taste it in the air first before seeing it. I could hear it next, and then I could smell it. Instinctively I knew what it was... blood and more importantly people. I pulled flame to a slow as my army surrounded me as far as my eyes could see were skeletons surrounding me in the forest. Doing some mental math ten summons per cast two casts per five seconds. Twelve casts per minute.

Seven hundred and twenty casts per hour. Looking up at the night sky which might as well have been daytime for me. The sun was around mid-morning when I started my trip it was now around midnight if the uncovered moon was any suggestion. So I will assume it was around ten in the morning when I stopped and summoned the two companions. Giving myself an hour the fuck around with them. So eleven to midnight of constant casting only to pause once in a while to use clairvoyance. So give or take seven thousand nine hundred and twenty skeletons. Give or take some.

I rode forward finding a clearing with a few houses covered in grass. They were almost twenty to forty feet long. All of the formed a triangle at the entrance with thick wooden doors. Longhouses I believe are what they were called. So I am in more than likely the past, but which one would it be? I have to assume that I am not in a historical past as that would include me just steamrolling over whoever was around.

Looking over my gathered army I reached out with my mind sending them a simple command 'Surround the clearing' and while they did that I seeped into my mind reaching out and grabbing a purple smoke that came to be in my hand. Channeling my magic into the spell I started casting life detection. Seeing signs of floating white auras inside the Longhouses I counted twenty of them. Some of the shone brighter than the rest. Those could be what I assumed to be children. So ten adults, four elderly judging by their life signs, and the rest children. Something was odd about the assumed elderly though.

My train of thought was cut off by shouting from the village frowning from atop my horse I narrowed my eyes as I spied one of my skeletons had walked into the clearing... Narrowing my eyes around the clearing I commanded the skeletons to close the circle I had them form around the buildings. As they got closer I could taste the terror from the children in the air as I heard a wizened old voice calling out instructions to the rest. Taking a deep whiff I took in the momentary pause from the village as they moved everyone to the biggest of the long houses.

Casting detects life again I spied the four elderly outside of the house holding the rest of the people. Kicking flame forward I watched as one of the four old men turned to me whispering to themselves. As the skeletons parted for me I sat on top of flame who was breathing fire out of his nostrils I heard one of them mutter in terror 'Mara' as the rest stiffened up at the name turning their eyes to the one spoken. A quick and decisive conversation between them took place.

Once done the oldest strode forth and looked me up and down his eyes flickering to flame as he did. From their conversation, I did pick up an interesting topic about a Seiðr or mage if my memories were correct. So they either have men and women playing parlor tricks on these people or they have genuine mages. With a flick of magic, I removed my helmet placing it into my inventory my glowing eyes now open for all of them to see.

The eldest stared at me with barely restrained terror as his grip on his gnarled staff tightened. "What can we do for you stranger? Our people don't have much but we would be glad to share" he tried to hide it but I could taste their fear. They are smart enough not to attack first but with the word mages being thrown around I could only guess that these four withered old men are magic folk. It would explain the strength of their dwindling life force instead of dying embers they are like tiny beacons of light. So they didn't have long to live but the strength inside of them is threefold their families.

"We have much to talk about little mages." I grinned down at the four elderly men who stiffened up at the sound of my voice. Their dull gray cloaks parted with the slight breeze coming through the clearing showing off swords on their hips. The rest of them was covered in chainmail and leather. Their old eyes stared at me for a few seconds before nodding. Sliding off flame I cracked my neck and back making all of the men flinch at the unnatural sounds coming from me. Walking forward I noticed I am much bigger than these men. Old as they may be I stand at least a head or two over the tallest. As I walked into the door ready for violence at a moment's notice.

"Welcome to our hearth. Before we start a discussion you should know rights of visitors are held high here in these lands." One of the shorter ones talked as the rest deferred to him. He turned heading into the brightly lit room. Pausing he sat beside the communal fire.

I grinned wide showing off fangs that all of them zeroed in on the short one spoke of after swallowing thickly "We didn't know that the ashen ones could use magic... it was said that the dead cannot use mother Jords gifts. It would seem you are blessed or cursed." He let off a rattling breath "Take head once the others ashen ones hear of your gift they shall come for you."

I gave a small nod and a grin filled up with malice spread across my face "Then I would have more toys to play with." A gleam appeared in his eyes before being snuffed out if I didn't have such good visions I wouldn't have noticed it.

"Very well let us, talk stranger." He took a drink of foul-smelling liquid. As he did I can smell the blood of everyone in the room feeling the hunger growing as we sat in silence. Fighting it down I didn't want to kill off everyone here in a blood-filled haze so I took a breath calming myself. Reaching out and grabbing another of my blood potions I downed the whole bottle tossing the empty container back into my inventory. Turning back to the wide-eyed crowd as the old men mutter about impossibilities amongst themselves. Leaning back relaxing but not lowering my guard I brought out another potion sipping the orgasmic liquid and waiting for the old men to say their peace.

A/N: So I made this story to destress with having to deal with my family. Spent the last week clearing trees that fell over during a windstorm because the rest of my family couldn't be bothered to help out my grandparents so here I have been cutting up a burning tree. Sorry about the abrupt departure with the other stories. They are not dropped! Just on a small hiatus. I had this one almost done so with my bleeding fingers finished this first chapter. I wanted it to be longer but 3.5k words are enough for me. I won't focus on this one. Wish me luck. Hope you enjoy the chapter.