
MAGIC WORLD: Invoked for Another World

After an outbreak on Earth, a group of people were summoned to another world. Magic, mana, magical creatures, fantasy races. Image picks up on Google

archivestone · Fantasy
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2 Chs


A luxurious car drove through the bright and busy night streets. Tall buildings were present on both sides of the street. In an area a little further away, other luxurious buildings could be seen. Some trees were seen, discreetly blending into the landscape, bringing a little liveliness to the urban look.

Silently sitting in the back seat was an extremely well-dressed young man. Her elegant posture along with her well-shaped facial features made many hearts flutter.

He was impeccably dressed in a sophisticated, custom-made three-piece suit made from a luxurious high-quality Italian wool fabric in a dark gray, almost black tone that flattered his slender figure. The impeccable cut and golden buttons added a touch of refinement. On the left wrist, an exclusive edition Swiss watch shines with a genuine leather strap.

The car continued to travel silently through the streets towards its destination as the young man's calm blue eyes scanned the scenery through the car window. His eyes lifted slightly to the darkened sky that was overshadowed by the city's lively and dazzling vibe.

For a moment, the entire car seemed to be enveloped in a gentle atmosphere.

However, the calm was quickly broken when the phone in the young man's pocket vibrated. Looking away, the young man picked up his phone while checking the call display. After seeing who the caller was, his previously calm face seemed to be covered in a thin layer of ice.

The driver who saw this sight in the rearview mirror couldn't help but straighten his back as he quickly guessed from the other man's reaction who was on the other end of the line.

When he answered the call, an unpleasant male voice that sounded a little older filled his ears. His eyebrows furrowed slightly due to the loud voice on the phone.

"Seyfert, we've been waiting for you for 15 minutes. Don't keep us waiting any longer." The grown man quickly spat upon seeing his connected call.

Despite his seemingly polite words, his voice contained a small amount of animosity and disgust, as if he had encountered something extremely disgusting but still needed to maintain a neutral expression.

Despite his weak attempt to keep his voice under control, Seyfert, the young man sitting in the car, easily noticed the negative emotions directed at him.

It wasn't the first time he was exposed to such a situation.

Still, with a calm and indifferent face, Seyfert hung up the phone and hung up without answering. Not caring what the young master's reaction would be to being disregarded, he glanced back at the quick view outside the car as he casually threw his cell phone onto the seat next to him.


On the other side, in a high-end restaurant, a rich young man was red-faced with anger as he tightly held his cell phone in his hands.

"That bastard dares to ignore me!" He muttered through clenched teeth.

If Seyfert and the man were placed side by side, it was possible to notice a slight similarity between the two.

While Seyfert was only twenty years old; Calum, the oldest man, was twenty-seven.

Seyfert was tall, fair-skinned, with a well-built and slender body, along with the calm and elegant aura that accompanied him, he was considered one of the most handsome men.

His face had firm, but not aggressive features. His nose was straight, and his eyebrows were angular, which brought a slight feeling of cold to his face. His lips were well-shaped, and his chin was marked.

However, his true charm was in his dark blue eyes, which seemed to have a slight crystalline shine. They were like mesmerizing navy blue jewels. Coupled with his long, dark, curved eyelashes that formed a tail at the end of his eyes, many people stared at him longer.

Unlike his younger brother, Calum can only adjust to a more ordinary appearance. Despite having the same blue eyes, theirs looked more ordinary.

His skin, height, face, body, and even intelligence couldn't help but fall short and be more ordinary compared to his brother.

His most prominent features were clearly due to his birth in a favorable environment. With good food and good clothes, as well as a somewhat arrogant temperament, he always managed to stand out.

Previously, when his younger brother was born, Calum, being a somewhat spoiled child, didn't like him very much, however, the older Seyfert got, the more disgusting he became in his eyes.

Calum couldn't help but become increasingly irritated by the birth of this little brother. As the only male and heir to the family, Calum has always been raised with his every desire met, with no one to compete with him. However, after Seyfert's birth, all the things that were once exclusively his began to be shared with Seyfert.

Calum, with all his dissatisfaction, directed his negative emotions towards his younger brother. He didn't dare show such feelings, but he secretly hated his brother. A strong, negative emotion bubbled up in his heart every time the two met.

For him, if it weren't for Seyfert, his parents would pay more attention to him, his grandfather would treat him like his favorite grandson, and people wouldn't constantly use him as a means to get closer to his brother.

He was the oldest in the family! How could he bear becoming a disposable tool in the hands of others? Even the woman he liked had her heart stolen by his younger bastard brother.

Because of all these incidents, his personality became darker and more vile, but all of this was hidden by him with a mask.

Seyfert in his eyes was his worst enemy, if he didn't get rid of him, his life could never be peaceful.

Taking a deep breath and composing himself, Calum silently wiped his dark emotions from his face as he slightly curved his lips into a pleasant smile as he walked away from the area near the bathrooms, returning to the private room of the restaurant where his family was.


As Seyfert's car parked in front of the luxurious restaurant, a pretty female employee wearing a black suit came to greet him.

She was naturally the secretary who accompanied her father. Despite being retired, he did not completely separate himself from the huge conglomerate that his family managed.

These family meetings took place with some frequency, but for Seyfert it was nothing more than a mere formality.

For two and a half hours, a brief but harmonious family reunion took place. Of course, none of the children or grandchildren would cause much of a stir at this dinner for fear of angering the family patriarch, Seyfert's grandfather.


Seyfert leaned back in the car seat, loosening his tie with one hand while lightly massaging his temple with the other. Opening his eyes slightly, he turned his gaze to the once-busy streets, his thoughts ran wild. Dealing with corporate partners was naturally tiring, he treated such interactions as simple work transactions, but with his family it was different. Raised by them, Seyfert knew many of his habits well, as well as his smiling attitude while hiding a knife behind his back.

A low rumble and a tremor in the ground woke Seyfert from his thoughts as the car suddenly stopped. It was possible to see cracks in the ground gradually expanding as the tremors became stronger. Muffled screams spread in all directions.

The previous pitch-black sky turned a bloody crimson, and the moon that was bright darkened like a void in reality with an ominous purple halo around it, like the midnight sun illuminating the world with an ominous hue of death and blood.

A light mist permeated around, mixing with the shadows and red hue of the bloody night.

Seyfert could barely take his eyes off the night sky. His eyes seemed to see through the veil as they spied a hidden truth.

Seyfert got out of the car, the surrounding ground already showed signs of collapse, and it would not be possible to move forward. Buildings that used to be modern in design were crumbling, and many people lined the streets, running in despair.

Sounds of explosions were heard in the distance, and smoke and soot floated in the night air.

His trance was broken when a heavy body crashed into his and with a loud thud the two fell to the ground in a mess. The same body was partially on top of him as cover to prevent people from trampling him in that chaotic scene.

"Mr. Seyfert, we need to get out of here." The driver lifted Seyfert's body, who looked a little confused.

Following half-dragging the driver who used his wide body to make way, a strange feeling spread through Seyfert's limbs.

Even as he tried to maintain focus, something interfered with his mentality, as if gradually separating him from his physical body and the material world. Not knowing which way to go, he just followed, disoriented, the driver who was holding him for fear of being separated.

Looking up, the images imprinted in his brain blended, like fantasy and reality. An unfamiliar silvery-gray coloration flowed wherever he looked, while his body seemed to be at the epicenter, as if specks of glowing dust were attracted to it.

Unlike him, other people seemed to be rejected by the silver flow, even the point of contact between him and the driver seemed strange with a chaotic flow of particles.

Upon noticing these things, a clear blue stream began to slowly rise from the ground and spread out in all directions. Some of them converged on the fleeing people. Observing such changes, Seyfert became oblivious to the surrounding events".

The once-cracked ground began to expand. In response to such a phenomenon, many people were swallowed by it like a devouring monster.

Because of the sudden commotion, there was a lot of commotion among the people and the driver who was previously guiding Seyfert was swallowed by the flow of people, and the two separated.

Unaware that there was a third person following the two, Seyfert let his body follow the hustle and bustle of people.

Without him realizing it, Seyfert found himself in a remote area that was in ruins. Due to his distraction, he continued aimlessly, moving automatically and when he regained consciousness he did not recognize exactly where he was. The sky above his head still glowed a gloomy hue and the ruined world around him was filled with a blue stream.

Before he could think of anything, a sharp blow to his head made his thoughts messy and incoherent. The smell of rust invaded his nostrils and a hot liquid slathered from the injured ligament.

Turning his head and raising his blurry eyes a blurry, but familiar silhouette stood coldly some distance from him. An iron bar was held tightly in his hand while his vision clung to his body.

Because of the blow to the head, Seyfert was confused, and his body couldn't balance, so he couldn't think properly, and his actions were slower than normal. Taking advantage of this chance, the silhouette in front moved unexpectedly, attacking his knee forcefully, and knocking him to the ground. His back slammed into pieces of destroyed buildings and walls around him that clumped together in rubble. Due to the force of the fall, the pieces of destruction could not pierce his organs, but they removed the clothes and flesh from his back.

Finishing the moan that threatened to escape his mouth, Seyfert tried to move to get away from the attacker.

Realizing his intentions, the man in front of him used the sharp end of the bar in his hand, and with all the force he could muster, he pierced his right thigh, brutally going through his muscles and breaking his bones.

Due to the force exerted, the iron went through his flesh, piercing from one side to the other, attaching the bar to him.

With the overwhelming pain, Seyfert's mind momentarily turned off and then turned back on with force. All his nerves seemed to collapse. The pain in his leg caused his muscles to tense and a painful but almost inaudible sound to come from his throat.

Seeing that the bar could not be easily released, the man stepped firmly on the knee he had injured and moved the iron as if he were widening the wound. Finally, the length came out little by little and a huge amount of blood flowed out.

Looking at the deathly pale face, but still not changing much his expressions showing his pain, the man's heart cannot anger.

Without hesitation, the bar moved again, piercing Seyfert's abdomen. Due to his confused position, the force applied was a little smaller, not allowing the bar to pass completely through his body, but ended up trapping it in his ribs and massacring his lung.

Just like before, he mercilessly tore off the iron attached to the body and finally the man stepped back a little and looked at Seyfert's dying body, as if admiring a beautiful work of art.

Excitement filled his heart and a quick beat resounded in his rib cage.

Seyfert, using the makeshift support on his back, slowly raised his face and looked at the man standing in front of him. Due to the enormous amount of blood lost, he didn't seem to be able to recognize anything in front of him, but unexpectedly at this moment, his head became cold.

The cloudy eyes from before became clear and directed a cold and emotionless gaze in front of him.

For a moment the two stared without moving.

Finally, a snort and a mocking laugh came out of the mouth of the man in front of Seyfert.

"HAHAHA, you don't seem too surprised to see me here, little brother."

Calum decisively after looking at his brother's condition spoke with an indescribable humor. His face was free of any guilt or fear, showing only an expression of excitement, joy, and triumph, with a hint of disgust and disdain.

"You are a freak who should not have been born. A hateful thing that destroys everything that belongs to me, but who would have thought that the heavens would help me that day. You, who should be dead, will die by my hands and forgotten without even an entire corpse" Calum said with an expression of joy increasing the tone in his last words.


After they left the restaurant, Calum didn't immediately go home. Due to the unpleasant feeling caused by his brother's appearance, he needed to vent somewhere. After contacting some people he headed towards a nearby luxury hotel to be accompanied by some girls. Who could have known that before he could relieve himself the world would break.

After getting rid of the backrests that followed him from the hotel, he saw the person he hated most in the distance. Whether by coincidence or not, at a moment like this, the two met. Due to Seyfert's distraction and the chaotic situation, only Calum noticed them. Without thinking much, he followed the two at a distance while erratic thoughts came to his head.

Lastly, when Seyfert separated from the driver and stopped in the middle of nowhere, Calum could no longer contain the thoughts that haunted his head.

With a strange gleam in his eyes and apparent madness on his face, he gave light to the negative thoughts that had been brewing in his head for years and made a risky decision.

He had to get rid of that nuisance that had haunted him his entire life. Without any hesitation, he grabbed the bar from the surrounding debris and while Seyfert was distracted he attacked him.

This is a modified version.

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