
Magic World Capitalist(dropped)

Bruce finds himself in an unfamiliar world with different magic elements and his paid cheat. He hopes to live a comfortable life for himself as he wishes. Join Bruce on his journey where he tries to earn money to buy some upgrades on his cheat. "Don't buy anything from Dollar magic store. It has a black hearted boss with exorbitant prices." - person who missed the monthly sale. "Greed is Good" - Bruce "It looks bigger when it is so close to the face." - Anonymous lady commenting about the Mana battery from Dollar Magic Store. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

LustMaiden · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Blu Inn

We had a two 3 storey building just outside of city gates where adventurers used to come together every day. It was the place to be if you needed any information about anyone.

Caravan leaders came to hire adventurer parties or stayed in this Inn outside of Brown town to not get charged for entering the town since there was an entry tax on foreigners who entered the town.

I followed Mike to the bar counter where he ordered a drink to mix in with the crowd. Then, he said to the person in front of us, " I have a deal for Old John. Party leader Kevin had recommended me."

After hearing Kevin's name, the guy at the counter looked at us without expression and said, " old location."

I looked at the guy -

HP- 1000

Mana - 1200

the particles looked like water particles and some fire particles. I believe he should be an ice mage.

An ice mage working as a bar tender, this Inn seems like a cover-up for other activities and the baron does not mind it.

it can only mean either the baron is in cahoots with them or they belong to a person whom baron does not want to offend.

I hope it is the first one, I really don't want to deal with a strong power as my first job in the new world.

Mike nodded and the conversation was over. the whole incident seemed very cryptic to me.

After finishing his drink, Mike took me to the first floor and he knocked 5 times in a 2-2-1 fashion. Then, the door opened.

We entered.

As soon as we entered, a guy brought handcuffs which looked similar to the ones on earth, it had a magic stone and lines on it.

We were ordered to put them on.

Mike nodded and I followed him.

I tried using elemental sight. it didn't work. my mana poured into the handcuffs. They seem to drain mana as soon as it tried to move it in my body. doesn't it mean that you can't meditate if you wear this stuff. I was even more scared.

I was already regretting following Mike to this place.

If I had known we would be handcuffed, I would have never come.

I was breaking my rules of not putting myself in these dangerous situations. In the end, I was hasty, I did not follow through with what I had planned for.

Now let's see what is going on.

We entered a room which seemed larger than I had expected.

There were 2 guys standing the entrance responsible for security. They led us to to guy sitting on a huge chair covered with a bear pelt and there was a girl who was scantily dressed holding a glass of wine I suppose.

Different worlds, still the habits of men are the same.

Mike went forward and said, " I am from Kevin's party. I have a friend who wants to provide artificial mana stones. He wants to make a deal with you."

The guy sitting on the table looked at me, " What is your affinity?"

"Earth" I replied.

He closed his eyes and thought about it.

I can provide you a bottle to harvest mana but you need to sign a soul contract with us so we don't get betrayed.

I gasped after hearing soul contract since it sounded ominous.

the guy smirked seeing my reaction and reassured, " don't worry, it is not a strict contract, it is only has clauses about sending a bottle each week for 1 gold and you need to provide us with 10 bottles at least before canceling the contract."

I didn't know much about the world but I knew that artificial spirit stones could be sold for 1 spirit stone almost for basic elements. I was getting 1/10 the value for providing mana.

It is not like I could bargain while being handcuffed so I nodded.

"Alright, Bring Sebastian and tell him he needs to perform a soul contract." the leader who was called John told his subordinates.

Then, a guy wearing a dark robe with a cap came inside.

He nodded to John.

"Do the usual." said John.

Sebastien came to me. He removed the handcuffs. it was at this point I felt that those handcuffs were special and had disruption mana flow inside my body.

As soon as I was free, I used it look at the people around. The leader had 3000 HP and 3300 mana. even higher than the priest and he had a purple aura.

Sebastien had 1000 hp and 1150 mana. His stats were similar to Mike's but the aura was different. Sebastien had that grayish aura of psychic elements. He was soul mage I suppose.

"Just relax and accept the energy I send into you." said Sebastian.

I hummed and he put his hand on my chest and sent mana inside my body.

I heard a ding sound but before I could look at the panel.

"contract spell of psychic system detected - unable to activate - 1w to learn"

I feel something wanting to enter my body so I accepted the feeling and then contract was formed. It was like a chain on my heart which could tighten if I broke the contract. I felt like a slave at this point.

Sebastien had a paler face since he had met me. I realised it was mana deficiency weakness. He looked at me and said, " Are you a psychic mage? Why was your soul so strong. Even with permission, it took so much mana to form a contract."

"No" I said and looked at him I didn't know what he was talking about.

Seeing my poker face, he did not bother me and left the room.

" Since it is done, you can take this bottle and return it in 7 days and take the gold at the bar. You don't have to come here. Don't try running away with the Bottle, it is an alchemy product and it is not something you can repay." John said with a threatening tone.

I nodded and then we came out of the room.

Finally, I could breathe freely. I didn't feel very good being in that situation while Mike seemed at home. It seemed like a norm when meeting people with higher authority it seems.

Sigh! I can not get used to these customs.

I kept the bottle in my pocket. it felt like the lord of rings type situation. Did not want to damage my precious.

Mike didn't say anything the whole way.

When we reached outside my house, Mike said,

" Sorry Bruce, I didn't know you would have to sign a soul contract. If I had known it, I would not take you there."

I felt he wasn't lying.

" It is alright, it is not your fault. anyway, I have a way to earn some money. Maybe, I can become a mage after some time."

Mike did not say anything since he knew the dangers of repeated mana deficiency.

I just said Bye and went into my room.

My room was the same as I had left it.

It was time to try the mana bottle.