
The Strongest

"I am the great Demon Agares! I shall wipe out the human race so the demon race can prevail once again. The time… is now!" Motions wand towards a random house. "I can make powerful earthquakes that can wipe out countries with a single notion of my wand!" Magic: Destruction, Type: Earthquake. "This house shall fall!" A powerful earthquake struck only the house to show his power and his precision. The house is now destroyed only thing left is an unhappy (ex) homeowner.

The townfolks cower in fear of the Demon Agares and hope he doesn't destroy their home. Taking all of their valuables in hopes they can escape. "Do you humans think you can escape me?" A mischievous grin appears on his face. He scopes around the premises to look for his next target. "Look at what my power can do to humans." With a grin, he motions his wand to an innocent little boy. A screaming woman in distress shouts, "SOMEONE PLEASE! ANYONE! SAVE MY BOY!" Magic: Destruction Type: Earthquake. "Woah, what's going on here?" As the young man swiftly saves the boy. Agares just stares in disbelief, that appears to last two whole minutes! He is literally, just standing there with a blank stare.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HOUSE!" The young man screams as he is assessing the damages. "I just paid the down payment and renovated the kitchen." The young man is weeping at this point and going through the five stages of grief. Stage one: Denial. "This isn't happening right now… This must just be a dream. Right?" Stage two: Anger. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "NO NO NO NO!" Stage three: Bargaining. "How could this happen, and only to my house?", "If only I paid extra for the insurance to cover the unexpected damages." Stage four: Depression. The young man begins to cry as all of his emotions pour out of his eyes and says, "I j-just.. can-can't live anymore. Everything i-is gone." Stage Five: Acceptance. As the young man wipes his tears he starts to stare at the sky. "The sky sure is cloudy today, but there's a nice breeze." He starts to feel relieved and takes deep breaths in and out. "I feel better already." Please note all of this took place in just one minute. Let me repeat it, ONE MINUTE! "What the actual fu-," Agares says but is then interrupted.

"Umm… why are you just standing there, wait don't answer that qu-" "I AM THE GREAT DEMON AGARES AND I COME HERE TO WIPE OUT THE HUMAN RACE!" Agares shouts with confidence. The little boy shouts, "MISTER, HE IS THE ONE WHO DESTROYED YOUR HOUSE!" The young man freezes as he tries the digest that someone purposely destroyed his home. "Another annoying human trying to get in the way of my mass extinction, typical," Agares says with sass. "That was a good move I didn't even see it coming." Agares is full of laughs and giggles he just can't help himself. The young man stands and motions his hand toward Agares. "HAHA, silly human thinks he can wield magic without a wand? Only powerful beings can do that." Agares is crying now because he is so amused by this young man. "Hey, human, what's your name? I would like to remember this encounter because this is the funniest day of my life. Magic: ???, Type: Death. "What th-" Agares starts to disintegrate, starting from his toes. "Curse you petty hu-" Agares completely vanishes without a single trace.

The townfolks are in awe at the sight that just occurred. A hysterical woman comes running towards the young man. "Sir, thank you for saving my baby boy." The woman is in tears at the heroic act. "Please tell me, what is your name so I can repay you?" "Oh, my name is Connor, so will I be receiving the payment in cash or-" The woman grabs Connor's hand as she says, "Give it up to this hero Connor, who saved our lives!" Everyone starts to cheer, and then they head back to their daily lives. "Thanks again, Connor." The woman says while dragging her boy quickly. "Wait, how am I going to get paid?" An elder lady starts making her way toward Connor. "Young man, are you one of those heroes?" Connor says with pain in his eyes, "Umm, no. I'm just regular ole human.", "Young man, you should join. I bet you could make it far with your magic abilities." The elder insisted. "I'm good, it sounds like a lot of work, and I'm just happy helping out locally." The elder says with a giant grin, " I bet you could make a lot of money, hehe." He quickly replies, "How do I join?"