
Magic System in Another World

The last breath I took was filled with regret instead of parting words. I didn’t want to die but here I am. I have yet to repay any of the people I cherish and supported me. I was told that I could live again. In a world with magic that is! Perhaps by fate or something that everyone goes through, I wouldn’t know nor would I even care. In this new life of mine, no matter how perilous my journey ahead would be- the day that I’d die would only come when I choose to! ----------- MMC lived only half of his life, perhaps even less than that. He gets another chance to once again live but not to his former, but a brand new world! Filled with Swords, Magic, and Mysteries that our person has yet to unfold. A/N: I'm usually just a reader and this would be my first novel. I also make my chapters have at least a minimum of 1000 words. This will have some romance, but harem, I don't know yet. Perhaps you guys can decide. The first few chapters would be at a slow pace but they would all play a role in the future. Update: Instead of stopping my releases, I decided to publish my chapters in a series of three so that I could maybe get some feedback on my progress. Just a heads up, I’ve changed the way I wrote starting on Chapter 7. I've also revised all the chapters. You could consider reading them again if it interests you.

ireadsystems · Fantasy
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9 Chs


The goblin still looked a bit lively as Leo only had a measly 5 on his strength stat. He had yet to even approach the stats of an average adult, excluding his agility which had already surpassed it.

[Name: Leo Ignacius]

[Race: Human] [?]

[Level: 1] [0/100 Exp]

[Class: —]

[Job: —]

[Health: 20/20] [Mana: —] [Aura: —]

[Strength: 5] [Agility: 13]] [Stamina: 8]

[Intelligence: 9] [Dexterity: 7]

[Stat Points: 0]

The goblin snarled and glared at Leo ferociously.

"Angry? I guess investing a lot in agility still worked out. My kicks still pack a punch with the velocity generated. Not to mention, he flew for quite some distance."

The goblin then leapt from its position, pouncing at Leo angrily.

Leo then dashed and picked up the dagger from the ground along the way. Although it was Leo's first time wielding a dagger, simple stabs and slashes weren't hard to do.

And that's what he did. Gripping the dagger tightly, Leo swiftly thrust it towards the goblin's forehead.

Caught midair, the goblin was unable to alter its course and landed on the sharp blade, its weight driving the dagger deep into its skull upon impact.

"My first kill, perhaps because of visualizing too much from novels, I could somewhat feel... almost nothing. Just some disgust because of them dying near me like a cockroach."

[System Prompt: Host Leo Ignacius has completed the hidden quest 'Baptism'.]

[System Prompt: Host Leo Ignacius has received 5 Stat Points.]

[System Prompt: Host Leo Ignacius has unlocked 'Skills'.]

Leo looked at the notifications and smiled.

"Baptism huh, what a name. It also seems like the features of this system would unlock as I progress."

Leo thought as he took the dagger from the goblin's head. He then smeared the dagger clean using the goblin's rags.

As he was about to put the dagger in his waist, Leo then remembered that he had an inventory.

"I almost forgot about that haha silly me."

Leo then summoned his inventory and appeared before him were slots in the form of boxes, very similar to the games back on earth.

Leo was then surprised to see that there was an item there that resembled a letter.

"I don't remember ever using this until now though...? I guess I'll just have to check it out."

Leo then willed to pull the item out of his Inventory, which consequently summoned the item which indeed just appeared to be a letter.

Leo then read the letter for a bit and then smiled. As he read the last word of the letter, the paper burned into ashes, disappearing from this world.

"It was from that old man huh, thanks. I really owe you one."

The letter was about some small talk and some advice on what to do on his journey in the future. Apparently, he was advised to make his way to the outskirts of the kingdom and visit Rivenmoor City, about north of the kingdom.

"Come to think of it, if I remember correctly, I think my dad was stationed on the North to defend the borders. I guess I'll drop by once I start my journey."

Leo then left that thought aside and summoned his quest window.


[Explore the surrounding forest and achieve a completion rate of 100%.]

[Progress: 10%]

[Reward: Unlock 'Mana']

"I guess I could take my time to kill goblins and level up as I explore. Oh, wait! How much did I get from that goblin?"


[Name: Leo Ignacius]

[Race: Human] [?]

[Level: 1] [20/100 Exp]

[Class: —]

[Job: —]

[Health: 20/20] [Mana: —] [Aura: —]

[Strength: 5] [Agility: 13] [Stamina: 8]

[Intelligence: 9] [Dexterity: 7]

[Stat Points: 5]

"Hmm... at this pace, I could probably level up really fast. As long as the required exp doesn't bounce up too high each level."

He then looked at his available 5 stat points.

Leo then thought for a bit and then smiled like a maniac. Again.

"I think my stamina and strength would still be alright..."

That's right, like the nutjob he is...

*whistle* whistle



Following his extreme lunacy, a bit of pain followed through as it worked its magic in increasing his agility.

"Haaaaaaah. I'll never get tired of this feeling. I wish I had stat points to eat for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner!"

Jokes aside, his agility stat is no joke right now. He was already more than twice as fast compared to an average adult.

"Let's get this expedition over with so I can start learning all kinds of magic."

Leo thought to himself as he continued to venture through the dense forest.

Throughout his adventure, he was able to encounter 3 more goblins. After his first fight, he was able to learn how to properly tackle his fights proactively.

Leo was again surprised at how fast he was learning; he was wrong to think that he only had a knack for studying in this world.

"This is great, I guess my instincts are also quite good. The goblins are basically exp fodder to me now."

Leo mused to himself as he continued to venture through the forest with a steady pace.

Bored from continuously exploring for what seemed like hours now, Leo summoned his quest window to check his completion rate.


[Explore the surrounding forest and achieve a completion rate of 100%.]

[Progress: 55%]

[Reward: Unlock 'Mana']

"What the hell... My maid made it out of this forest within an hour! I've been here for like the whole day now! This is just unbelievable."

Leo stared at the progress with a frown. He knew that his maid was simply faster and stronger than him by leaps and bounds so he decided to just walk and continue while grumbling.

An hour after that, Leo was starting to get thirsty from walking. All he had when he entered the forest was himself!

"That was really a bad move... I should have brought some supplies. I'm not making proper use of my Inventory."

Leo, now thirsty, obviously noted himself to properly prepare next time. This definitely had been a lesson for him.

After some walking, he came across a rabbit lying down by the bushes.

"Oh ho ho, you're not water but you will do!"

Leo then slowly made his way towards the rabbit, being extremely careful and sensitive to the sounds and steps he made.

"That's right... come to daddy..."

Leo was inches away and was about to grab the rabbit but then...

He suddenly saw a hand coming from the bushes next to him, reaching for the same rabbit.


They locked eyes, their gaze lingering in an intense silence that stretched for what felt like an eternity.