
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

AlienSen · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Noah vs Hans

Hans was part of a very big bandit group that was infamous for exploiting outskirt villages that the authorities or the knight's orders protection couldn't reach. The bandit group collected fees every month under the pretense of "protection fees". Hans, after much hardships in acquiring enough merit, finally managed to achieve a somewhat high position wherein he was given charge of a village. 

Hans thought that after everything that he had gone through, his way of life would finally lean on the more easy path. He thought that now that he had been in charge of a village, money would come rolling down his hands, and he would be able to live a somewhat luxurious life without much effort.

He thought his life was finally turning around and would be getting the reward he deserved. But no, on the very first month, the village he handled could not even reach at least half of what was asked for the "protection fees". Unfortunate as it may have been, he gave the village another week but even then, they couldn't provide the fixed amount. His dreams of living a life of leisure with drinks and women beside him was getting further and further away. 

As if that was not enough, a kid suddenly came out of nowhere and slaughtered his underlings. He was just showing the villagers what would happen if they couldn't pay the annual protection fees when this absolutely, insane devil came outta nowhere.

Just how bad had his luck been? Did some curse befall him or something?

Hans considered running away and escaping, however, for some reason he felt that it wouldn't work out well. He had a foreboding feeling that the moment he turned his back on the kid would be the moment he would be forfeiting his life

Hans felt anger welling up inside him, everything he had worked on was crumbling before his very eyes. Hans had done many evil things to achieve where he was now, he killed, trampled on people, tortured, and did many other deeds better untold. He knew he was by no means a good person, far from it, but really, who was? He did what he had to do to survive, to live the life he wanted. No matter how people see him or call him, no matter if he was cursed by them, he was determined to achieve his goal of living life the way he wanted.

And he was not gonna let some kid ruin everything he had worked for. 

Standing straight, he puffed his chest out. Breathing deep, he unsheathed his short sword. With a big grin on his face and sharp brows, a vicious glint passed his eyes.

"Come you little shit, I won't let you do whatever you please." His rough voice reverberated in the air.

"Heh, that's more like it." A hint of amusement could be felt in his voice as if he wasn't even taking Hans seriously.

Hans knew better than to be agitated by the kid's words. He could not let his emotions get the better of him lest he wanted to be like his underlings who were dancing right into his palms. 

Hans was not the typical "brawns without brain" bandit, on the contrary, he was very smart and calculating. He knew how to analyze and find the weaknesses of his opponents which has always been a great aspect of his. He was the "brawns and brain" type of bandit.

He had already seen how Noah exploited the weak mentality of his underlings, how he had toyed around with their emotions so they would act in a reckless way which would leave them many openings, Noah not only knew how to toy with their emotions but also how to use it to get the best of the results he wanted, making their deaths very swift and just as deadly.

Hans knew better than to let the kid get a control of him. He was not gonna dance on his palm. 

The two faced off, tension building in the atmosphere. Each pointing their weapons at each other. 

Noah darted forth, he knew by doing so, he was putting himself in a very disadvantageous position by going on the offensive, but he had a plan.


Sounds of a sharp blade slicing through air reverberated in the air. Each and every slice Noah performed was as accurate as it was deadly, each slash aimed to cut at Hans' vital areas. Hans could only gulp in trepidation, one wrong move, one late reaction on his side could get him severely injured. Still, honed through many years as a bandit, he didn't have bad reflexes. He was able to dodge the sharp blade albeit, only inches away.

Hans was being pushed back but he gnashed his teeth and endured the barrage of slashes. The kid was bound to make a mistake and leave an opening he could exploit. 

Hans' eyes sharpened as he saw the right opportunity and swiftly thrusted his short sword, not hesitating one bit. It was now or never, he was not about to let the chance go. The tip of the sword went for Noah's right ribs as Hans held his very breath. 

Just as the blade was about to make contact, Noah's figure disappeared like a ghost as a chilling feeling completely devoured Hans' mind. He gulped as everything around him seemed to slow down, under his outstretched arm he could see the figure of a devil slowly rise as it was about to strike his vulnerable side. 

Hans stood still not being able to do anything, Noah was too fast, far too fast compared to him. He couldn't react much less dodge, the moment he saw Noah, it was already too late. 

He grunted as he felt the knife going through his flesh. The sensation of warm blood oozing out made veins pop out his neck and forehead. Fiery anger welled up in his chest as he gnashed his teeth.

'If that's how you want to play it then...I'll play along.'


Hans brought his elbow down with all his might, releasing all the pent-up anger he had been suppressing since earlier. 

Noah was left with no choice but to let go of the knife and roll to the side to dodge. After which, he backed off placing some distance between him and Hans.

The same vicious smile was still on his face, "Heh, you sound like a pig about to get slaughtered on the gutters."