
Magic Stings

Alder Henshaw is a mercenary who makes a living unravelling magical mysteries. She has encountered a lot of problems during her profession as a mercenary; hired to retrieve a set of stolen charts for the Clan of shapeshifters, plunged into a battle between two gods hoping for rebirth and so on. But when her Guardian was killed, her quest for justice pulls her into power guzzle between sects of Minnesota's Magic Circles. Pressured by both sides to unravel the killer, Alder realizes she's way out of her league, but she wouldn't want it any other way.

Perpwritz · Fantasy
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42 Chs


I thought I'd wait a couple of minutes, sat down here on the stairs… His brain finally registered my bloodied clothes, the sword, and the smudges of dried blood marring my face. His eyes widened.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll live."

I unlocked the door to the apartment, opening the ward.

"There is a naked man on the landing," I said hoping to forestall any upcoming questions.

"I'm going to carry him into this apartment."

Pat threw the Chinese food into the apartment hallway and went down the stairs to get Derek without saying a word. Together we brought him inside and put him on the hallway carpet. I shut the door in the world's face and let out a breath.

I kicked off my shoes and turned the lantern switch. My shoes were bloody again. Oh well, nothing a lot of bleach wouldn't fix.

The tiny flames of feylanterns surged up, bathing the apartment in a comforting soft glow. Pat knelt to examine Derek's leg.

"He needs emergency care," he said.