
Magic Stings

Alder Henshaw is a mercenary who makes a living unravelling magical mysteries. She has encountered a lot of problems during her profession as a mercenary; hired to retrieve a set of stolen charts for the Clan of shapeshifters, plunged into a battle between two gods hoping for rebirth and so on. But when her Guardian was killed, her quest for justice pulls her into power guzzle between sects of Minnesota's Magic Circles. Pressured by both sides to unravel the killer, Alder realizes she's way out of her league, but she wouldn't want it any other way.

Perpwritz · Fantasy
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42 Chs

A Selective Appetite

"You smell right," I told him and left it at that.

Explaining that I carried a large canteen filled with gasoline in my bag in case I spilled some of my blood and had to clean it up in a hurry would've been too complicated.

The Sect lent me a Mare. Her name was "Frau". The stable master swore that while she wasn't the swiftest beast in the stables, she was obedient, strong, and steady as the rock of Gibraltar.

So far, I had no reason to doubt him. Derek's dun gelding was perfectly content to let Frau take the lead. The kid rode with the stiffness of a moderately trained rider who had never got quite comfortable with horses. Some shapechangers rode like they were centaurs. Derek wasn't one of them.

Neither of us had spoken since we left the shapechanger keep fifty minutes ago.

If I were to work with him, we had to at least be able to talk. I dropped back, drawing side by side with him. The sounds of hoofbeats echoed on the deserted street.

"Why the arm?" Derek asked.