
Magic Stings

Alder Henshaw is a mercenary who makes a living unravelling magical mysteries. She has encountered a lot of problems during her profession as a mercenary; hired to retrieve a set of stolen charts for the Clan of shapeshifters, plunged into a battle between two gods hoping for rebirth and so on. But when her Guardian was killed, her quest for justice pulls her into power guzzle between sects of Minnesota's Magic Circles. Pressured by both sides to unravel the killer, Alder realizes she's way out of her league, but she wouldn't want it any other way.

Perpwritz · Fantasy
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42 Chs

A human outsider

The eight looked at the wolf, at me, at my arm, and then at Ben. Jim opened his mouth to say something and clamped it shut.

"Derek," Ben called.

The wolf glanced at him. The blaze of Ben's eyes seared him and he sat still, mesmerized. Ben made a strange sound, half growl, half word, but an unmistakable command.

The wolf shuddered. Ben repeated the order. The wolf shook harder, his lean body convulsing, and whined weakly.

The lord of the shapechangers glared at me.

"Release him."

"Is that a request or an order?"

A twitch ran through Ben's face as if the lion in him wanted to claw its way out.

"It's a request," he said.

I kneeled by the wolf and touched his thick fur, making contact with the skin underneath. The beast trembled.

"Is the room warded with containment?"

Ben nodded. I looked at the wolf and whispered, "Dair."
