
Magic Sect of Beauties: The Strongest Mage is in a Cultivation World

R18, Dual Cultivation Yang Wei is an undefeatable mage. However, his power got too great, and as a result he was challenged by every mage from across the lands. In the end, the Heads of the most powerful magic clans all banded together to seal him in a void where he would perish. Of course, death is too small a thing to stop him. By reincarnating himself in a new world entirely, Yang Wei ends up in the Mashyan World. A Cultivation World popular for being a Women's World. He goes on to join the Dragon Blossom Sect, a sect popular for having not only powerful beauties but the kind that have a thing for strong, beautiful men. How will he fare... Warning: No Rape, NTR, Yuri or Incest. ... Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/3BvVEmUPY6

CastlePanda · Eastern
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322 Chs

The Art of Seduction and Sister Rivalry.

Yang Wei raised an eyebrow as he watched Mu Lin take a step closer.

She laughed in her usual pillow-soft and sweet voice.

The playful look in her eyes didn't escape him.

"So, is this another way of telling me I'm competent?" Yang Wei asked with a quirked lip, matching her gaze.

Mu Lin chuckled as she continued to walk.

Her steps were graceful.

Then, she reached out and rested her hand lightly on his chest. Her fingers trailed over the fabric of his robes. "Oh goodness no, I'm in no way implying you're competent," she replied, a teasing lilt in her voice. "From what I sense, your cultivation base is so low. I wonder how you qualified as a candidate for the outer sect discipleship."

Yang Wei's eyes narrowed, observing her closely.

Lingxi could easily sense my actual power, but she can't. So, I'm guessing she's not nearly close to the cultivation base of her sister... And yet, she's so proud.

Mu Lin continued to run her hands along his chest as he thought to himself.

She wasn't as tall as him, so she rose onto her toes to reach his neck.

Soft, delicate kisses were planted on his skin, one after another.

"Are you done?" Yang Wei questioned.

Mu Lin inhaled deeply, savoring his scent, then leaned in for another kiss on his neck. "I don't think I'm done yet," she purred, her hold on his robe tightening, her fingers lightly caressing his chest. "With how good you smell, it'll be difficult for me to get my hands off you~~" the warmth in her tone was unmistakable as she expressed her feelings.

Sighing, Yang Wei gently grasped Mu Lin's neck, steering her away.

"That's enough. I want nothing to do with the daughter of this peak's elder."

He had firmly expressed himself. Then, he took a step back.

There was a momentary silence as Mu Lin closely processed his words.

She arched a brow, a sly smile tugging at her lips.

"Oh, is that so? Yet, here you are, calling my older sister by her given name. She won't do that unless she has a soft spot for them."

Yang Wei pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"It's merely out of disrespect. And besides, she scolds me for it," he explained, a touch of exasperation in his voice.

Mu Lin placed a finger on her chin, still staring seductively at Yang Wei.

"But my sister doesn't scold those who address her casually, especially men... Weak men," she pointed out.

Yang Wei, slightly taken aback, questioned, "And what does she do?"

Mu Lin tapped her chin thoughtfully before saying with a light smile, "She kills them..."

Yang Wei blinked in surprise. "Huh?" he said.

"Don't be scared, that was decades ago," Mu Lin playfully reassured him as she playfully waved her hands dismissively, "Now, she's a little more merciful now."

"How does this help me?" he asked.

A bewildered expression clouded Mu Lin's face. "Are you from another world, or do you just not know anything?" she quizzed.

I'm only asking this because I don't see any reason why I, Yang Wei, the strongest mage of the Golden Era of Magic, be afraid of Lingxi killing a few men who supposedly disrespected her... That's just her being the product of poor parenting, and I can say the same about this lady here.

Yang Wei, nonchalantly picking his nose, admitted, "I'm from another world, here to learn about cultivation, apparently."

She'll probably think it's another world within this realm...

Mu Lin observed him intently, noting his cluelessness and nonchalant demeanor.

In a firm tone, she divulged, "If you're in this world, then you at least know its name - The Mashyan World, it's one of the few major worlds in the Mortal Realm where women hold the power. Few men have worth, especially to powerful or influential women - that is, if they don't go missing first."

Yang Wei, now thoroughly intrigued, inquired, "Now, why exactly would they go missing?"

Mu Lin's frustration grew as Yang Wei seemed unfazed.

"Men who don't know their place or let their power get to their head can disappear mysteriously," she cautioned.

Yang Wei stopped his casual act (nose-picking) and then inspected the booger on his pinky finger and then blew it away as he pondered her words.

"I see."

That was all he said.

Mu Lin gritted her teeth little by little.

This son of a bitch... I was initially planning to seduce him and cause Senior Sister Lingxi some pain, but he's so clueless and annoying, it's getting on my nerves! Even now, he's not scared enough to run back to his world with his tail between his legs. Screw him!

But then, she noticed she'd slipped up a bit and immediately she wore her confident smile again and sharply dressed her straight black hair.

"So, back to my main point - it's normal for women to pursue men they find you attractive or capable," Mu Lin continued, scrutinizing him as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "You'd tick all those boxes if you improved your cultivation base. Since you're so weak, I find it hard to believe my sister would be interested in you. Neither my father nor Senior Brother Zhong would never allow it, especially not Senior Sister Lingxi; she's already learned her lesson."

Yang Wei scrunched his eyebrows. "She's learned her lesson?" he repeated.

Mu Lin's hand slowly flew to her mouth. "Oops, it's not important," she deflected, giggling as she did.

Judging from the way she responded, it's obvious she wanted me to hear it, I'm guessing it's some sort of warning... Then again, this woman has warning written all over her.

A frustrated sigh escaped Yang Wei.

Yang Wei's arms folded as he lowered his head, exhaling in exasperation.

Rubbing his chin, his eyes drifted off to the sky.

He furrowed his brow and then turned to Mu Lin with a puzzled expression. "I still don't get one thing, though," he said, rubbing his chin still.

Mu Lin raised a finger to adjust a stray hair strand on her forehead. Then, she folded her arms and let out a deep sigh, her eyes rolling slowly. "Alright, what's your silly question now?" she retorted, sounding a little exasperated.

"What exactly gave you the idea that I and your sister were romantically involved?" he asked.

"There's no need to try to hide it. I know what I saw. You were wearing Fourth Brother Mu Yuki's old robes, and Senior Sister Lingxi also let you use her living quarters and resources."

"Huh? Wait, this place belonged to Lingxi?" Yang Wei asked, clearly surprised.

Mu Lin stepped forward sharply, her quite soft, capable breasts bounced up and down with each step as her eyes fixed on Yang Wei. "Don't try to change the subject. We both know where I'm going with this," she said, standing directly in front of him.

"Where are we going with this?" Yang Wei asked.

"Don't play dumb," Mu Lin snapped, her frustration evident. "I saw what you did with Senior Sister near the tree. You kissed her. And even though I couldn't hear what you both were saying, I didn't need to... I saw enough!"

"Wait, you really think I kissed your sister?" Yang Wei asked incredulously.

I mean, depending from the angle she looked at us, it would seem that way... he figured.

"Stop trying to play dumb," Mu Lin grunted, scowling at him.

"I see. Is that what you really want?" Yang Wei asked, a sly smile playing on his lips.

"What?" Mu Lin replied, taken aback.

Before she could react, Yang Wei moved quickly, forcing Mu Lin backward until she was pinned against a tree. With one hand resting on the tree, Yang Wei gazed down at Mu Lin with a cold, intense look.

"This is what you wanted, right?" he said, his tone calm.

"W-Wait, what?" Mu Lin stammered, feeling vulnerable as she stared to the side to avoid his piercing, steely blue eyes.

Yang Wei leaned in, his forehead touching hers, his breath hot against her face. "From what I've seen, it looks like you and your sister are having some sister rivalry," he murmured, a tad amused. "And I'm guessing you came to seduce me so you could compete with her, yes?"

He smiled as Mu Lin struggled to form a coherent words.

"Th... That's not true!" she said.

All Yang Wei did was smirk. "Stuttering now, are we?"