
Magic, Romance, and Mayhem

Not my novel I only uploaded it here for the purpose of listening to it on the audiobook feature. The author is a student currently attending Notre Dame university, Screen name is Fleeceem44. He is part of a private chat group consisting of ppl whom try to combine they're favorite fanfiction novels into one while tweaking then a bit. The credit goes to the original authors of the novels used, for this particular remix I want to give credit to Jacobapples who wrote the novel 'Broken reflections' https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12977048/2/ ORFgrunt who wrote the novel 'Till the gates of hell' https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11327757/1/Till-the-gates-of-hell Wand description Lenght- 14 inches Wood- Yew Core- Dragon heartstring Visual link: https://www.yourpatchstoreonline.com/Alchemy-The-Vault-Dragon-Wand-p/ac-v31.htm

JJBatsBoogey56 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3-

Apparently, he had been transported to the day Snape had lost Lily as a friend. Ricky never like Snape's character but the reason he didn't like Snape was because at his core he was also a bully.

The Marauders were no better and in this timeline, were currently the bullies. But James eventually changed and Sirius was well Sirius, though he was a hot head, he did have some good qualities maybe if someone stood up to them, well someone who wasn't Lily or a Slytherin stood up to them, they might get some self-awareness.

Except for Wormtail, the Harry part of him hated him with a passion, and the Voldemort part though he was lower than a cockroach.

He wasn't sure at what point in time he would have to 'tune up' or simply 'fix' the little rodent. It still disturbed him that a thirty-year-old man had been living with kids for thirteen years and did not have ulterior motive.

Fuck whatever Jk Rowling said, dude was a pedophile of the highest caliber. And he needed to be 'Fixed' ASAP.

Careful to stay out of Sirius's line of sight Blaze walked towards the group. None of them noticed his approach, when he got close to James he quickly casted a time stop spell from his DnD character and pulled out the syringe.

He drew a small amount of blood from the veins on the back of his hand before quickly injecting it directly into his veins after doing so he quickly casted the spell. Soon his arm began to glow, closing his eyes he could see a detailed tree of the potter and Ross families.

As he looked through it, he quickly spotted James Potter's grandfather, one Henry Potter father of Fleamont. Smilling to himself once more at his luck he mentally commanded the spell to select Henry.

His arm shimmered a few time before settling. Ricky felt a warm sensation wash over him before quickly disappearing, at this he was over the moon at how good his luck was.

He then proceeded to do the same for the Ross family, but he chose one of the older members from seventeen hundreds. The Ross family was not to popular and have gone extinct after James's mother dies anyways.

Thinking things over, he decided to also take a syringe full of Sirius's blood also, after all one can't ever be too careful. after going through the Black family line, he selected a man by the name of Eduardus Limette Black from the eighteen hundreds.

It took a few seconds for him to heal them and school his features before canceling the spell, now that his biggest fear was taken care of he needed to get this show on the road.

When the spell was canceled, James was the first to spotd him, looking up at him and in the process allowing the snitch to escape an extra foot. Which Ricky snatched with ease in his left hand.

Hello," Ricky greeted.

James stood, a few inches shorter than Ricky, "Who are you supposed to be?"

"Nice to meet you, too," Ricky said, and despite James's frown, the Harry Potter part meant it down to his toes.

James was looking at hin, then was practically looming over him, trying and failing to be intimidating.

Ricky just observed him with a blank face, he too was studying him with a sharp gaze. Put they're staring contest was interrupted by a squeaky voice.

"Where'd you get those?" Wormtail asked, "A muggle costume shop?"

A part of him was happy to be given such easy fouter to hate Wormtail, if he could he'd throttle the littles pissant .

It did not help that all three souls whom haven't synched together with his, were screaming for his blood at the same time.

"Peter," Remus scolded, on his feet now. The younger, healthier, and happier werewolf asked him, "Who are you?"

Sirius came shoulder to shoulder with James and asked, "And why do you look like familiar?"

Ricky smiled and looked at the three teenager and completely ignored Peter, "So you are James Potter then?"

James waved it away, "Of course I am, who are you, and why do you look like a younger and taller version of my grandfather? And why aren't you wearing a uniform?"

Ricky held out right hand, "My name is Rickard Potter, and you have no idea how long it took me to find you. And I am not wearing the uniform because I don't have any formal magical training."

They all gaped at him. Sirius was the first to recover. He reached out and shook Harry's hand energetically, "I'm Sirius Black, and the brainiac is Remus Lupin, and Bricks for Brains is Peter Pettigrew."

"Wait, we're related?" James asked, still processing.

"I hope so," Ricky said, "I never met my dad, and my mum died when I was little but I met someone on the street with a purple hat who mistook me for a guy named Henry and said something about his grandson named James. Potter is a pretty common name but I thought you know, maybe I had family out there."

James and Sirius's faces were lighting up with the delight of another Potter at Hogwarts.

"So you're a bastard," Wormtail said.

"Wormtail!" the other three Marauders chorused.

"What? If you don't know who your dad is that's what you are," Wormtail muttered.

Sirius sighed, exasperated, "That doesn't mean you say it out loud, you dolt."

"But what if Mr. Potter cheated on Mrs. Potter when she was pregnant with James?" Peter whined.

James whacked him over the head, "Shut up."

Sirius's expression was nothing short of furious.

Remus was a bit more practical and ever the peacemaker, said, "Ricky, how did you find Hogwarts?"

"London, floo powder, Hogwarts, though admittedly I was trying to get to Hogsmeat the town over, and walk onto school grounds. The medi-witch was really nice about it, but then I think she thought I was a student."

"Hogsmeade," Remus corrected.

Ricky nodded, "I knew I was mispronouncing it."

"Do you know your dad's name?" James asked.

Ricky shook his head, "No, I never met him and my foster family didn't know him either."

"Are you even a wizard?" Wormtail asked.

Ricky tightened his lip and waited for the others to shut annoying pest down, his Voldemort side of his soul was slowly but surely starting to lose his patience.

When he realized that his friends weren't going to rein in his stupidity he decided to looked between them, and the three people whose opinions kind of mattered to him and he saw nothing but an arrogant, and suspicious youth.

Oddly, it was Sirius's obvious mistrust in him that hurt the most. The part of his soul who saw his fun loving godfather was kind of hurt. He really know nor cared much what Remus thought, he had tried to eat him once, and James… well, James was quickly becoming 'James' and not the fiction he had created of his long dead father.

His Voldemort's side care for none but himself, so he didnt give a flying rat's ass about them. His third soul was even more quiet.

So with this Ricky shook his head, shrugged, and turned on his heel. He walked off in the direction of Hagrid's hut and as if on cue:

"Oi!" Sirius shouted. "Where are you going?"

"Hagrid's, Madam Pomfrey said he has my owl,"

He answered without turning around, knowing that Sirius's curiosity wouldn't let him tolerate someone 'interesting' just walking away.

"See Moony, he has to be a wizard, only wizards have owls," Sirius said as he skipped up to Harry's side.

Ricky simply stated silent, the Harry side again was leaping in joy at the thought of Hedwig. Sighing at this, Ricky was already plotting a way to merge all the memories and personality into a single one in order to avoid these conflicting and contradicting emotions.

James and Remus caught up easily, Peter had to jog to keep up with the decidedly more athletic teenagers.

"How do you know the way to Hagrid's hut?" Remus asked.

"He's the groundskeeper, I am assuming even if he doesn't live on the grounds he has a place to work from on the grounds."


Ricky shrugged, "Most things aren't but it's a place to start."

"So where did you grow up?" Sirius asked.

"Surrey, suburbs, until I was eight. A raather boring place if you ask me."

"What happened after you were eight? Sirius asked again.

"I ran away and live on the streets for a while" Ricky shrugged and replied as a matter of factly.

Which caused the boys to grow quiet for a few sec6, until once again he was asked a question.

"What was your mother's name?" James asked.

Ricky hesitated and then lied, "I don't know. The people I grew up with never talked about her, or at least nothing good."

"But you remember her?" Sirius asked.

"Only a little bit."

"How did she die?" Wormtail asked between wheezes.

"She was murdered by a wizard, or at least I think that's what happened. I just remember her yelling and a green light."

The Marauders exchanged looks.

Remus asked softly, "How old were you?"

"A year or so." Ricky replied again.

Remus gave him a look of pity. James looked sad. Sirius looked both concerned for Ricky and angry at anyone who would use the Dark Arts. Peter… looked calculating.

James spoke first, "So you don't have any family?"

"Not until meeting you, no. But than again we mght not be even related."

"You know, Ricky, maybe you should go see Professor McGonagall," Remus said gently.

"Hedwig first," Ricky declared.

"Whose Hedwig?" James asked.

"His owl, right Ricky?" Sirius asked.


Sirius grinned, and swung an arm around Ricky's shoulders than over James's, "Just think of how much trouble we can get into with two Potters."

Ricky couldn't help but grin back, this Sirius was full of himself but Ricky found that himself vastly preferring this version of Sirius to the tortured soul he had called his Godfather.

Ricky knocked on Hagrid's door, the others staying back a bit. He thought it a bit funny that they were afraid of the half giant.

Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick were the only two people at Hogwarts who could compare to Hagrid's kindness.

Although Madam Pomfrey was certainly a nice person Ricky knew by experience and knowledge of Harry Potter that she could also be a nasty jail keeper when the time called for it.

Hagrid opened the door and looked all the way down at Ricky, his eyes narrowing, "Potter?"

Harry held out his hand, "Rickard Potter, you can call me Ricky and it is very nice to meet you."

Hagrid stared at him for a moment before a smile lit up his face, "Rubeus Hagrid, it is nice to meet you, 'Ricky. I thought Poppy was mistaken when she said one of her student had a snowy owl, I would have remembered her." He looked over Ricky's head, "What are ye four doin' here?"

James, the ringleader, shifted from foot to foot, "Er, we um, are just escorting my cousin around, he said you had his owl."

"Yes, beautiful snowy, smart girl, poor thing was exhausted. Well, come on in all you, I'll make you some tea."

They entered and sat around Hagrid's table.

"Hedwig," Ricky breathed in relief she was standing on one of the posts at the end of Hagrid's bed. She immediately flew over to his shoulder, nuzzling his cheek.

"Crazy bird," he whispered to her.

She hooted softly and rubbed against Ricky's fingers.

"Quite the familiar you have there," Hagrid noted.

Ricky tried not to laugh when Wormtail bit into one of Hagrid's scones and nearly lost a tooth.

"She found me," Ricky said which wasn't technically true but wasn't exactly false either. Hedwig had always been able to find her way to where she wanted or needed to be.

"Not meant to be rude," Hagrid started, "but are you a squib? No shame if you are, I have just never seen you before."

"No, I just have never been to a formal school. I only know about magic from an old trunk I found in the attic. I guess the people who lived there before us must have been a wizard or a witch. There were a series of Hogwarts books in it plus I also had my mothers old trunk but all the books were in different languages though, and there was also a wand in there."

"Does the wand work for you?" Hagrid asked.

"It does," Ricky said.

"Prove it," Peter challenged.

Ricky smiled wickedly and before anyone could react, Wormtail had fallen from his chair, stupefied on the ground.

James was wide-eyed.

Sirius clapped, "Nice wand work."

Remus huffed and did the counter curse.

Peter came up spitting mad, "You bastard!"

Ricky snarled back, "Rat."

Peter staggered back as if Ricky had struck him.

There was an awkward silence.

Hagrid coughed, "Don't the four of you have an exam to get to?"

"But Ricky-" James began.

"I can take care of Ricky and get him where he needs to be. Now get going before you're late."

"See you later, Ricky," James said.

"Bye, Potter Two, hope you don't get eaten by anything," Sirius said, leaving before Hagrid could respond to that one.

Remus left with a wave, Peter scurrying out ahead of him.

"So…" Ricky said to Hagrid after the door had shut, "what sort of magical creatures do you raise? I read that Hogwarts has a domestic herd of thestrals."

Hagrid's smile could have outshined the sun.