
Magic Revolution

Ethan Blackwood was an ordinary young businessman. At least he was until, during a trip, he found himself involved in an event that defied all logic he knew. Unwillingly and unexpectedly, he becomes entangled with supernatural beings, and to make matters worse, he has to deal with a demon inside his body! Now, he must become stronger if he wants to survive the challenges ahead. Will Ethan, with his new abilities, be able to survive the new challenges involving gods and demons?

AutorMYV · Fantasy
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124 Chs

Lyra the Ratkin

Night had fallen over the ratkin settlement, enveloping the place in an almost terrifying stillness. Ethan and Yassmin retreated to the tent that the ratkin who had brought them had lent them. It was a modest refuge, but it offered them the privacy they needed after the hectic day. Since Egypt, they hadn't shared a bed again, a decision Yassmin had made to avoid endangering her safety; she had set aside her plan to seduce Ethan out of fear of pushing him away. She knew he was her only chance to regain the lost prestige in Egypt.

As they prepared to sleep, Ethan observed Yassmin with an intense look.

"Yassmin," said Ethan, his voice soft but laden with intention.

Yassmin turned towards him, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and curiosity. Ethan slowly approached, his hand gently caressing her cheek.

"It's been a long time since the last time," whispered Ethan, leaning towards her.

Yassmin felt a shiver run through her body. She had avoided this moment for so long out of fear of complicating things, but now, with Ethan so close, everything seemed simpler and more natural. Without words, she surrendered to his caresses, allowing the passion they had suppressed for so long to overflow.

They made love with an intensity that reflected both the accumulated desire and the need for connection. In the midst of the act, a young ratkin with dark fur and curious eyes watched them from the entrance of the tent. She was a small and slender figure, her black, disheveled hair cascading over her shoulders. However, she quietly withdrew when they finished, without saying a word.

The next morning, Ethan woke up feeling renewed. The experience of the previous night had helped him de-stress; now he was ready to continue. Determined to find out more about this new world and its inhabitants, he got up early and left the tent.

He looked for the ratkin who had guided them the previous night, but he couldn't find him. He had gone to patrol the surroundings of the settlement, ensuring there were no threats. Instead, a ratkin with black hair, the same one who had spied on them during the night, offered to help them. Ethan noticed the murmurs and disapproving looks from other ratkin towards her. She didn't seem to be very welcome in her own society.

"My name is Lyra," said the ratkin, her voice firm but soft. Her unkempt appearance and the whispers around her suggested that she was some sort of outcast in her community.

Ethan and Yassmin looked at her with interest.

"Thank you for offering us your help, Lyra. We appreciate your hospitality. We'd like to know more about the beings that inhabit this forest," said Ethan, watching her closely.

Lyra nodded, her tail moving nervously.

"This forest is full of life and mystery. Besides us, the ratkin, there are fauns, also known as satyrs. They are creatures half man, half goat, who enjoy music and dance. The water nymphs inhabit the rivers and lakes, caring for the waters and all the beings that depend on them. The forest gnomes are small and cunning, guardians of plants and roots. There are also tree men, called dendronauts, who are old and wise, protecting the secrets of the earth. And finally, the air spirits, or aerides, who are invisible most of the time but manifest as gentle breezes or furious storms," explained Lyra in detail, her voice reflecting a deep knowledge of her surroundings.

Ethan absorbed the information, making mental notes about each of these beings. Each could represent an opportunity or a challenge, depending on how things developed.

"Thank you for sharing this information, Lyra. It's very valuable to us," said Ethan, nodding in gratitude.

Lyra looked at him with a mix of shyness and curiosity, and then, with a more reserved tone, asked a question she had clearly been holding back.

"Last night… what I saw…," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "What was that thing you put on down there?"

Ethan exchanged a look with Yassmin, who blushed, embarrassed at being seen. It was a question loaded with curiosity, and Ethan decided to answer sincerely.

"Are you talking about the condom? We use it to avoid getting women pregnant," Ethan replied calmly.

"Why would you want to avoid having children? Isn't that what it's all about?" said Lyra, puzzled.

"For us, it's not just about survival. It's an expression of love and desire; we do it for mere pleasure. It's not just about procreating but about enjoying the pleasure and the bond that is created between two people," explained Ethan, trying to make the answer as understandable as possible for Lyra.

Lyra nodded slowly, her eyes shining with curiosity and a hint of fascination.

"It's interesting. I've never seen it that way. Can I watch you again tonight?" she asked, lowering her gaze with embarrassment.

Yassmin was about to reject her, but before she could say anything, Ethan responded:

"Sure, come by tonight. For now, could you help us with something?"

After the conversation, Lyra guided them through the forest, showing them different plants and explaining their uses. Ethan took detailed notes, recognizing the potential value of this knowledge. Each plant had unique properties, from healing to poisonous, and Ethan knew this information could be crucial in the future.

"This is mandrake root. It's very powerful in making healing potions, but it can also be used to induce deep dreams," explained Lyra, pointing to a plant with thick, twisted roots.

"And these shadow leaves are excellent for concealing someone's presence. They can be used to mask scent and even presence," she continued, showing them a plant with black, shiny leaves.

Ethan was impressed by Lyra's knowledge and the detailed explanation of each plant. Yassmin also seemed interested, asking questions and making mental notes.

"Lyra, you seem to know a lot about this forest and its secrets. How do you know so much?" asked Yassmin, curious about the source of her knowledge.

Lyra smiled shyly, her tail moving nervously.

"Since I was little, I spent hours exploring the forest and learning about this. All ratkin go through this training," she replied, her voice reflecting a mix of passion and melancholy.

As they advanced, Ethan took the opportunity when Lyra moved away to talk more with Yassmin about their strategy and next steps.

"Yassmin, we need to gather as much information as possible about this world and its inhabitants. Every detail helps. We must find allies and resources that will allow us to strengthen ourselves," said Ethan, his tone serious and calculating.

"I know, Ethan," replied Yassmin, nodding determinedly.

As they continued their exploration, Lyra guided them to a clearing where several bushes laden with bright berries were found.

"These are fire berries. They are very rare and have unique magical properties. They can be used to create potions that increase resistance to heat and fire, or even to strengthen flames," explained Lyra, picking some and showing them to Ethan and Yassmin.

Ethan took some berries, studying them with interest. Each of these plants could be unique to this world, which would give him a great profit later if he could monopolize them. Of course, not having an internet connection here, he couldn't compare them directly on the Mistycweb.

Upon returning to the ratkin settlement, Ethan and Yassmin felt more secure and confident in the value of this world. At least they could make several thousand gold coins just with this forest.

"Thank you for everything, Lyra. You have been very helpful," said Ethan, looking at the young ratkin with a smile.

"I'm happy to have been able to help. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask," replied Lyra, returning the smile.

Once alone again, Ethan began to discuss with Yassmin. He wasn't sure if they should dominate this race by force. Although they were very agile, they didn't have much strength, and they didn't know magic either. The problem was the usefulness of these creatures; aside from living in the forest and gathering herbs, they weren't much good for anything else. Spending time enslaving them didn't seem too beneficial.

"I understand your concerns. I know it's your first time and you're a bit impatient, but before simply spending time enslaving the ratkin, we should try our luck with the other beings in the forest. Our portal is here, so we should build a fortress around it. These ratkin don't seem to be very skilled builders, nor great warriors, so it will be better to look for someone else," said Yassmin firmly.

"You're right, but you heard Lyra, the other species that live here don't seem useful either. I think they are the most useful here," said Ethan, reflecting. "Well, let's stay a few more days and then decide."

"We could also visit Darathor before deciding," Yassmin proposed.

Ethan nodded; he understood that making decisions without knowing the full picture would be foolish on his part.