
Magic Revolution

Ethan Blackwood was an ordinary young businessman. At least he was until, during a trip, he found himself involved in an event that defied all logic he knew. Unwillingly and unexpectedly, he becomes entangled with supernatural beings, and to make matters worse, he has to deal with a demon inside his body! Now, he must become stronger if he wants to survive the challenges ahead. Will Ethan, with his new abilities, be able to survive the new challenges involving gods and demons?

AutorMYV · Fantasy
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127 Chs

Base of Operations

Ethan observed the stretch of land before him, a vast area of mountainous terrain in the heart of the Andes, Argentina. He had acquired a plot of approximately 15 square kilometers around what was once the legendary "El Sosneado" hotel and its hot springs. The place, abandoned for decades, lay in ruins, but the hot springs remained a hidden treasure, with waters emerging from the earth at constant temperatures, rich in minerals with therapeutic properties.

The "El Sosneado" hotel had once been a luxurious retreat built in the 1930s. Despite its abandonment, vestiges of its past splendor were visible in the fallen columns and the stone walls that still stood. The hot springs, however, continued to flow, forming natural pools of warm, steaming water, surrounded by a landscape of rustic and wild beauty.

Ethan had paid an exorbitant sum for the land, but the investment was worth every penny. His vision for the place was ambitious: a private villa for him and his close associates, a small town for his future employees, and a private airport to facilitate travel. The vast expanse of land, almost inaccessible by conventional roads, offered the isolation and security he needed for his operations. Additionally, the natural beauty of the place provided a perfect façade for his activities, warding off suspicion.

The initial steps were already underway. Excavators and heavy machinery had been deployed, and the construction plans for the private villa and the main building of his company were finalized. The complex would cover about 20,000 square meters and would feature state-of-the-art facilities. Ethan had even planned to combine them with magical elements he intended to integrate. The construction would take at least two months for the company to begin operating there, but time was not an issue for Ethan.

As the place began to transform, Ethan dedicated himself to strengthening his skills and resources. Once the main building was ready, he would undoubtedly venture into the portal, so it was the perfect time to become stronger. Although when he was in Egypt, his skills were already considered more than sufficient to rival A-rank mages, Ethan did not like to take his security for granted. He had been dragged into many problematic situations for not being as prepared as he would have liked. Now he would not make the same mistake, especially knowing that the B-rank world he had been given was completely virgin. No one knew what kinds of unknown dangers he might encounter. It never hurt to be more prepared.

The commercial success of the magically enhanced batteries had ensured a steady stream of income, allowing him to invest in new acquisitions and improvements. He knew that the path to power and security could not stop; every moment of inactivity was a lost opportunity to prepare for future challenges.

In his laboratory, Ethan expanded his arsenal of necromantic skills. He wanted to acquire new abilities, but there was very little available for sale in these arts, so he focused on reinforcing what he had already learned.

The skeletons at his disposal multiplied, each one more sophisticated and capable than the last. They were not mere bone puppets; they were soldiers, strategists, and guards. He had even begun creating worker skeletons, which had AIs trained to assemble other soldier skeletons as well as their runic tattoos. This had allowed Ethan to have a large number of 100 skeleton soldiers.

Additionally, one of his new achievements was the creation of "Bone Guardians," skeletons reinforced with a bone alloy and a dark metal that Ethan had obtained from a seller on Mysticweb. These guardians were not only more resistant than ordinary skeletons, but they were also now equipped with artificial intelligence that allowed them to operate independently. Although they were extremely durable, the dark metal was very scarce and difficult to obtain, so he could only create two of these guardians.

And his purchases did not end there. Ethan acquired several artifacts that increased his control over the dead. One of them, the "Ring of Anubis," in addition to increasing control, allowed him to summon the spirit of a guard dog. He bought this artifact after his recent worst experience, the existence of Neith, an undead he could not control.

Another significant acquisition was the "Whispers of Twilight: Enchantments of Dusk," an ancient grimoire containing rituals and spells of shadows lost in time, recommended by Yassmin. Ethan was aware of his few offensive skills, so he spent entire nights deciphering its pages, learning new spells that allowed him to use shadows and darkness. So far, Ethan could only use shadows to envelop his rivals in a magic that gradually corroded them.

He could already manipulate shadows, but there was not much he could do with them. Although he was practically the demon Apophis, during the fusion, it was very weakened, so the skills he inherited were only the most basic ones. Finally, thanks to the book, Ethan was able to learn two new offensive spells: shadow arrows and nocturnal scythes.

Ethan even worked on improving his physical abilities. He spent hours training in combat and perfecting his martial arts techniques. Although he did not expect to be a great fighter, he understood that he should have sufficient physical qualities if he ran out of mana again. Moreover, if he used his demon transformation, knowing martial arts would make him a warrior almost as dangerous as Yassir in his werewolf form. It would be foolish of him to ignore such potential.

In addition to strengthening his army and skills, Ethan also focused on protecting his new base of operations. He installed a series of magical barriers around the perimeter of his property, using a combination of ancient runes to create a perimeter where anyone who crossed would be detected.

With each passing day, Ethan came closer to realizing his vision. Construction progressed at a good pace, and the villa began to take shape. The plans for the small town and the private airport were ready, and Ethan had not yet begun recruiting the first employees. He needed trustworthy people who were aware of his activities and who would contribute to the security and operation of his company. But finding such people was not easy. In any case, there was no rush yet; when the time came, if necessary, he would use the skeletons as employees.

The new building for his company would be a modern fortress, equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories and magical research areas. Here, Ethan planned to continue his studies and develop new technologies that combined science and magic, further enhancing his power and influence. The complex would have all the necessary services for his employees, including housing, recreational areas, and infrastructure that ensured their well-being and loyalty.

One afternoon, while reviewing the progress in construction and improvements in his skeleton army, Ethan received a message from Yassmin. She had completed Sara's initial training in pyrokinesis, and her natural talent was evident. Sara had demonstrated impressive control over fire, able to manipulate flames with a precision and power that surprised even Yassmin.

Ethan knew that Sara would be an invaluable ally in the future. Her ability with pyrokinesis could become extremely destructive, so in addition to her administrative skills as a secretary, she would be a great ally in battle. He decided it would be prudent to continue investing in her training and ensure that she was fully equipped for any challenge they might face.

Another piece of news Ethan received was Aria's awakening. She had been unconscious for a long time, making it difficult for Yassir, who was caring for her, to explain everything. Even so, she found it difficult to believe that they had been attacked by their god and then pursued by their own allies. She was confused for a few days, but she was a woman with strong character, and soon she recovered, directly asking Ethan for a position in his company. Ethan did not reject her; he needed people aware of magic under his command, so he gave her the position of Sara's assistant.

As the construction of his empire advanced and his skills strengthened, Ethan could not help but feel satisfied. He knew that the path he had chosen was dangerous and full of uncertainty, but every step he took brought him closer to his goal. The villa in the hot springs would become his refuge and fortress, a place from which he could expand his influence and consolidate his power.

As the construction lights shone in the distance and the shadows of the night lengthened, Ethan looked at the horizon with determination. He knew that there was still much to be done, but he also knew that he was on the right path. His empire in the mountains would not only be a refuge but also the base from which he would launch his next great challenge.