
Magic Release

Nothing can hold you if you are strong enough, that's what Max used to believe however as he travels with his group it changes, he fights countless enemies, he defeats it, but something is still holding him, that is his past. He thought forgetting his past would make it easier for him to find peace but it's only making it hard for him to stand tall. Come join me in Max Lifesteal adventure as he fought and met people on his adventure.

LordRizen04112008 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The slime that Max sent finally makes his way inside the Kingdom, it's jumping around some alleyway to find the girl that Max tells it to find.

The slime jumps on the roof of a house and looks down It saw many people walking, it looked around a little more until it saw a girl running around, it has the same Identity that Max describes, not so tall, yellow hair, green eyes, wearing a round glass.

The slime jumps down from the roof and follows the girl, the girl is running fast like she has an errand, the slime is jumping fast to catch up to the girl.

"I'm going to be late!" The girl is running fast, she bumps into some people on her way, she finally made it to a small hut in the side part of the Kingdom. "Few... I made it.." she sits on a small rock to catch her breath.

The slime is on her back ready to jump on her, the slime thinks for a moment before jumping on Leila's head, Leila jumps in surprise and falls to the ground, "Something's on my head! something's on my head!" She stands up and looks around.

She saw the slime on the ground looking at her in confusion, "A slime? gross..." she looked disgusted at the slime.

The slime gets angry but it remembers that it has to deliver a letter to Leila, it opens its mouth and spits the letter at the ground. Leila sees this and quickly grabs it, she opens it and reads the letter, her eyes light up as she reads the letter, a smile breaks on her face and she quickly grabs the slime and hugs it.

She runs towards the hut while holding the slime, she opens the door, "Grandma!" Leila shouts as she opens the door, the old woman stands up from her seat and quickly shouts at Leila, "You're late!"

Leila quickly speaks up, "Max is back! Grandma!" Leila shouts in happiness, the old woman's face lights up as she hears this, "What? why did he come back here?! he will get executed by coming back!"

"That's what he said in this letter, he already knows that it will happen so he has a plan ready." Leila said, she is excited, "And that plan involves me!"

The next day comes and Max is getting escorted to the execution ground, there are so many guards around him which make it hard for him to escape or do anything silly, they put a chain around Max's neck to drag him easily, they finally made it to the execution ground, it's like a colosseum, the guards opens the large door and start walking while dragging Max.

They walk towards the middle of the execution ground where there is a large platform, the guards push Max on the platform and remove the chain on his neck, one guard slams Max on the ground, there are people sitting on the side of the execution ground and in the middle of it is where the King sits.

The King stands up, his daughter is on her side, he speaks up, "So the day has come where the Lifesteal bloodline will come to an end!" all the people that were sitting gasped and started whispering, "Lifesteal? never thought I'd seen one..." they keep whispering to each other, "There's a rumor that the Lifesteals are cursed, it said that they sometimes get out of control and there's some kind of devil that they are worshipping..."

"Ehem! Start the execution! bring the executioners!"

A group of armored looking guards starts to come out on the other side of the arena, they are all holding a sword with crystals on its handle, one guard brings a large wood and puts it on the platform, they tie Max on the large wood and walk to the side, the executioners all point their swords towards Max.

"Any last words? Max Lifesteal?"

Max smiled and said, "I will come back!"

The executioners all aimed their sword at Max and charged at him with all their might, their sword pierced through Max's body, a large amount of magic exploded from Max's body which knocked the executioners unconscious, Max's lifeless body falls to the ground with executioners, the people that watched this happen are all shocked by this.

The King is also shocked by what happened and his daughter leaves his side crying. The King called one of his guards and told it to check if Max was really dead, the guard saluted and quickly went down to the platform.

He lifts Max's head, the guard was surprised to see that Max is still smiling even in his death, the guard called a medic for the unconscious executioners, they brought Max's body to the morgue, they called a scientist to examine Max's body, they want to know why Max's body releases a large amount of magic when he died.

The scientist finally comes in, his hair is white, there's a large scar on his face and his left arm is missing, he smiled and said, "Is this the body?"

"Yes!" One guard said.

"Hehe... I still can feel a large amount of mana coursing throughout his body, are you sure his dead?" The scientist asked.

"He was confirmed dead, his heart is not beating anymore and there's no sign of him moving." The guard said.

"I see... bring him to my laboratory! I'll experiment with his body." The scientist said.

The guards put Max's body to some kind of a tank and lift it, they follow the scientist to his laboratory and the scientist motions to the guards to leave.

"Hey little girl! is this the body?" The scientist said.

Leila comes out to the other side of the laboratory with the slime on her head, "Yeah thats the one." Leila walks up towards the tank and looks at Max's body, tears start to fall from her eyes, "I'm making you a new body Max, I'll make it fast so that you will not suffer from that messy body of yours."