
Magic Release

Nothing can hold you if you are strong enough, that's what Max used to believe however as he travels with his group it changes, he fights countless enemies, he defeats it, but something is still holding him, that is his past. He thought forgetting his past would make it easier for him to find peace but it's only making it hard for him to stand tall. Come join me in Max Lifesteal adventure as he fought and met people on his adventure.

LordRizen04112008 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Blonde Girl

His eyes light up, and he walks over to the cage. He finds a sleeping girl underneath all of the fabric and ropes. He noticed that the girl was completely naked.

She appears to be in her late teens, and her hair is a beautiful golden blonde.

The girl seems to have been tied to the cage with rope, as he sees her arms are all tied to the cage.

He notices she is completely asleep, and appears to be tied up and trapped here.

The girl looks alive, but she appears to be trapped by the ropes.

She is very still, almost like a statue, and she is completely unconscious.

He also notices she has some small scratches all over her body.

He dragged the cage over to the side and managed to lift it up.

He moves it near a tree for some shade, but he hears voices from in front of him.

He turned his head to see a group of guardsmen approaching him, there were 5 of them and they were all decked out in chainmail armor and equipped with swords.

They look like they're ready for battle.

One of the guardsmen shouts out at him.

"There's the monster! Kill it!"

"Monster? who?"

One of the guardsmen, the one in the lead, points directly at him, "You! You're the monster that attacked our convoy!"

The guardsmen all unsheathe their swords and begin to approach him.

One of the guardsmen yells out, "Surrender or die!"

"Eh?! what?! I'm not a monster!"

The guardsmen look at him, none of them seem to believe him.

He can hear their armor clink and clanking together as they prepare for a fight.

They are only a few meters away from him and are in attack formation, their swords all pointed towards him.

One of them charges towards him, and the others quickly follow in behind him.

He hears the guard yell out, "Die, filthy monster!"

The guards charge directly at him, they are so close, he can practically feel the pressure from their charge.

The guard who is ahead of the rest starts to swing his sword at him.

Max could easily dodge the attack and then counter-attack, but he decided to simply try to grab the sword instead as a counter-attack.

He managed to snatch the sword away and send it flying to the side.

He hears the sword get buried into a tree behind him and he hears the guard exclaim in shock.

"There must be some kind of misunderstanding! do I look like a monster to you?!"

"I don't really care what you are," one of the guards says, "But I know you're not getting out of here alive."

The guard then draws his dagger and lunges directly at Max's chest.

Max quickly grabs the dagger and manages to redirect the lunge.

He punched the guard directly in the stomach.

He can feel the air expelled from the guard lungs when he hits him, and he sends him flying back a couple meters.

He hears all the guards in the back scream in surprise as the front guard crashes into many of the others.

He notices the remaining standing guards are still looking at him skeptically, and they continue to slowly move towards him.

At once, he noticed a sense of movement from the forest close by.

He realizes that they are slowly trying to surround him, with the hope of cutting off his escape routes.

"I need to use my teleportation magic."

He holds the cage where the girl is at, and uses his teleportation magic.

He disappears along with the girl, and the guards are left standing with nothing but a patch of grass and leaves where he had stood earlier.

He feels his stomach lurch as he ends up on the beach.

He also noticed a nearby cliff-side as well.

This cliff-side looks like it may lead up to other high points.

There are also a few small trees on this cliff-side.

He also notices that the girl, who he grabbed with the cage, is still in the cage, and is still completely asleep.

"Using only that teleportation magic is exhausting..."

He rested for several minutes, trying to recoup the mana that was expended during the teleportation.

He's able to feel his body slowly replenish what was lost.

He can also feel a slight headache from using so much magic earlier.

He decided to use this time to start investigating who the girl is, and why she was in the cage.

He looked at the cage very closely, looking for potential ways to destroy it.

It does not take him long to figure out how the cage works, and he successfully break it open.

Max cuts the rope that is around the girl. The girl is now loose, he can see that she has started stirring.

It seems that the girl is beginning to wake up now....

"Oh sh*t! I need to look cool."

Max prepares himself so that he can look cool. He decided to cover his body with his cloak and wait for the girl to open her eyes.

She eventually does open her eyes, Max notices that the girl eyes are bright golden yellow, and they are very pretty.

"Huh.... Where am I?" The girl asks, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Welcome to.... I don't know where...."

Max say these words to her, and the look of shock on her face has started to fade.

"Ah, I see," she says, "Thank you very much for rescuing me"

"But..." she pauses for a moment, still thinking, "Why would they keep me in a cage though?"

"I don't know, do you not remember anything?"

"No, not at all. I'm afraid I can't even remember my own name." she says, "...Could you help me remember?"

She is visibly upset by this, and a tear starts to form in her eye.

(For a reminder, this girl is physically around 18 years old)

"I can't help you remember, but I can give you a new name."

"A new name??" she asks, curiously.

"Well... what do you have for me?"

"Hmmm.... how about Luna?"

"Luna is... Luna is a beautiful name." she says with a smile, "Thank you!"

Max can see Luna smile and the feeling of satisfaction she got from being given this name after not being able to remember her previous one.

She takes a moment to relax and look around, and notices that the two of him are on a beach.

"Are we... close to... any towns?"

"Maybe... I don't know."