
Magic, Monsters and Mysteries of Zario

There was a boy named Taksh, just enjoying his childhood, when one day, he encountered Magic for the first time, and his life became a lot more interesting. Come, join Taksh in his adventures as he rises from just a boy, to the only one who can challenge Gods. The world where this Lore unfolds is a Mysterious Planet, filled with Ancient Monsters, Captivating Magic and Untold secrets. But worry not, as I will guide you in this journey in such an entertaining way that you will be forced to wish to be Isekaied here. Spoiler Alert:- Even though this is not an Isekai story, it definitely is an Isekai story. Start reading if you want to understand what I mean.

VagueWorld · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Dining Table Conversation

On the morning of the next day, the Grandpa Grandson duo was having their breakfast while discussing things Arvind told him last night. Taksh had understood most of the things from the lecture. The things he didn't understand were made clear now, after a short revision from Arvind.

The one serving the breakfast was their maid Neru. Neru is a quiet type of woman, in her mid-forties. She is the oldest among the members of the household, even one or two years older than Arvind. She has long silver hair, and grey eyes, full of caressness and warmth for others.

Neru loves two things, which are Kids and Handmade stuff. And both of these loves can be satisfied by making toys and weaving clothes for Taksh. It is because of this very reason that Neru is Taksh's favourite aunt.

She is also the only person in this family, who knows the basics of Manasmithing. With the help of Manasmithing, objects with magical properties can be made. She used Manasmithing to make interactive little toys.

It is only because of advancements in Manasmithing that appliances with magical effects can be made. This resulted in a decrease in dependence on Magic in day-to-day life.

For example, the development of Magical stoves, (an appliance which can produce heat to cook food) led to a decrease in external interventions. Earlier, the fire mages used their flames to cook their food properly. But now, any person with some Magic crystals can produce the same effect even without their involvement. Sometime later, even the Fire mages started using the stoves. By now, most day-to-day work is done using these appliances, and Magic is used only during fighting.

Anyway, let's come back to the story. While our duo was having breakfast, Dhruv and Isha came down from their bedroom. There was a bathroom attached to their bedroom, and it looked like they had taken a bath just recently. But even after the bath, they didn't look that fresh. Dhruv's movements were sluggish, whereas Isha had one hand on her lower back.

Just a glance at them was enough for any adult to understand that they hadn't slept for the entire night. Even they themselves knew that everyone had already guessed everything. Even though they had tried their very best to pretend to be normal, the hints were too obvious to miss.

The maids didn't say anything regarding this. They knew that this was a line they shouldn't cross. But Arvind was not like maids. He didn't need to stay within the limits in front of his son and his daughter-in-law.

"Utilizing your opportunity to the fullest, huh?" Dhruv and Isha's faces became as red as tomatoes, after listening to the comment. But it wasn't over, as his narcissistic nature took over Arvind.

"Even then, I wasn't reduced to this state, even after going all twenty-four hours straight with both my wives. Can't say the same about them though. BAHAHAHAHA…" At this statement, everyone stared at him like shouting 'Are you crazy?' with just their eyes.

Not because of his stamina, definitely not. But because he was blabbering all these in front of a 4-year-old kid. Everyone's glare made him realize what blunder he was doing, and made his face straight, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Taksh was trying to make sense of what his Grandpa was talking about. But after noticing that no one wanted to talk about it, he didn't ask anything further.

Instead, he asked a question to satisfy his newfound unsatisfiable curiosity.

"Mother Father, can any of you use Elemental Affinities?"

Hearing this made everyone have a sigh of relief. Finally, something to change the topic.

Isha was about to say something in reply to her son's question, but before she could, Dhruv had already started talking. That's why she left the question to him and instead focused on her morning drink.

"Wow! You already know about Elemental affinities! Father must have told you a lot of things last night then. He can give very nice lectures." (Pun intended)

"You bet." Arvind didn't understand Dhruv's sarcasm due to his narcissism dancing in his head.

'Dhruv said that I'm a good teacher. He doesn't praise me that often. That must mean it's the truth. Should I have applied to the post of a lecturer at any Magic Academy?' This was what was going on in his head at this time.

Dhruv continued "The answer to your question is No! I don't have any affinity. But your mom here is a wind mage."

"Wow Mother, please do something. I want to see Wind Element in action."

How can a mother say no to such an innocent request of her child? With a smile, she lifted her index finger, and a wind current going up formed, starting from Taksh's legs and going all the way to his head. When Taksh lifted his hands forward, he realized that the current was just around him. There was no wind around his palms.

"Cool! But I still like the space element. I wonder what elements I would awaken. Is there some way to know that Mother?" Taksh was asking these questions to Isha because she was the only one present here with an affinity. If anyone would know about this, it would be her.

"No Dear, you would be able to know about your affinities, only after your Mana Core gets formed."

"Aww… But I don't want to wait for that long. I will go and ask Uncle Liam about this."

The rest of the conversation was pretty generic stuff, nothing interesting. After their meal, they went on to have their work, except for Taksh. He was going on to everyone, and asking questions about Magic.