
Magic, Monsters and Mysteries of Zario

There was a boy named Taksh, just enjoying his childhood, when one day, he encountered Magic for the first time, and his life became a lot more interesting. Come, join Taksh in his adventures as he rises from just a boy, to the only one who can challenge Gods. The world where this Lore unfolds is a Mysterious Planet, filled with Ancient Monsters, Captivating Magic and Untold secrets. But worry not, as I will guide you in this journey in such an entertaining way that you will be forced to wish to be Isekaied here. Spoiler Alert:- Even though this is not an Isekai story, it definitely is an Isekai story. Start reading if you want to understand what I mean.

VagueWorld · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Dhruv had told Taksh everything he knew about Mana Affinity. Hearing about the possibility of having a massive Mana Pool made Taksh feel a little better. But then a thought popped into Taksh's head. What if not only does he not awaken any Elemental affinity, but his Mana affinity turns out to be very low? In that case, he would be one in a million, but weakest. This thought alone was able to make him shiver.

"But how are we going to measure Mana Affinity? And where's Grandpa? Are we waiting for him?" Taksh took a few deep breaths to calm himself down before asking this question. He knew that taking stress right now would result in nothing.

"Father went to buy some affinity crystals. Two types of affinity crystals exist, Mana Affinity Crystal and Elemental Affinity Crystal. Mana Affinity Crystal tells us about the level of your affinity towards Mana, whereas Elemental Affinity Crystal tells us which Affinity you awakened.

It is about time he returns with the crystals."

Within ten minutes of saying this, a silvery blue portal opened into the hall, from which Arvind came out, jumping with happiness.

"BAHAHAHAHA… Those stuck-up bastards were so stunned after hearing that Taksh was able to awaken his Mana Core at such a young age. Watching their stunned faces felt so good."

Arvind was carrying two transparent spheres, followed by Liam, who was carrying a book and two wooden discs, on which something similar to ancient runes were drawn.

"Okay Liam, put the discs here on this table" Isha pointed towards an empty table placed nearby.

Liam placed the discs there and extended the book towards Isha, which she gracefully accepted. Arvind placed the crystals on each disc.

Isha opened the book, and read it for a minute, before saying "Taksh, go there and place your right palm on the left crystal and wait for a few seconds. It will start glowing with some color, and that color will tell us the grade of your Mana Affinity. The six colors possible are Black, Purple, Red, Yellow, Silver and White, with Black meaning the worst grade, and White meaning the best. But white is so rare that it's basically a myth at this point for the crystal to glow white." Isha explained all the things she read from the guide.

Taksh went ahead and put his palm on the left crystal, just like Isha told him. A few seconds later, a bright silver color took over the whole room.

Everybody took a sigh of relief after the crystal started shining silver in color.

"Congrats son, you have Silver grade affinity, just like me and father. I am feeling a lot relieved now. This means your Mana Pool is a lot bigger than any normal human being. You are a one-in-a-million Genius." Dhruv said while practically dancing with joy.

Even Taksh felt a lot relieved after this. Silver grade, with a big Mana Pool seemed like a great deal to him.

"Okay everyone, Quiet! Taksh, now remove your palm from that crystal and place it on the other crystal. Within a few seconds, they should glow. If they do, then awesome. But if they don't that means that you don't have any affinity. You can remove your hands once it starts glowing. If you have more than one affinity, it will automatically change its color to represent that element."

Taksh nodded once, and raised his palms to place them on the other crystal. It was just now that everyone, including Taksh, noticed that his hands were shaking. Taksh was a lot more nervous right now than he was while checking his Mana Affinity grade.

As soon as Taksh touched the crystal, he felt a tingling sensation. He didn't feel anything like this when he touched the Mana Affinity crystal. But both crystals were made for different purposes. So he didn't think of anything regarding this.

A few seconds later, a red color illuminated the crystal.

"Red color denotes fire affinity. You awakened the Fire element."

"Look son look! Your deep desire came true. You REALLY awakened an affinity. And that too, of the fire element, one of the most damage-dealing elements."

"BAHAHAHAHA… That's my Grandson after all. It was impossible for him not to awaken any affinity. BAHAHAHAHA…"

"Congratulations Young Lord! I am going to make Sparkling Meat again to celebrate this auspicious moment."

"Our young lord awakened an element, along silver grade Mana Affinity and an extremely large pool of Mana. I am sure at this point that he'll be one of the strongest Mages, in the history of Zario."

"I know an instructor with Fire Element. We can hire him if you want to learn more about the element."

Everyone around Taksh started shouting and congratulating him. But their congrats fell on deaf years. Because Taksh didn't hear anything of what they said. His complete focus was on the red glowing crystal.

A tear fell on the carpet below Taksh, followed by another, followed by many more.

"I…I can… Even I can do Magic! I can do elemental magic. REALLY! Really?"

Taksh was celebrating this moment of his life when suddenly the color of the crystal changed, and it started glowing Sky Blue.

"Water Magic! Blue color represents Water Magic. Taksh has awakened two affinities."

"I'm so happy for you my son. Most people can't even awaken one element, but you awakened two. There was no reason for you to be so sad. You broke the curse of our family and awakened not only one but two affinities."

But the show was not over yet. Soon the color of the crystal changed yet again. It turned black this time. And one more thing that changed along with the color was what everyone was talking about in the background.

"Black color means Dark magic. But…"

"I am not dreaming, right?"

"Auch… no, it hurts, it's not a dream. Young Lord really awakened a third element."

"Let me pinch myself to confirm too."

But the show still was not over. The color of the crystal changed yet again, Grey this time. And the conversation in the background again changed.

"Sound Element! How?"

"Is it even possible Dear?"

"I don't know Honey. I'm just as shocked as you are."

But the show was yet to end. The crystal changed its color, once again, this time to Silvery Blue.

Till now, a massive smile had bloomed on Taksh's face. He turned around, in the direction of Isha and asked "This color means Space Element, right?" But what Taksh saw when he turned around was everyone just staring at him, with their mouths wide open.


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