
Magic Martial World (Moved to WSA)

With a wave of my hand, thousands of magicsteel swords rained down on my enemies as I enjoyed a chess game with my companions. With a swing of my sword, sword kings and emperors prostrated before me as I hanged the Sword Saint's head for the world to see.  With a flick of my finger, hundreds of thousands of wizards and sages exploded into bloody mist as I used their blood and bones to pave my path towards invincibility. I am Ivan Chaos, the first cultivator in a scientific world of wizards. ______________________________________________ Disclaimers: This is a slow paced novel where learning and improving are the norm. Even when the MC is overpowered later, he'll still lose occasionally due to lack of info or techniques. _____________________________________________ I remade the cover, finally. Back to ASR.

Simp_Chaos · Eastern
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30 Chs

Wyvern Corps

Throughout the flight, no flying beasts dared to come near the Crimson Tempest Dragon.

Not only were birds terrified of the dense draconic aura surrounding the air around the dragon, even the dark clouds that were going to block out the sun parted to form a path for the dragon to fly through.

With each flap of its wings, Calvin's pet dragon brought Ivan and Calvin closer to Seishi by leaps and bound, literally.

Thus, the journey back to Seishi was peaceful and uninteresting.

Upon arriving in Seishi's air space, Calvin and his Crimson Tempest Dragon was suddenly surrounded by 3 wyverns wearing jade green armor.

Knights could be seen riding on top of the wyverns.

They themselves were equipped with glowing green staffs and small round shields, fitted well for an air battle if needed.

"State your name and reason for traveling through Seishi's air space." The knight in the middle pointed his staff at Calvin and said.

He was unafraid of Calvin's dragon since he knew Seishi's lord could take it down within seconds.

Calvin, on the other hand, took out his identification card before throwing it at the knight.

"See for yourself." Calvin calmly added.

"You!" Infuriated by Calvin's arrogance, the knight on the left shouted.

He pointed his staff at the man and started to chant a spell, wanting to blow Calvin's indifferent facade off the face of the planet.

But before things could get out of hand, the middle knight stopped his subordinate by pointing his staff at him. "Stand down!"

"But Sir, he's disrespecting you." The knight on the right added.

"I'm just a lowly knight captain guarding the air space of a medium sized town. The person in front of us, on the other hand, is a Sage." The middle knight explained.

"Wait, huh?" The remaining two knights, along with Ivan in the back, dropped their jaws in unison.

'Uncle Calvin is a Sage? As in a Sage in the magic arts?!' Ivan's heart shook as this new piece of information blew his mind.

Chaos and Leviathan had to exert their spiritual prowess to stabilize the boy's blown mind afterwards.

They couldn't leave their home crumbling before a simple thought after all.

The other 2 knights stared at Calvin in shock as the middle knight gave back Calvin's identification card respectfully.

"I'll take my leave now." Calvin put away his identification card before he willed his pet dragon to descend into Seishi, ignoring the 3 wyvern knights without a second glance.

The 3 wyvern knights didn't mind his behavior anymore and instead bowed apologetically towards Calvin since their egos nearly cost them their lives.

Once the Crimson Tempest Dragon had descended far beyond the 3 wyvern knights' views, Ivan crawled his way up the dragon's spikes before he plopped himself next to his caretaker.

Calvin moved over a bit before he focused on piloting the dragon again.

"So uncle, what were those knights riding on wyverns?" [Ivan]

"Wasn't it obvious? They were Wyvern Knights from Seishi's Wyvern Corps. They come from a branch within the Knights' Order that pilots wyverns or griffins to ensure order within the skies." [Calvin]

"How come I've never seen those Wyvern Knights before? Were they always here in Seishi?" [Ivan]

"Each mid-sized town and city possesses their own Wyvern Corps that operate within the town or city in their own fashion. The Wyvern Corps in Seishi is no different." [Calvin]

"How so?" [Ivan]

"Well, since flying magic is an advanced level type of magic while air travel is expensive to the common folk, only a small percentage of people actually use air travel. Therefore, the Wyvern Corps only needs to monitor this small percentage of people." [Calvin]

"So because very few people can access the skies, the Wyvern Corps rarely appear to do their jobs?" [Ivan]

"Something like that. You also have to factor in the repercussions of the common folk if they were to see wyverns flying about during patrols." [Calvin]

"But the townspeople of Seishi look calm when they see your dragon?" [Ivan]

"That's because Seishi is weird. Other towns in Ishgar become inhospitable lands filled with madness when their people catch a glimpse of a wyvern's tail in the sky." [Calvin]

"I see." [Ivan]

"Good. Now get down. My pet dragon says that carrying you on his back feels like he was carrying a mountain instead." [Calvin]

Unbeknownst to Ivan, Calvin had skillfully landed his Crimson Tempest Dragon onto one of the landing pads built within Seihi Airport while giving Ivan a brief explanation of the Wyvern Corps and its inner workings.

"Oh, okay." Ivan nodded.

He patted the dragon's back as a way of thanks for the ride before he slid down the dragon's tail onto the grassy floor.

Calvin got down after him.

"Now that we're back, shall we go see your old headmaster? I'm sure he'd be delighted to see you…Hm? Where did the boy go?"

Just before Calvin could finish his words, Ivan had decided to go home first and was gone like the wind.

This left Calvin speechless.

"Guess I'll go see the old man myself then…" He muttered to himself.

With his body being at level 5, Ivan had no problems running back home without stopping to take a breather.

Even the thousands of steps leading him up the hill, and into the valley his house was built at the end of did not make the boy falter one bit.

Ivan was just that eager to go home after spending 3 whole weeks to pass an entrance exam located within the capital.