
magic love

des_comedy_8120 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

magic love

The conversation

It all started when he asked if he could sit with me. The first time he asked to be excused I did not even notice him there. He was too nervous and I was too busy reading what I was reading. I appreciated the fact he had the courage to ask again. I said he could and then we time travelled.

We talked as the minutes of this century passed. We talked about the things of this century and yet it was nothing like the 21st century.

'What are you reading?' he asked taking the chair opposite to me. I prayed that it was the book that called him. Holding up the book so that he could read the title (the kite runner) I asked 'Have you read it?'

'What do you think brought me to your table? That's one of my favourite books' he smiled. I couldn't help but smile. That happened almost never in my life. He hadn't clicked on 'send' and I didn't have to accept or decline. I wasn't looking at the pictures he thought were the best for the world to see but him, as he was, as a normal human is in a coffee shop and I knew he read. I was sure as hell I wanted to have this conversation. I realized the first thing I took in about this person was what he had read and loved, not his looks not even his name. I was surprised because the first thing I always notice about people is how they look. I don't blame myself for it because I know that is what most people do. The human tendency you know.

'Without any spoilers can you tell me what's so good about it?' I asked him carefully mentioning I didn't want any spoilers. The book was actually really good. I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest.

'Hosseini is a story teller. No book I have read tells a story so beautifully' he said. I could see in his eyes how magical he found the story to be. Moreover I agreed with him. I had felt the magic of the words, them without being about magic.

'Don't you think some incidences are too vivid to have been imagined?' I remarked. 'They seem like to have happened with the writer?'

'If you were to write a story wouldn't you let a little of you into the story?' he instantly made me think. I realized I most definitely would. I didn't have any other answer except yes. I chose to nod. He insisted on buying me a coffee when I already had one. I don't like to be convinced for something so I gave in. We went on discussing books for a while and then authors. He even asked me about the kind of music I listened to and when I said I didn't he wasn't shocked like everyone, every time was on discovering that. He was rather interested why.

'Believe me you are the first one to say that. I am interested in knowing how do you survive?' he asked.

'I know there must be someone else too. I mean people can live without songs. Exhibit A' I said laughing. 'I have always thought words give soul to a song; beauty to them. I just don't need tunes to acknowledge the beauty of words.' Something told me he understood my reasons. Even if he didn't, he cared enough not to show that. Has there ever been a time in my life I had to explain the reasons for my likes and dislikes? To be honest; many times. Given the number of things I like and I dislike it is always sensible to have a reason for them.

'Do you always have a reason for everything you do?' he asked more interestedly. As he leaned in, keeping his hands on the table and resting his chin on them I noticed he had this vampire tooth which showed even if he smiled the slightest.

'I think it's good to' I said without hesitating because have I ever dithered in saying anything I believe in.

'And sometimes not' he said with this trivial smile which makes you question it, urges you to say 'why?' and so I asked him why? I would be lying if I say I wasn't expecting a good answer. He came up with an answer better than I was expecting.

'Because when this one time comes when you can't find a reason for something, you start to question yourself. Having a reason for everything makes you depend on them for everything'

Was it true? Never had such a time come until then. For the first time I did not have a reason for not ever doing anything without a reason. Was always having a reason, reason for that? God he got me so confused. I had to take a moment to take it all in.

'Haven't you ever done anything just for the heck of it?'

I hadn't. I wasn't even ready with an answer which wouldn't make me look as boring as I was finding myself to be then, he got up to leave.

'As much as I would love to continue I really have to be somewhere' he said putting the chair back in its place then finally told me his name and extended his hand to me. I shook his hand, telling him my name and smiling at the fact we were complete strangers and yet had talked for about an hour.

'I shall find you on Facebook by the same name?' I asked.

'That is too main stream. How about we meet here same time, next Sunday? Just for the heck of it' this time he smirked like young a boy does when he knows he is up to something fun. Wanting to say 'most definitely' I went with 'okay'

As he walked away I kept wondering