
Magic & Love

A young prince and princess is thrown into events that change them dark secrets will come to light and a evil that will destroy everything (warning there is graphic violence and sexual themes in this book)

SpaceHuman · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 Inner Demons

Dane and Sura walk the streets of the market while Lilith has gone off by herself Sura keeps giving Dane a glance when he isn't looking he is very handsome but he isn't like any other prince she's ever met.

Dane notices a few guards run past them Sura stands next to Dane "why is everyone in a rush?" Dane follows they are lead to the city walls Dane see's king red beard and goes up to meet him.

"Red beard what is...oh" a large army stands outside the wall wearing black armour they were the ones who attacked the kingdom of men.

A man from the army walks forward his armour is gold and black the helmet is in the shape of a skull he carries a large black curved sword he looks at the army on the wall for a moment then speaks "we have come for the one called Sura if you hand her over we will let your people live."

Red beard turns to Sura and Dane "you can try and take her as you are in the black mountains we've faced monsters scarier than you." the dwarves pound their shields and axes together the soldier standing Infront of them shakes his head "I did warn you" the man speaks in a dark language.

A group of soldiers in black armour appear behind the group Dane pulls out his sword deflecting an arrow Sura pushes two away with her red magic.

Dane see's more appear around him red beard grabs dual wield axes he slashes cutting down many Dane feels the air around him start to go hot and then a loud crack Dane is blow of the wall.

Dane feels the air escape his lungs Sura lands next to him she has a large cut on her cheek she stands up wobbly Dane feels dizzy he sees red beard run over to him "the city is gonna fall how did they do it?" Dane shakes his head "dark magic maybe we need to get Sura out of here if she's important to them we need to find out why."

Red beard nods they run to the centre of town Lilith has a hand crossbow in her left hand and a dagger in her right she shoots one bolt in the neck of one soldier and stabs two with her dagger.

Sura goes to Lilith Dane see's red beard grab Borin and another known as Vulk a dwarven ranger his black beard is braided from the middle with the two sides brushed he nods at Dane "we need to take you three to the cavern" Dane groans.

They are lead past the city where a few dwarves are huddled by a large stone door the door opens to a tunnel where Dane can hear rushing water they move through the passage to a large river it is rushing down to a large underground lake red beard starts having people go down into the water.

Dane hears shouting behind him Sura turns to Dane "it would be a bad time to say I can't swim" Dane sighs he looks at the entrance a few dozen soldiers have now entered the large cavern "only one way out now."

Dane grabs Sura and he goes to the water they jump in the water instantly pulling them down towards the lake a few arrows fly past them Sura is dodging a few but one gets her thigh and another one slightly hits her cheek Sura yells in pain Dane notices there is two directions up a head one leads to the lake the other leads to a river.

Dane see's Sura going to the river he tries to grab her but she is already pulled into that direction Dane summons his powers to push him into Sura his arm glows blue and a bunch of water turns into a large sphere and pushes him next to Sura they are in this water for a few hours now until.

Dane and Sura are then thrown out into a calm river Sura is holding onto Dane has an arm around her torso he grabs the side of a rock and climbs out of the river.

Sura hops next to Dane he sits her down beside the rock Dane kneels down next to her blood trickles down her cheek and leg "these both will scar I'll have to pull out this arrow if I want to stop the bleeding."

Dane takes off his belt and folds "put this in your mouth" Sura bites down on the belt Dane see's two large fangs but doesn't say anything about it he snaps the bottom on the arrow which makes Sura grunt.

Dane looks at Sura "hey I'm gonna pull now okay be still" Dane grabs the arrow and pulls Sura lets out a muffled scream he pulls it out quickly Dane takes off his shirt ripping it and using the fabric as bandages Sura has fallen unconscious Dane picks her up and carries her her head resting on his chest her arms are crossed Dane is exhausted from using magic and being in the water for a long time his fingers have wrinkled like prunes.

He walks for a while until he sees a small abandoned fishing shack he walks in its entirety dark only being able to see barely Dane see's a lantern and uses his magic to light it aflame the room lights up he sees a large bed a fishing nets rest above it a fire place with a cauldron rest in the corner of the room some shelves with a bunch of dust.

Dane places Sura down on the bed Dane looks around for a bit most of the stuff in here is just fishing supplies he finally goes to the fire place and see's a bunch of wood stacked next to the fire place he grabs some and starts a fire after placing the wood he uses his magic.

The wood immediately is on fire the room lights up even more Dane sits on a chair by the fire and sits there until he falls asleep.

Sura stands in a field fog is just above the grass she sees a group of people in red robes with crescent moon on their chests they have this little girl in the middle of them she instantly recognises it as her she's the little girl and this is a memory.

This is the day she became a monster the girl is confused and is placed on a rock the people start chanting louder and louder they get. Sura puts her hands over her ears but they get louder and louder until she wakes up she is in a bed she looks around seeing Dane shirtless he is asleep as his chest rises and falls slightly.

Sura sits up and tries to stand pain shoots up her leg she looks down she remembers she had an arrow in her thigh Dane's ripped shirt is wrapped around her leg.

Sura sighs she puts her hands on her face feeling the gash she has on her face she feels drained even as she had some rest Sura hopes her sister is okay she lays back down but she just stares at the roof.

Dane finally wakes up he stretches he notices Sura is looking at him she can't help but look at his body she hasn't seen him half naked and she notices all the scars he has the most noticeable one is the one that goes from his right collarbone to his left hip.

Sura sits up she winces in pain Dane kneels down next to her he sees her eyes a more red than ever he examines her cut on her face it has healed but leaves a slight scar he checks the wound on her thigh it's still healing but it looks like it's faster than usual.

Dane stands "Sura?" as Sura hears this see looks at him she knows what he's going to ask she holds back tears "you're a vampire aren't you?."

Sura nods some tears roll down her cheek Dane doesn't say anything vampires were a menace to everyone Dane was only a child but his father told him a massive war was started to kill the blood suckers they were all killed in the war.

Sura looks at Dane "you think I'm a monster that I don't deserve to live" Dane kneels down next to her she looks at Dane.

"My father made me into this I was only a child he made me a monster I've never felt the warmth of another human or love I don't know what food tastes like I can't go out in the sun or my blood will boil."

Dane doesn't know what to say Sura looks at him "it's why I didn't want to marry you because I don't want you to fall in love with me because would you even still love me when you would find out what I was."

Sura dries her eyes Dane sighs "okay I don't care if you're a vampire or not I know that I trust you we've been through a lot these past few days and I'm not just go and abandon you now and you're not the only monster.

Sura looks slightly in a better mood Dane smiles "now I need to find a shirt" he looks around to find a old black shirt he puts it on. Sura stands up she has a slight limp and it hurts slightly to walk.

Dane leads her through the cave the sound of dripping water echoes Sura nearly falls down on her knee they have been walking for a while she shakes her head Dane kneels down next to her.