
chapter 31

In the canteen of Shengye Middle School, about noon on Monday

Song Yan was having lunch together. At this moment, Li Lei stared blankly at the back of Song Yan. Then, Song Yan heard someone approaching. He wanted to turn his head, but a soft voice came from beside his ear, "Song Yan, may I sit here?"

Song Yan raised his head and saw Xiang Feifei standing beside him with a lunch box. Countless boys looked at Song Yan and Xiang Feifei at this time.

"Of course! Have a seat please." Song Yan answered.

"Thank you." Xiang Feifei smiled in a friendly way as she sat down beside Song Yan. Seeing this, Li Lei was so envious of Song Yan. When did Song Yan have a relationship with Xiang Feifei? That was so surprised!

Suddenly, Xiang Feifei gave Li Lei a tiny smile. Li Lei went blank.

"Excuse me, I need to talk to Song Yan. Could you please give us some time?" Xiang Feifei asked Li Lei.

"No problem!" Li Lei immediately nodded and walked away with his lunch box.

"Xiang Feifei, what can I do for you?" Song Yan was a little awkward as he wasn't comfortable with the sights of people around them.

"No big deal. I just want to say thank you." Xiang Feifei said in a light voice.

"You've already thanked me that day. Besides, if it weren't you, I would be unable to get an award of 80,000 yuan." Song Yan shook his hand.

"Are you available tonight? I want to treat you with a dinner." Xiang Feifei asked with a hopeful expression.

"I'm afraid not. I have to work in the evening."

"Are you going to play piano in the café?"

"How do you know that?" Song Yan asked in astonishment.

Xiang Feifei gave him a cunning smile, "I was reading at the café that night. I was so obsessed with your performance. Therefore, I went back home later. If I hadn't gone home late, I wouldn't have encountered those wanted men. Luckily, you saved me. We are now even. I would not blame you for that."

"What?" Song Yan was astonished.

"Hahaha!" Seeing Song Yan's expression, Xiang Feifei laughed and said, "I'm just kidding!"

Song Yan was relieved. He had no idea of how to deal with such an eloquent speaker.

"What time do you get to work?" Xiang Feifei asked.

"8 p.m." 

"Well, I'll call you after school." Xiang Feifei stood up and added, "Don't worry! You won't be late for work. I've already booked a restaurant, which is located near the café. See you later."

"See you later." Song Yan answered naturally.

After Xiang Feifei left, Song Yan then realized that he was led by the nose. He thought to himself, "Xiang Feifei is so clever! I'm no match for her. I have to enhance my Mental Capability points!"

The moment Xiang Feifei left, Li Lei went back and sat down. He asked excitedly, "Song Yan, tell me the truth, when did you have an affair with Xiang Feifei?"

Song Yan cast a stern glance at Li Lei and said, "I don't have an affair with Xiang Feifei. We are just normal friends."

"Normal friends? Don't be silly!" Li Lei gave him a mocking face.

"Whatever!" Song Yan ignored Li Lei and buried himself in the food. Since he had mastered the Intermediate Stamina, he had a better appetite.

Xue Yuancheng went back to school after having lunch outside. One of his lackeys came to him and whispered something in his ear. Xue Yuancheng immediately changed his face and clenched his fists, "Song Yan, how dare you? You are dead!