
Magic is my friend: The Witcher

A powerful soul is reborn in the witcher. .... i will be messing around with the universe to spice things up. im not a big romance writer so don't expect much of that. please leave positive feedback/ improvements ( grammar and capital letters r in the story i promise dont worry haha ) there will be some swearing where, ironically, appropriate. I'm doing my best to flesh out character and sometimes a swear word is just what they'd say!

gumballs6 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

Morning came. As usual I had chosen meditation over sleep. My mediation was so effective that it was more beneficial to my body anyways.

I controlled the air elements to slowly display my clothes so I could pick an outfit suitable for today's plans. Since I had the pleasure of a highly trained, highly skilled and highly deadly Witcher I decided today would mark my first encounter with some other non-natives of this world.


"Good morning Albert. Come and eat with us, we were about to start!" Mother said happily.

Taking a seat at the table next to her I replied, "Yes mother!"

I was sat directly opposite Geralt. It didn't take long before my thoughts drifted back to the mistakes I had made last night. I had been forced to rely on chance to cover my tracks and I didn't like it.

This life belonged to me, not destiny.

Remembering my manners I greeted the rest of the table, "Good morning Father, good morning Geralt."

Father smiled and excitedly speared a sausage with his fork, "Yes, good morning Albert! I was just about to mention our-" he paused, "-special request to Geralt."

Geralt hummed, "I assure you Viscount Knight. If it these monsters you are worried about I give you my word that they will be gone in a few days or less."

Shaking his head Father clarified his words, "I have never doubted your skills for a moment Witcher. My men have confirmed your many accomplishments in the surrounding villages. Your calm bearing and demeanor alone give me confidence. We simply have a somewhat special request."

"If it is within my means I shall grant it." Geralt responded.

Father clapped his hands together and exclaimed, "Excellent! My son Albert will accompany you on your task!"

Geralt's eyes narrowed, "The work I do is not for the likes of small children. I cannot agree to this."

Father met Geralt's steely gaze with one of his own, "Do not underestimate my son Witcher. He is stronger than you know."

Focusing his gaze on me Geralt attempted to find something out of the ordinary. He of course found nothing.

"I will not be a burden. Allow me to enter the forest with you, if I am unable to prove my worth I will return home." I stated, releasing a little of my willpower as I spoke.

Geralt instantly was on high alert. I found it interesting that he could sense the influence of my consciousness.

Evidently swayed by my little demonstration of power Geralt reluctantly agreed, "Very well. I shall protect him as best I can."

Mother covered her mouth with her hand and laughed, "Perhaps it is he who will be protecting you Witcher."

Breakfast continued in a slightly awkward silence. I could tell Geralt was greatly puzzled by the strangeness of the Knight family.

If only he knew.

Breakfast concluded with Geralt requesting a few swords from my father's armory. Father, who's heart was as big as his wallet, agreed with no questions asked and a few hours later Geralt and I stood just past the outer edge of the woods.

I could see father and mother waving goodbye in the distance, mother had even embroidered a handkerchief to remember home by if I ever felt lonely.

This all felt a bit much considering I hadn't even left our back garden but I accepted it with a smile. I knew they trusted me to look after myself but I was still their precious son.

I kind of liked their overprotectiveness.

"Your parents are good people." Geralt commented. He then turned and moved swiftly into the forest.

I whispered under my breath, "Yes, yes, they are."

Geralt and I spent the next hour playing a peculiar game of hide and seek. No matter how he ran through the trees I would always appear a step behind him when he stopped.

Teleportation, enhanced senses and my agile body made me the perfect tracker.

His inability to shake me was starting to get to Geralt, "How are you doing this boy? Your feet make no sound and your smell is so faint I can barely trace it. Tell me, what trick are you playing?"

I smiled at him, "I'll tell you my secret if you promise to do something for me."

"State your request boy." Geralt replied.

I told him my request, "I want you to demonstrate one of your signs, Igni will do."

Geralt stared at me for a few moments, "Very well."

He slowly stretched out his hand and I could sense the fire elements gathering at his fingertips. They seemed to be attracted to him by a unique frequency. I supposed that this frequency represented Geralt's chaos.

The temperature rose drastically as a concentrated beam of fire spewed from Geralt's palm. He concentrated the powerful flame into a clearing in the treetops, being careful not to accidentally start a fire.

Already I was eager to shut myself in my room and experiment with my newfound knowledge. If not for the temptation of seeing more of Geralt's skills I might've really gone home.

"Now it's your turn boy, what is your secret?" Geralt said solemnly.

I beamed at him, "Magic!"

I was excited to see my first monster too, but an ugly smelly beast was much less thrilling than sorcery.

Sure I was pretty strong right now but my desire to grow had not weakened in the slightest. The possibilities of magic were endless and I still had much to explore.

"Stop. Something's coming."

It seemed my senses were on par with Geralt's as I noticed the unique rotting scent just after he did. Considering he knew far more about monsters than I did it was probable that he had found other clues as well.

I could gather the elements almost instantaneously but I still chose to coat myself in advance with a layer of earth element. This was invisible to the naked eye but meant for a powerful and all rounded defense. Only the top powers of this world could break this armor.

This did not account for the supposed Gods and Goddesses who's existences seemed to defy all ryhme and reason. Their powers were simply too unique to properly guard against.

Geralt's medallion vibrated at my display of magic and his body language changed. His opinion of me had shifted.

He now saw me as a potential threat.

I felt proud.