
Magic Imperium

a school where magic users grow stronger.

Gavin_Sinto · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Part 2

"I'm out" Izago announced. She could still fight, but had taken enough hits to know Exius had exceeded her expectations. So only two were left: Brandon and Haru. The pyro user seemed to be deflecting the shards with little trouble. Though, his magic power was getting drained from his body. Brandon wasn't losing much mana, he only put a fraction of magical energy into his blade to deflect the coming fire shards.

"One last plan" Cyrel announced to hic comrades. Sara stayed focused on keeping the 1st year sealed in the barrier while Vergil syphoned mana from the pair and gave it to their offense. (I have one shot at this. Vergil's not sending enough energy anymore for me to do this twice. Once I use it, I'll surely be out of magic energy)

"Magic shard: Colossal impact!" Suddenly, two monstrous shards of ice and fire, formed just above them. The pair casted a shadow over them as they came down. Brandon stopped deflecting shards and jumped back. However, the asteroid of ice was far too big to just jump away. Alcomore gripped his blade firmly as it came closer. The mage took a swing at the gigantic projectile. The flaming rock begun to crack, but still pushed against him with tremendous force.

(Crap! To think a mere mountain of flames could be this durable! An average mountain would surely shatter from my boosted strength!) Meanwhile Mizu tried sealing the asteroid in a barrier of fire, but it had no effect. Neither the ice or it's speed was affected by his flames. "Looks like I'll have to use something other than fire spells"

The high-class mage clapped his hands together, structuring a colossal fortress of thick rock with spikes around it. The young trio gazed upon the gigantic rock of ice as it impacted the dome. The entire arena shook from the vigorous force of the asteroid. That's when a cyclone of flames manifested from underneath the drilling rock.

The mountain of ice finally started to melt from the immense blaze of the flames. In an abrupt increase in heat, the cyclone became blue from the abrupt rise in temperature. The asteroid ultimately cracked apart, sending fragments in all directions. Kyla watched as the protective fortress opened up revealing the elite caster out of breath from using a great portion of his magic so abruptly.

Exius smirked with a faint laugh before hitting the ground. Vergil rushed over. "Are you ok!?" He cried out in concern. The dark-haired wizard smiled and replied: "Y-yea, my body's just not used to dishing out so much power at one time" Sara and the others carried Cyrel to his bed while Brandon stayed behind to help Haru. The fire master was tired from using two advanced spells at once…

After about a day of rest, Exius finally awoke. The caster walked over to his closet to see his uniform cleaned and fixed up. He smiled putting it on, making his way to class. It was only 2nd period so he had only missed Dakias' fire lesson. A few people in the class applauded the young magic user as he sat down in his seat.

"We all heard what happened two days ago!" A young blonde caster commented. "A lot of wizards and witches are shocked to hear that a 1st year was able to take on three mages of the golden wand and join them at such a young age!"

"Thanks, but it's fine. I'm sure I just got lucky is all" Cyrel answered back to the group of fans. Tokomi asked the class to sit back down and pay attention. Just as the class was merely half way through, Exius was called to the golden wand. The young member walked through the long halls until reaching a meeting room where he met with a new member.

"Welcome Exius Cyrel. My name is Jiro Miyoka, I am one of the lesser known members of golden wand. However, just because I may not be well-known, doesn't mean I can't handle someone in a fight. Now, our lord ordered me to give you this, it's a spell book containing spells from year one to three. That book has spells of 1st-4th tier magic. Once you've proven yourself for Mage class, I've been told to give you the 1st class mage book of spells, that book has 5th -7th tier magic which is almost god level magic. 8th-11th is the highest form of magic there is. Even our dear lord only has a few 8th and one 9th tier spells. The 10th and 11th tier spells are seen as legend, but I believe they exist"

Exius thanked him as the member left while the young wizard looked through the first few pages of the spell book. After about 10 minutes of reading through the book, he realized he was a 3rd tier magic user. He mastered 1st-3rd tier spells, so this could be his chance to study the 4th tier section and move up as a magic user.

That's when Brandon came in from a white door behind him. "I see you're rejuvenated. You've ben called both for that book so you can study in your dorm or in here, Also there's a situation in the neighboring city a few kilometers from here. Since it's all they way in the other city known as: Arvalus, I shall transport us just outside the location of our objective"

Alcomore aimed his palm toward the white wall on the right of them, in an abrupt flash of light, a large rift covered the wall. "After you" The mage commented. Cyrel entered through the portal, arriving at the entrance of Arvalus. Exius decided to keep the spell book in his cloak pocket in case he needed a higher class spell to use during battle. That's when screams rang out all throughout the city. Both magic users took off into the city. Brandon moved at great speed like a ninja, jumping across rooftops and running at super-human speed.

Meanwhile Exius ran through the streets at normal speed to conserve his magic stamina. As they reached downtown, both saw a tremendous-sized undead, along with an entire army of undead knights, sorcerers and other powerful undead foes.

"Damn, this might be a problem. The normal skeletons, along with the knights should be simple. Though the magic users may be higher class than my own, especially if someone can summon so many of them" Once the army of undead were about half a mile away, Exius threw both hands out. "Fire ball barrage!"

Some citizens stopped in their tracks to watch the caster fire multiple blazing spheres of fire head on for the army of undead. The young Wizard watched as the first few rows of unarmored skeletons were taken down as their bones were scorched to ash. But after about five rows of undead minions. They were covered in fire resistant armor.

Exius took a deep breath, shooting one condensed fire ball, it raced across the street right for the endless crowd of Undead. All of the armored skeletons held up their Shields as the powerful condensed Fireball hit them head-on. When the Smoke cleared, a few undead knights were taken out but didn't do as much damage as he had hoped.

"Damn, seems fire magic isn't efficient enough against these opponents. I assume Brandon is about to make his attack maybe that will buy me time to look through the spell book for a useful technique" Cyrel pulled out the thick hardcover, quickly looking for a spell while looking up every few seconds to keep track of the enemy's distance from him.

As he found a possible spell to use, Brandon stood upon a large skyscraper ready to make his attack. "Alright, this should be high enough to take down at least a few hundred of them. Meanwhile their undead titan is still about a mile or two away giving me plenty of time to attack" Alcomore raised his hand up parallel toward the darkening sky. "Ice bullet!" Suddenly hundreds of ice shards rained down on the army.

The sharp fragments hit the first few rows of skeletons repeatedly until about 50 skeletons went down. "Hmm, these bag of bones are stronger than I thought" As Exius read about the uses of the spell, Sara and the others came up behind him from a rift like Brandon had summoned.

"Sorry we took so long. What's the situation?" Kamaki questioned as the four of them stood beside the freshmen. "We're going up against a legion of the undead, each few hundred are stronger than the first. I took about 300 of them down using fire spells, but the ones behind them had on armor that seem to nullify my flames" Sara and Vergil stayed by their friend while the two mages moved at unbelievable speed, making their way over to their ally.

"I need either of you to share any mana you can spare without weakening yourselves" They nodded placing their hands on both his shoulders, giving him small amounts of their energy. "Dark magic: Demonic bond!" A circle of black flames lit around the wizards feet. A red transparent demon emerged behind him before phasing into his chest. His eyes glittered blood red from the demon's power flowing through him.

The red demonic aura swarming around him like red flames. Exius charge forward with extraordinary speed, the caster moved right up to the rows of undead. With the demonic power immensely multiplying his attack, defense and amount of mana, Cyrel covered his fists with flaming gloves, proceeding to strike the line of skeletons in front of him.

Even with their tough armor and heat resistance, the young wizard sent powerful blows to all the creatures he confronted. Realizing that it was taking longer than he originally thought, the powered-up caster stood firm in front of them getting ready to throw a devastating blow to the endless crowd.

As he prepared to attack, all the undead in knight armor charged him, burying him in a dog pile. Right as his allies were about to jump in, the massive pile of skeletons went staggering back as they broke into pieces. Cyrel stood with demon power glowing through his veins. He was exhausted but remained on the frontline with his boost still active. "W-wow, that took a lot out of me, but was worth it to see a few hundred get blown to pieces!"

Just than he heard the monstrous undead out in the distance grab a skyscraper getting ready to throw it. "Kyla, Haru! Can you spare me some mana? Getting a little low from using this dark boost spell!" Kyla and Mizu sent a small amount of their power to him, just enough to bring him back to full strength. "Thanks, I'll handle the big guy while you finish off the rest of them!"

Once again using the demon's power, Exius dashed past the remaining undead army headed for the undead that was several meters high. The boy was a mere ant compared to it's size. Right as the magic user was just a few buildings away, the monster threw the colossal building it had been holding. Just as the skyscraper went drilling across the city, destroying everything in it's path.

Exius instantly jumped just high enough to land on the upside of it, running across it like a deck before jumping off. The large building took out a few of the undead sorcerers in the process. Haru watched from a high roof as the freshmen jumped off the tower, going straight for the monster's face.

It let out a roar, swiping it massive hand at the wizard. The hero managed to evade it, going through the space between his fingers. "Take this!" Using 100% of his demon's power, Cyrel struck the beast with god-like force. It's rotting skin and bones blew into pieces of black blood. Meanwhile the boy fell towards the street from such a high altitude. His body had been too drained from the attack for him to even cast a simple flying spell.

He closed his eyes fearing this was the end, but right as he was moments from impact…he stopped…inches from the street. Looking up he saw Sara floating a few meters away with her hand in his direction. "You're a powerful caster Exius, but you really need to plan your actions out a little better sometimes"

Her partner laughed before she lowered her hand. The young wizard hit the ground but nothing that could hurt him. Cyrel had used far more power than his body could handle, his body was incredibly sore but the fact he had taken down such a brutal foe, was good enough for him. All he could do for now is spectate the battle.

Kyla created a squad of herself made from golden light. They were taking the current line of undead on while Brandon and Mizu were in a long-range battle against the magic user undead. The undead sorcerers wore dark ragged cloaks with hoods. Sara told the 1st year she was going to go help. Her friend nodded as he leaned against the closest building from the great pain from his insides. Lightning and fire attacks went back and forth through the city as the enemies and heroes raged back and forth. That's when three of the undead casters combined their magic into one high tier lightning attack.

Cyrel looked up into the darkening sky as clouds began to thicken and grow darker as well. The young boy tried teleporting in between his allies and the coming danger, but was no use, his body was too weak to use any spells. An abrupt strike Fierce lightning came down from the sky nearly instantaneously. Brandon managed to evade it by an inch while Haru took a direct hit.

Sara's eyes widened in shock as the fire master fell from the roof, his body scorched with faint surges of electricity pouring around his body. Right as Kamaki went to stop the mage's descent, but right as she used the telekinetic spell, an outburst of lightning hit her. "W-what happened?" She hit the ground, disoriented. Brandon filled with rage from the agony his allies went through.

(That's it, I'm tired of all my allies being hurt to near death!) "My most powerful spell: All holy light!" Golden flames outlined his body as a day of holy light came down from they sky. The advanced attack obliterated every single undead foe in the city! The group of caster looked at Brandon who was out of breath, shaking a little.

"Wow, if you had that up your sleeve, why didn't you use it at the start of the fight?" Kyla complained. Alcamore took a deep breath replying: Because, I wasn't sure how many it would wipe out. Only that it would take a great deal out of my magic" That's when Sara let out a scream. The remaining four hurried over to her side.

Haru Mizu laid there motionless. Kyla placed her hand on his neck, checking for a pulse…Nothing. "He's dead" She said in a soft voice. A tear ran down her face. Both girls cried laying their heads on the man's chest. Exius, still weakened from the fight, placed his hand upon the young witch's shoulder as they uttered cries of sorrow from the lost of a great fire caster…

They made their way back to the academy. Over in the far side of the school grounds were it was mere grass and field, they had Haru lay in a coffin above ground to await his burial. During class, the three students could only think of the great mage they had lost. Cyrel slammed his fist on the ground in frustration. (How could I let that happen? If I'd saved some of my demonic stamina, maybe I could've taken that attack for him!)

His teacher noticed his break down and asked to speak with him outside. They went out into the hall and she closed the door. "Now then, what's bothering you so much? Normally you're more calm and quiet" Mrs. Frost told him. He told her how he felt like Mizu's death was partly his fault since he didn't conserve enough magic to take the attack for his teammate. She put her hand on his shoulder responding: Hey, don't let it overwhelm you, we all heard how well you fought against an entire legion of undead, along with the fact you were the one who took the giant undead out in one blow. I know what it's like to lose someone close in battle, we all tell ourselves we could've been the one to save them. But think past it, he gave his life for all of you. His time is over…it's your era. Show him his death wasn't in vein!"

Exius wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded. "You're right, I will prove to everyone that I am golden wand material and will reach the heights Haru had reached!" The boy hugged her before hurrying off to his room. She didn't stop him since he deserved some time to adjust to the loss.

Cyrel sat down at his desk in the corner of his small room, his bed horizontal against the window, letting in a small ray of light. The young boy spent hours looking over the 4th tier chapters, studying spells that he thought would expand his usefulness on the battlefield or dueling.

After so much memorizing and reading each interesting spell carefully, making sure not to miss anything important. That's when he found a spell he thought was very unique. "Hmm, this spell should do well in the mist of battle, but would probably be troublesome in a duel…I should save it for an emergency if a situation calls for such a spell"

Cyrel took a Sharpe and wrote in the first page that was blank:

"In Memory of Haru Mizu"

Once written, Exius placed it back in his pocket and made his way to the dueling class that was just about to begin. A 3rd year duelist had stepped onto the stage ready to take on all challengers. A few were speechless to watch a 1st year go up against a wizard two years ahead of him.

"Welcome noob, what's your name?" Just then a student in the crowd near the ring responded: "Do you not know who that is? That's Exius Cyrel, the freshmen that fought with mages against a legion of undead. He also is said to have been invited to join the golden wand by their lord himself!"

The boy laughed. Exius looked at him, he had long white hair that went down to his shoulders, light pink eyes that seem to sparkle like gems and he wore a mix of battle armor yet cloak as well, something an assassin would wear. "Well Exius, I see the fools of this school believe your little bluff…However, I don't. I can see right past your little lie. I will prove you're nothing but a fake here and now!"

The confident duelist raised his hand up as a sharp piece of ice formed a few feet above him, it's tip directed toward the opponent. Exius awaited for his target to shoot the ice pillar toward him. (Strange, why isn't he putting his guard up, or preparing an attack as well!? No matter, I shall strike him down with a single strike!) The wizard thought.

Their audience watched as the ice spear went right for Cyrel's abdomen. That's when…It shattered into pieces of ice the size of mere pebbles. His fans cheered with an uproar from the growing excitement while his attacker stood there for nearly a minute before preparing his next move. "No, you won't make me look like a fool! My name is Takashita Zonon, and I will prove my superiority!"

His combatant clinched his fist, purple electricity began swarming around his body.(Looks like he's using a boosting spell to multiply is capabilities) Takashita charged his target with super-human speed. Exius sealed his left hand with holy magic, covering it with a golden light. His attacker threw a powerful blow right for the boy's face. Just before contact, Cyrel stopped it with his protected arm.

Their clash shook the room with immense force. Right before the duelist could attack once more, his challenger smacked Zonon's hand out of the way, aiming his hand at the man's abdomen. "Wind magic: colossal push!" An abrupt force of wind launched his attacker across the stage into the barrier just in front of the teacher's desk. Takashita grinded his teeth in anger from being treated as a low-class caster. "I've had enough! This is my final and best attack! Multiplication! Suddenly the stage filled with clones of the wizard. Exius smirked. "please tell me you have something better than just making copies of yourself"

"Take this!" Zonon and his duplicates that circled the caster, all fired purple strikes of lightning right for Cyrel. The first-year caster raised his hand at the coming attacks, all the bolts of lightning were absorbed into his hand. "Lightning smash!" Exius struck the ground with the absorbed power multiplying his strength 20 times. The entire Arena shatter to pieces in a massive Shockwave destroying all of the duelist's duplications while sending him smashing into the barrier.

Their spectators we're shocked to see a large crack against the barrier from the immense force of Takashita's impact. Everyone waited in silence, but the opponent laid there motionless. All the teachers and students applauded at the first year for defeating a Caster that was two years ahead of him. Cyrel was glad he was able to reach a milestone and was respected by so many, but he felt a little drained from using 4th-tier magic since he was only used to 3rd-tier.

One of the students helped him off the stage and set him in a chair in the back of the room so he could rest…Exius woke up to a knock on his door. Quickly the boy rushed to the door to find the person gone. Looking at the front door he saw a piece of paper taped to it. It read:


You've been invited to participate in the annual wizard tournament. You are permitted a one or two our resting period between each duel. We hope to see you there on SEP. 20…"

"Hmm, this may be fun or a way to really exhaust myself…Well…I guess it'd be better if I entered, I'd be able to see many different kinds of magic users with spells I've probably never seen" Cyrel grabbed his spell book heading to the school's office to register for the tournament.

"Excuse me, where do I go to register for the event?"

"It's right over-wait…you're Exius! The first freshmen to beat a 3rd year, and with such ease I might add!" Exius looked over to see a fellow 1st year girl dressed in ice class aqua blue cloak. "Thanks for the support. Glad to know I'm giving others a sense of hope"

"It's true! You're showing the upper-classmen that they're not better than us and have no right to look down on us. She blushed then said: "Umm…could you…sign my spell book?" Cyrel hesitated, no one had ever asked for his autograph before so he was a little surprised. The caster took the winter-haired witch's book and signed the back page that was blank.

Once he handed it back she made a slight cheer from over-excitement. "Thank you so much!" The wizard gave her a smile before filling out the forum…Took him about 15 minutes to fill it out. Placing it on the clerk's desk. As the wizard made his way out into the court yard, a group of students came up to him, cheering him on for his victory against Takashita, Cyrel just waved at them as he walked pasted them, back towards his room.

He spent his free time studying more 4th level spells, along with trying to expand the amount of mana he could use. Days went by…after two weeks of solo training, it was the 20th, day of the tournament…

The Tournament was held in a massive dome just outside of the school. The dueling ring was five times bigger than the one students used for dueling practice. There was enough seats above the fighting arena to fit nearly the whole school. The teachers sat up in a balcony a little higher than the audience.

Exius made his way through a hall, into a large room where the participants waited for their match to be called. On the wall was a large board that showed a bracket of each match. Looking through it, he found his name. (Hmm, seems I'm up after the first match. My opponent is…Yami Koto. Never heard of her, but I'm sure if she entered the tournament, she's bound to have skill)

The group of casters sat around the room in couches and chairs, watching the upcoming battle on a large TV. First up was A blonde 2nd year boy that was dressed in a blood class uniform. Exius was intrigued by this, not many students focused their magic talents in the blood class.

"First up: Hayashi Hiromi VS Okuda Nioko! Both being high achieving 1st years. Hayashi has mastered blood magic while his combatant studied in the class of darkness. Cyrel watched as Okuda stepped out onto the large fighting stage. She had dark hair with purple eyes. She wore a dark purple cloak since her main magic type was darkness.

"Begin!" All cheered in a booming roar as the two casters faced each other, preparing to attack. Meanwhile Exius rested his cheek on his face as he watched the duel begin. Hayashi pointed his finger toward his target like a gun as he fired dark-red wisps like bullets, they sped toward it's target at great speed, but as they were a mere foot away, the witch directed her palm in their direction forming a dark rift.

All of the attacker's projectiles went through the portal before closing. The blood wizard looked around, hoping to catch the rift as it opened. Finally it reopened right behind him. Hiromi slid out of the way just as the projectiles reentered the arena. One bullet scraped the boy's waist as it flew past him with the others. The others hit the barrier on the far end of their arena.

(Damn, she managed to wound me with my own spell, she seems like she's not even trying. I might have to use some of my advanced spells) Hayashi watched his target stand motionless with a plain expression. The wizard pricked his index finger before slapping the bloody palm on the stage. An abrupt force began shaking the entire arena.

Two massive rock beings rose from the stage, standing 20 feet tall. His combatant looked a little more serious this time, waiting for an attack. Making a quick hand motion, Hayashi signaled them to attack. Both rock creatures threw a massive blow right for her. She back flipped away from the first one while flipping over the second. Landing on the monster's arm, she raced up it, going for it's face.

"Stop her!" Hiromi shouted to the colossal creature. His minion struck it's rocky shoulder hoping to crush her. Unfortunately the girl jumped out of the way, onto it's face. "Cosmic whirlwind!" As she aimed her right palm directly in it's face, a tremendous storm of wind rushed through the creature's body, causing it to break apart. Using the falling debris as stepping stones, she jumped rock to rock before landing on the stage.

(Come on, how could she beat him so easily!? Alright, I'll have to use my best move) The blood wizard stood in front of his large ally with his back to them. His body outlined in a pink light as he levitated up toward the massive creature. The monster opened his chest as it's master went inside. The rock creature's eyes turned pink. All were in shock at what was happening.

"Looks like he's taken control of his minion" She commented. A deep voice bellowed from the giant being: "Magic boost: Velocity. Mirror image" All the spectators could feel it's deep voice shaking their insides. Hayashi had cast a spell to increase his speed, along with creating fake duplicates of himself.

"Whoa, look at that! Hayashi has made copies of himself to confuse his opponent while in control of such a monstrous golem!" Once more their crowd roared from excitement. Meanwhile Okuda was finally becoming uneasy by her target's advantage. (He may have an advantage, but he's not unbeatable!)

The witch clapped her hands together as a gold magic symbol appeared under her. "Come forth, Osano!" An abrupt wave of power shook the arena as golden wisps came together to form an outline of a person. In a flash of light, a man dressed in gold royal armor stood before their foe.

"Who is that?" One of the students asked confused. Many of the witches and wizards had no answer, the being looked powerful but they couldn't remember his name. That's when Daikas announced: "That's the god of fire, a very high level summon. Not many can successfully summon such a powerful being" All stared in amazement. "Go Osano!" The god was swarming with immense flames that made everyone sweat quickly. "Nova inferno" The god commented in a calm voice. A fierce blast of flames scorched through the stage as it got close at incredible speed. Hayashi inside his rock golem, put both arms up to block the coming blast.

The wizard's golem was obliterated from Okuda's summon. The flames were so immense, it destroyed the golem while burning Hiromi. Once the blazing god halted his attack, their combatant fell to the stage, covered in burns. The announcer proceeded to count down from 5…4…3…2…1…match! Okuda Nioko!"

All the participants applauded in the room as they watched her bow on the TV, making her way off the stage back to the lounge they were in. She came in and they once more clapped for her, telling her how amazing she was. Hayashi was carried in by two students, one holding his arms while another holding onto his legs. Cyrel got up from his couch so the injured boy had a place to rest.

"Next up: Exius Cyrel VS Yami Koto!" Their announcer broadcasted. The wizard brushed his dark hair out of his light hazel eyes and groaned. "I know I should be excited for this, so why aren't I?" A few magic users patted him on the back motivating him. "You'll be fine, just give it your all" One boy said. Exius walked out onto the stage a little nervous. A large portion of the crowd began chanting Exius' name as he waited for his opponent.

That's when a women dressed in aqua blue stepped onto the right side of the stage. She had dark-green hair with blue eyes. Cyrel thought her hair didn't really match her uniform, but then again, he never was a fan of green so who was he to judge someone's appearance. She pulled out a wand covered in a few diamonds. (Hmm, she seems like a spoiled rich girl, but I could just be assuming)

Right as Yami formed a thick ball of ice from her wand, shooting it ahead without hesitation. Right before it could hit, Cyrel launched a powerful bolt of lightning that shattered the ball of ice. His combatant smiled as she slid her wand back into a small sack that was by her waist. "Touché, I didn't except should a quick and successful reaction. This duel may be more fun then I thought. Let's kick it up a notch. Watch closely, I've defeated plenty with this 4th tear spell…Mist assassin!"

Throwing both palms out in front of her, a gray mist filled the stage nearly to the point no one could watch the battle. Some yelled in complained but the teachers told them to quiet down. As the gray fog surrounded him, Exius noticed it was becoming silence, the sounds of the audience was gone…silence…Cyrel was glad he could focus now from the silence, though found it suspicious mere fog was capable of blocking out so much noise.

(If this mist has a magic property of noise nullification, there's no telling what else it's doing without my knowledge) That's when a surge of pain went through his back. Looking around he saw no sign of Yami or a projectile. But he could feel the pain from whatever had attacked him. "Magic boost heightened-Ack! As he finished announcing his spell, he felt something strike him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.

Just then, Cyrel though he saw an invisible being move through the mist, as the fog showed faint body part outlines as they moved through the fog. (S-so…she summoned an invisible creature that attacks inside the mist. Well, now that I know what's going on, I may be able to stop whatever it is)

Instead of chanting the spell, Exius pretended to fall to his knees. As he fell, he slapped his hand on the tiled arena, mentally shouting: "Elemental avalanche!" Right above the mist where all could see from their seats, formed a colossal rock made up of fire, ice and electricity with a dark barrier around it. This spell had to be 4th or even 5th tier from the mix of multiple magic types along with the size of the formed rock.

Most gasped as it came down like a slow meteor. It missed Koto by an inch, but the force and power was enough to send her smashing into the barrier with substantial force. She felt as though she had broken her back from the impact. While Cyrel wasn't acting anymore, his mana was almost drained. He knew using so much magic in one spell was risky, but he was willing to try anything to show everyone he wasn't just another caster…he was a prodigy soon to be acknowledged by the world instead of the school alone.

"Winner: Exius Cyrel!" The wizard smiled even though he didn't have much strength left. Both disoriented casters were helped off the stage back into the lounge…

Most of the men and women within the room, clapped for Cyrel for showing such power and strategy for overcoming such a tricky spell. He smiled once more before losing consciousness…