
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 86

Chapter 86: The Consciousness Of Death

The picture stopped at this moment, and Ulu's life ended here.

Lu Chenxi let out a long sigh and looked at No. 2 beside him, but this guy seemed to be more excited than himself.

I saw that No. 2 did not know where to take out a tissue to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, and his entire face looked like a bitter gourd.

Still holding…popcorn in the right hand? ?

If Lu Chenxi is not mistaken, it is definitely popcorn. No. 2 also noticed Lu Chenxi's eyes, looked at his hand, his face flushed, and he hurriedly threw the paper to wipe his tears and the popcorn in his hand back. .

Then he coughed twice, "Cough cough, uh… The video is so touching, you know." Then he turned around with his hands behind his back, and a deep tone came out.

"You know, people who have been lonely for a long time see these things, and their emotions fluctuate greatly, which is normal." Then he turned to look at Lu Chenxi, with a glance in his eyes.

Lu Chenxi seemed a little uncomfortable facing such gazes.

"What are you looking at?" Lu Chenxi looked down to see that he didn't seem to have anything special.

"See how far you have reached." No. 2 nodded slightly while rubbing his chin.

"Now "Seven Nine Zeros" looks good, but it's not enough, keep working hard." At this moment, the sky train that had just speeded by came over again.

No. 2 jumped on it and turned his back to Lu Chenxi and said very pretending to be B: "I have already conveyed to you Ulu's obsession, and I think you will know what to do later."

"One more thing, hurry up and become stronger, otherwise you won't be able to protect even the things you cherish." Lu Chenxi frowned. No. 2's tone at this time made Lu Chenxi feel a little sad?

"You can leave now." No. 2 said that his figure had already flown into the distance with the train.

"Hey! Wait." Lu Chenxi wanted to ask something else, but everything around him began to shatter, like a broken lens, and then a dazzling white light hit.

Lu Chenxi disappeared into this world.

"Wait~~" Lu Chenxi suddenly woke up from the bed.

He unconsciously touched his head with his hand, and the scene just now in his mind was exceptionally clear, without the vague feeling of waking up from a dream.

This buried a big question in Lu Chenxi's heart, but Lu Chenxi knew that now was not the time to investigate, and the sky outside had gradually dimmed.

"Urtia?" Lu Chenxi lifted the quilt and came outside.

"Lord Chenxi, you are awake." There were villagers beside him greeting, Lu Chenxi nodded, it seemed that he should have been sent back to the gathering place of the villagers by Erza and the others.

"Hello, I want to ask, where are my companions?" Lu Chenxi asked a villager who was passing by.

After thinking about it for a while, the villager said, "The other mages sent you back after you were in a coma, and then left again. They should have gone to the ruins."

"Okay, thank you." Lu Chenxi nodded.

Then he returned to the tent, took his jacket on, and rushed towards the ruins.

In the ruins of the moon, Natsu looked at Leon in front of him, full of fighting spirit, and the surrounding area was completely covered by Leon's ice, like a duel arena.

But the edge of the ice suddenly shattered, forming a large hole, and Gray, covered in bandages, walked in.

"Natsu, leave this guy to me." Gray looked at Natsu with a very firm expression.

"Didn't I say you already lost once?" Natsu said.

"There won't be a second time, this time it's over." Gray stepped forward and stared at Leon.

Leon said disdainfully, "I'm really confident."

Gray ignored Leon and continued: "Ulu's death ten years ago was my fault, but… it is absolutely unforgivable for you to hurt my companions, destroy the village, and want to dissolve Dai Lyon."

"Let's make atonement together, Leon." Gray crouched down slightly, crossing his arms.

"This pose is… Absolutely frozen!!" Leon stared at this familiar pose with wide eyes.

"Absolute Freeze?" Natsu remembered what Gray said when he first met Dai Lyonra, "Absolute Freeze" is the magic of exchanging life for seals.

Leon took a step back: "Are you crazy?"

"Now immediately restore the residents of the island to their original state, and then take your companions to leave the island." Gray's body was surging with magic, and a blue magic circle spread out at Gray's feet.

"This is your last chance."

"Haha" Leon sneered, "Is it a threat? It's really boring."

The expression on Gray's face didn't change at all: "I'm serious." The magic power continued to be output, and the surrounding temperature began to drop.

"Ice… oh ah!!" Just when Gray was about to activate the magic, a huge fist slammed into Gray's face and interrupted the casting.

Gray covered his face, grabbed Natsu's scarf and said angrily, "Natsu, I have to make a break with this guy, I'm ready to die.

Natsu grabbed Gray's arm and glared at Gray, "Is death enough? Don't let me run away, bastard."

The two stared at each other with big eyes, and at this moment, the ruins trembled violently again.

Unpredictable, Natsu was knocked to the ground on the spot.

Gray's eyes widened as he watched the surrounding stones that were shattered by the battle continue to recover. Not only these, but also the ruins of the moon, which had been tilted, actually began to recover at this moment.

"Hey, what's going on, the ruins I finally knocked down, why did they recover?" Natsu asked in confusion while sitting on the ground.

"Is it Saruti?" Leon understood what was going on when he saw everything around him.

Outside the ruins, Erza cut down the magic soldier in front of him with a sword, and Lucy's exclamation came.

"Erza~ the ruins are recovering!!" Lucy's hand kept pointing forward, his voice full of surprise.

"Watch out, Lucy!" Erza threw the sword in his hand, targeting Lucy… the magic soldier behind him.

"Ah!" Lucy looked at the magic soldier who fell to the ground behind him in shock. The sword just wiped his ear.

After eliminating the miscellaneous soldiers in front of him, Erza looked at the restored ruins and turned to Lucy and said, "Lucy, hurry up, there must be someone who wants to perform the ritual of the moon drop again, we have to stop 0 .."

As he said that, he was about to run towards the ruins, but he stopped before he took two steps, and the rows of magic soldiers in front appeared again.

Erza said irritably, "How many are there?"

Suddenly, a flame skipped Erza and rushed into the crowd at a very fast speed. The explosion sounded "Boom~~", and the flames exploded in all directions. The powerful impact directly knocked all the densely packed crowd away.

In an instant, the magic soldiers in front of him were emptied.

The flames dissipated on the spot, revealing a figure.

"Dawn? You're awake!" Erza had some doubts at first, but said happily after seeing Lu Chenxi's face.

Looking at the surrounding magic soldiers who were struggling to get up, Lu Chenxi said, "Erza, I'll leave it to you." Then he looked at the ruins in front of him and said, "I leave it inside."

Erza nodded "Don't worry."

Through the restored ruins, everyone can see the purple moon on the sky.

In this case, the moonlight will shine on Dai Lyon again, and Gray's face is extremely solemn.

As soon as the magic circle unfolded in the air, the purple moonlight converged into a beam of light, penetrating the entire ruins, and shining directly on Dai Lyonra's body.

"Is there anyone still performing the ritual of the moon drop?" Gray asked in disbelief.

"Damn it, the ruins that took me a long time to get crooked have actually recovered?" Natsu said angrily.

Gray looked at Natsu with a rare pleading expression on his face: "Natsu, could you please stop the Moondrop?"

Natsu was stunned, that Gray actually had such a tone, Natsu lowered his head and paused for a while, then turned and ran back, "I'll stop the moon drop, I'll leave it to you here."

He ran to the exit and stopped again, "It would be a shame if you lost."

Gray nodded "Well, don't worry."

"It's not about you, it's Fairy Tail!"

"I know." Gray made a palm with his left hand, made a fist with his right hand, and placed 2.0 on his left hand. "Lce·Make——Lancer!!"

The magic circle flashed, and the ice arrows made of ice crystals flew towards Leon.

The battle between the brothers and sisters begins.

On the other side, at the bottom of the ruins, this is the place where Dai Lyon is placed, and the purple light in the sky is constantly pouring into this huge ice crystal.

A short man with a mask stood in front of the frozen Dai Lyon, with no joy or anger on his face.

"Hey, you made the drops of the moon, right?" Lu Chenxi's voice sounded in the empty ground.

Saruti turned to look at Lu Chenxi and smiled slightly: "Dear Your Excellency Lu Chenxi, are you trying to stop me?"

Lu Chenxi didn't answer this question, but said to himself: "You feel like a person to me."

Having said that, Lu Chenxi walked to Saruti.

Nose sniffed, a clear look flashed across his face.

Saruti was stunned for a moment and then said: "I didn't expect that I would have such an honor to make Your Excellency Lu Chenxi admit the wrong person. Haha."

"Ultear!" Lu Chenxi said softly.