
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 484

Chapter 486 Father And Son, Seventeen Years Of Enmity

On the other hand, the final battle between fairies and demons also kicked off at the same time.

Lu Chenxi faced Pluto again.

Suddenly, the ground began to surge.

Immediately afterwards, countless sturdy thorns emerged from the ground,

Then they kept rushing towards Lu Chenxi.

The spikes above the thorns seemed to pierce Lu Chenxi completely.

"This kind of thing is of no use to me at all, haven't you taught me a lesson? Pluto!"

A fiery flame burst out instantly.

Countless thorns that hit him turned into ashes in just a split second and disappeared into the sky and the earth.

boom—-! !

This is the roar of the explosion under Lu Chenxi's feet.

With this power, Lu Chenxi appeared here instantly under Mard Geer's surprised eyes.

The palm grabbed the unresponsive Mard Geer's cheek.

The flames also wrapped around his body at this moment.

An unprecedented pain struck Mard Geer's nerves in an instant.

It was a flame that did not exist in his memory at all.

Lu Chenxi's palm was constantly exerting force.

The pain made him want to shout, but Lu Chenxi was holding his cheek tightly, but he couldn't make a sound.

"Let's do the math, Hades!"

The veins on his right arm burst out, and Lu Chenxi lifted Pluto.

Just like throwing garbage, it was thrown into the distance ruthlessly.

call out—-! !

The enormous force even made Mard Geer's body cut through the air.

There was a burst of bursts of air.

"However, there are too many people here, it would be bad if the aftermath hurts them!"

He squinted his back slightly.

Lu Chenxi raised a smile and whispered softly, "You can definitely do it, right?"

"To completely defeat the enemy in front of you!"

"I always believe that you are no worse than the Nine Demon Gates!"

The roar of the companions and the screams of the enemy from the rear seemed to be the most powerful words for Gajeel and others to respond to Lu Chenxi.

"If that's the case, I'm relieved!"

"If you want to grow, fighting is the best way!"

With slightly curved steps, Lu Chenxi's eyes looked directly at Mard Geer who was still sliding in the air in the distance.

boom—-! !

The ground beneath Lu Chenxi's feet even shattered instantly because of the enormous force.

And the figure of Lu Chenxi also disappeared here in a moment.

Watching Lu Chenxi and Hades leave.

There has been no action since just now,

Gin just watched Keyes and Torafuzar get beaten up and smiled.

"Then… let me choose my opponent too!"

He dropped the hands that he was wrapping around.

Looking at Yin's actions, Gray and the others instantly became vigilant.

Torafuzar and Keyes were instantly excited.

If Yin really didn't participate in the war, facing the other three, the two of them would only be beaten.

As for Gray and others, they just cast their solemn eyes in the direction of Yin.

Not for fear of him going to war or anything.

just because of...

This guy is so similar to Gray.

This point was discovered by everyone the moment Silver appeared.

Even Gajeel smelled the same smell on Silver as Gray.

This also makes Yin's body full of mysteries.

The weirder it is, the easier it is to be alarmed.

For Gray, the moment Silver appeared, most of his (accb) distractions were on Silver.

That familiar voice, that familiar face.

That's something Gray will never forget…

Yin's body leaned forward slightly, and the next moment, the whole person rushed towards Gray at a very fast speed.

Soon he came to Gray and grabbed Gray's collar.

"You are mine!"

There was clear joy in Yin's voice.


The light gradually enveloped Gray and Yin.

Before everyone could react, Yin and Gray simply disappeared here.

"Master Gray?!" Juvia's eyes widened.

Listening to Yin's last words just now, Juvia couldn't help cupping her cheeks with both hands.

"What did you say belong to him?"

A series of strange imaginations appeared in her mind.

"Don't be in a daze! Believe in that guy Gray, he will definitely win, now the most important thing is the enemy in front of him!" Gajeel reminded loudly.

"Damn it, where the hell has Lord Gray been taken!"

Although angry, Gajeel is right,

Juvia also turned cursing and rushed towards Keyes.


The broken underworld beast is somewhere in the ruins of no one.

Silver brought Gray here.

As soon as it fell, Gray quickly escaped Yin's capture.

He stood on the opposite side of Silver, facing him.

The two did not attack the first time, but looked at each other.

A heavy atmosphere gradually spread around.

After a while, Gray finally spoke to break the silence:

"I said… who are you?"

Gray stared at each other's face.

Gray was very familiar with this face.

So familiar that he would not even forget this face at all.

Because the blood that belongs to this face flows through his body.

Silver Furbastein!

The name belongs to the face, and Gray's real father!

Why would you ask such a question.

That's because Gray's father has long since died.

Seventeen years ago, that night that was stained with blood.

Right before Gray's eyes, he lost his life.

And now, the figure standing in front of him has the same face and the same voice as his father.

That's why Gray couldn't confirm.

Facing Gray's words, Gin raised a playful smile.

"Didn't you guess it?"

"I am your father!"

"Impossible!" Gray roared.

A large number of ice swords instantly shrouded the silver, and the cold air even caused a little bit of ice to appear on the surrounding ruins.

I sensed the threat from the ice.

Yin frowned slightly, and the pink ice was attached to his hand.

Then he swung it suddenly, and the countless swords of ice that hit him turned into shattered ice crystals.

"My father… can't be alive!" Gray, who lowered his head, raised his head slowly.

The blue veins on his face that burst out of anger are so conspicuous.

"Hahahahahaha!!" However, it was the harsh laughter that responded to Gray.

It was like laughing at Gray's stupidity.

"Sure enough, it's the same expression as I imagined, hahaha~"

It seemed that he had lost the strength to laugh, but Yinzai finally stopped smiling.

Watching Gray speak again: "I am indeed your father, but…"

He changed his voice: "That's different from me."

"You bastard…what do you mean?"

Gray glared at Silver.

Silver slowly raised his arm, and his excited pupils met Gray's.

"To you, I should be a greater being!"

The pink ice turned into countless sharp ice edges and rushed out instantly, heading straight for Gray's forehead.

"Ice · Make – Shield!"

A huge ice shield appeared in front of Gray through the ice-shaped magic tool.

boom—-! !

Gray's ice shield gradually shattered under the continuous impact of the ice edge.

But with Gray increasing the mana output.

The ice-shaped magic shield is also constantly recovering.

In the end, the ice ridges in the sky were finally exhausted, and the ice shield in Gray's hand also dissipated.

For Gray to be able to crotch his own attacks without injury.

Silver was obviously a little surprised, but soon returned to his original appearance.

Continue with the topic you just talked about.

"Let's start with this body!" Yin Yang raised his head.

"This body is just a tool, just a corpse I happened to see."

Gray froze.

Silver's smile became even more excited.

It seems that seeing Gray's appearance is a very happy thing.

"Tartaros is still a guild composed of demons, and of course I am, but if it appears in the form of a demon, there will be some changes."

"It just so happened that the body nearby was not bad, so I occupied this body."

"But… maybe it was because of this body that we met in the dark."

Silver's smile gradually became hideous.

It's like there is endless resentment coming out of the body.

The voice gradually became deeper: "In order to kill you with my own hands, do you know how long I waited?"

"Ten years!! I was sealed by Ulu for ten years!"

"Because of you! Because of Ulu! You despicable humans have sealed me for ten years!!"

"Do you know how I survived?!"

His low voice was abruptly high, even roaring frantically.

Madly venting his resentment.

"So at the moment of my recovery, I made up my mind to completely exterminate the Ulu lineage!"

"This is the ultimate purpose of my wearing Lyon!!"

He opened his arms, and he looked down at Gray from the heights.

There is only hatred in the eyes!

And blatant killing intent! .