
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 470

Chapter 472 The Fear Of Many Years Ago, Hades

Tartaros' control room outside.

Lucy and Yukino looked at Franmalth in front of them with solemn expressions.

The fierce fighting caused their battlefield to deviate from the control room and appear on the outside corridor.

Facing one of the Nine Demon Gates,

Even if Lucy and Yukino team up, it can only be a draw.

And, fighting so far,

A very serious problem was placed in front of them.

That is, the Franmalth in front of him has the special ability to absorb souls.

Even Lucy's Celestial Spirit Taurus and Aries were accidentally absorbed into their bodies.

But fortunately, because of the vibration caused by Fez.

Let Franmalth stop the attack.

Feel the vibrating feeling of gradually calming,

Franmalth waved two short arms.

An excited smile appeared on the face composed of Taurus and Aries.

"Oh hoo hoo hoo hoo~ Fith finally activated!"

"How much is this victory worth? How much is it worth?"

"Face… activated?" Lucy and Yukino looked at each other.

He quickly put his hand on top of his key and felt the magic fluctuations that came from it.

"The magic isn't gone…" Lucy murmured.

"In that case, Master Wendy and Master Carla should have succeeded." Yukino responded.

Having come to such a conclusion, the dangling hearts of the two gradually calmed down.

But after Fran Mard found out about this situation,

But instantly widened his eyes,

An unbelievable look covered his face that was still laughing wildly just now.

He would never have thought that a little girl could really stop Feith.

You know, there is Ezel stationed there.

That's one of the Nine Demon Gates!

Not only him, but the Nine Demon Gates members who were fighting with the Fairy Tail members in the Underworld Island at this moment flashed a little surprise.

Even Kyôka at the bottom of the floating island was stunned.

"Did the Faith plan fail?" she murmured.

"Looks like my mates succeeded!" Erza's mouth curled into a smile.

Pointing the sword at Kyôka: "The next step is to completely bury you here!"

Gritting her teeth, Kyôka couldn't care less about fighting Erza at the moment.

What's more, judging from the battle just now, it is definitely not an easy thing to defeat Erza.

There's no time to focus on Erza right now.

At this moment, she needs to find Pluto first.


Forcibly awaken the president of Tartaros END!

With this thought in mind, Kyôka ran behind him without looking back.

"Do you want to escape?!" Seeing Kyôka's movements, Erza was about to step forward to stop it.

boom—-! !

The space in front of Erza suddenly exploded, preventing Erza from trying to pursue.

"I'll leave it to you here, completely annihilate the goblins!" Kyôka's voice came from a distance.

"If you don't say it, I will do it!"

The familiar voice made Erza look surprised.

She quickly turned her gaze to the direction where the voice came from.

The figure was both familiar and unfamiliar.

The horns that only demons have appeared on the head, and the right eye was completely obscured by black stripes.

The most important thing is the exposed abdomen where the coat of arms of Tartaros is imprinted.

"Minerva…" Erza said the man's name.

"Finally met you on the best stage, Erza Scarlet!" Minerva put her hands on her hips.

Although there was a smile on his face, it was so cold.

"But correct me, my current name is Shin Minerva, a new-born demon reborn in hell, this power…" She clenched her fist.

Then he slowly raised his head, and his smile gradually became hideous.

"Let's get to know you well!"

Holding the long sword tightly, a rare anger appeared on Erza's face: "Did you even give up your human identity for the so-called [power]?!"

He took the hilt of the long knife with both hands and placed it next to his head, the tip of the sword reaching to Minerva.

"In that case, let me wake you up!"

Faced with this girl who had strayed into the plan, Erza chose to fight.


"What is the value of the failure of this plan, how much…how much…"

Franmalth kept mumbling such words.

Suddenly, his eyes slammed to the two people on the opposite side.

"It's worth 100,000 souls in total!!" An angry fist slammed out.

Having absorbed the soul of Taurus Celestial Spirit, he also possesses the same powerful strength as Taurus.

The fist slid through the air, causing a burst of popping noises.

"Be careful!" Lucy exclaimed quickly.

But the next moment, the fist wrapped in flames met Franmalth's attack fiercely.

The explosion sounded at this moment.

The sudden appearance of the figure made Franmalth fly out of nowhere.

But then, countless magic crystals flew out from behind Franmalth and bombarded his body fiercely.

"Uhhhh~~" Franmalth let out a painful whimper amid the continuous attacks.

0 · · Flowers · ·

Boom boom boom! ! !

The smoke and dust spread out, and it wasn't until this moment that Lucy and Yukino reacted.

He quickly turned his gaze to Natsu beside him, and Urtia walking from behind Franmalth.

"You…" She looked at Natsu and Urtia who were meeting in surprise.

"Urtia-sama and Natsu-sama, you're here at the right time." An excited smile appeared on Yukino's face.

You know, in Yukino's eyes Urtia and Natsu are strong.

If they were there, there should be no problem in solving this guy in front of him.

"Ah… I originally followed Chen Xi, but I was scattered by the group of soldiers and came here." Ultear said and sighed.

"Anyway, let's deal with what this guy is talking about first." Natsu clenched his fists.

0 …. …

His eyes were fixed on Franmalth, who had already climbed up.

Under the attack of Natsu and Urtia, many scars appeared on the demon's body at this moment.

An angry look appeared on his face as he slowly climbed up.

"Damn it kids…I haven't tasted something like this for a long time…"

"How much soul is this pain worth?"

Franmalth's voice became deeper.

"Just use your souls to pay for it!"


Franmalth's body's magic power began to swell up.

A brilliant golden halo gradually enveloped his body, and the face originally composed of Taurus and Aries began to change.

A heavy sense of oppression continued to permeate from that body.

"My spell is to absorb souls as nutrients to achieve the purpose of evolution, so I have collected many powerful souls."

"Now let's see which of the souls I have collected is the most advanced!!"

Familiar feelings kept flooding into the hearts of the place and the people present.

The huge magic power that permeated, reminded everyone that it was on Sirius Island.

The figure who was deep in the dark abyss and danced the devil at will.

"No way…" Lucy covered her mouth.

"What the hell is going on?" "Happy" widened his eyes.

"This feeling…" Natsu murmured.

The light gradually dissipated, the pale hair fluttering in the wind, and the familiar old face.

and an eye patch covering the right eye.

This undoubtedly confirmed everyone's conjecture.

"President Hades…" Urtia's eyes widened.

It seems to recall the fear of being in the dark once again… but.