
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 468

Chapter 470: Always Been Together!


Wendy is out of Dragon Force mode.

The raging winds around him gradually calmed down.

"Success!" Looking at Fez, who had been broken, and Ezel, who fell to the ground and could no longer get up.

Wendy finally smiled.

She quickly turned to look at Carla, wanting to share her joy with her.

But at this moment Carla was not in the slightest joy.

Her wide eyes stared at Faith's direction.

The panic in his eyes was clearly captured by Wendy.

"Carla, what's wrong?" she questioned.

"Face…hasn't stopped…" Carla said, tremblingly.

It seemed to echo Carla's words.

After calming down, Wendy heard the sound of time passing slowly again.

ding… ding… ding…

Each beep represents the passage of a second,

It also represents the further arrival of despair.

"How could it be… It clearly destroyed Feith… but why hasn't the countdown stopped?"

The smile on Wendy's face faded away.

An unbelievable look appeared before her eyes.

Unwilling, she wanted to release another attack to destroy Feith.

However, the remaining magic power was not enough for her to unleash such a huge attack again.


Wendy knelt down weakly on the ground.

The fist slammed on the ground reluctantly.

"It shouldn't be like this…" The pupils kept staring at the front, and the soft white light seemed to be so cold at the moment.

"sorry Sorry..."

A trembling voice spoke of her apology for letting down her fighting comrades.

"It's not that there is no solution at all…"

Carla passed Wendy and walked slowly in Faith's direction.

Soon Carla came to Fez's place.

He raised his head slightly and stared at the huge stone pillar with half remaining.

The dazzling light on the pillar illuminated Carla's thoughtful face.

"Face is absorbing a lot of magic particles. If this energy can be converted into other attributes, it can no longer have the characteristics of eliminating magic…"

Saying that, she stretched out her hand and kept tapping on Fez's operating interface.

Continuing: "Instead, it will transform into a self-disciplined destruction magic circle, and let Feith explode on its own."

Her words seemed to give Wendy a glimmer of hope:

"How did you know this kind of thing?" Wendy asked.

"The future…" Carla whispered back.

"My ability to foresee, relying on this ability, I have foreseen many kinds of futures, and finally found a future that will not be activated by Feith!"

"Carla…you're amazing!" Wendy seemed relieved.

On Fez's operation interface, he stopped with Carla's claws.

A virtual button flashing with the council logo appeared on the screen.

Looking at this sign, Carla took a deep breath and said softly:

"The conversion has been done."

"Then we…" Wendy was about to say something, but Carla cut him off.

"It's over…the future ahead is blank." She turned her head to look at Wendy.

Difficulty pulled out a smile: "Already… no more."

The words made Wendy a little uneasy.

"What does this mean?" she asked quickly.

Carla shook her head: "Don't get me wrong, Faith will stop, just press this button…"

"However, once pressed, Feith will immediately explode."


Carla said a desperate truth: "In that case, we'll both die here…"

Wendy's pupils kept shrinking.

Carla smiled helplessly: "Actually, that's what I think, even without magic, we can still live well…"

"Like Edolas back then."

"However, the comrades are fighting hard… If Feith activates at this time, they will all die under the attack of the demon…"

Carla dared not look at Wendy's expression at the moment.

He lowered his head slightly: "So, Wendy, run away."

"I can't determine the scope of the explosion, but if you escape, there should be a chance of survival… Leave it to me here, and I will detonate it!"

Carla's voice was very light, and seemed to be very flat, and said such words very easily.

"What are you talking about! Carla!" But it was Wendy's shout that answered her.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Carla gritted her teeth, the ease just now had completely disappeared.

"Come on!" She spoke to Wendy for the first time in a tone that was close to swearing.

It seemed that she felt it was too much, and she sank again:

"To live well… Wendy…"

"I don't want!!!" Wendy rushed up and hugged Carla tightly.

"I'm not going anywhere…" A soft whisper came into Carla's ear.

"Aren't we friends?"

"Didn't you say you're going to be together forever?"

"As long as we're together, death isn't so scary, is it?"

Warm tears fell on Carla's face.

Carla stared blankly at the tearful face in front of her,

The girl who still had a smile on her face.

"Friend…" She seemed to remember something.

Indeed, from the moment I was born in this world, I became friends with Wendy.

In that guild called the Cat House.

Wendy was a little girl at the time,

A little girl who can only cry.

But the mature Carla still became friends with little Wendy.

They play together and laugh together.

Grow together...

Defeat Oracion Seis together, join Fairy Tail together,

Cross the parallel world together Edolas.

Resist the invasion of the devil's heart together and complete the hundred-year mission together.

Participate in the big magic fight together.

Until now, until this moment!

They are all together.

This cross-racial friendship has always brought them here.

"'So ah…how can we be separated now?"

"I'm so happy to be with Carla all the time!"

Hearing Wendy's soft voice, tears involuntarily leaked from Carla's eyes.

She raised her paws and hugged Wendy's body tightly.


The light gradually became dazzling,

The countdown to death keeps ringing.

But the two of them had nothing to fear now.

Smiles spread on their faces,

It's like laughing at the incompetence of the god of death!

Even if life ceases to exist, their friendship will remain forever!

"Our adventure is coming to an end," Wendy said softly.

"But… the companions will move on… won't they!"

Carla smiled happily.

"Just touch here." Wendy looked at the glowing button.

"Let's come together!"

Carla nodded heavily: "Because we've always been together!"

"Continue to be friends in the next life!" Wendy looked at Carla.

"Does that even need to be said?"

Together they stretched out their handkerchiefs,

That unhesitating action was so calm and calm, they were ready to meet everything.

including death!

Under the dazzling light, two fingers touched the button.

boom—-! !

The dazzling white light completely enveloped one person and one cat,

The roar of the sky reached far… far away….