
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 428

Chapter 430: A Job That Can'T Be Refused

It has been nearly a month since the Great Demon Fighting performance.

During this time, because of Fairy Tail, he won the Grand Demon Fighting Martial Arts victory.

As a result, the number of commissioned tasks in the guild has also increased.

After Lu Chenxi and others went through the carnival that night.

The next day, many people embarked on a busy life.

However, perhaps because they hadn't received so many tasks for a long time, everyone seemed extremely excited.

And in these tasks, there are many named tasks among them.

The first among them are the people from Team A and Team B who have excellent performances in the Great Demon Fight.

Among them, the busiest person is probably Lu Chenxi.

Whether it's the holy ten battle with Jura, or the shocking performance of the MPF magic counter.

And finally the invincible figure in the sunset.

It made countless audiences deeply remember this young Holy Ten Sorcerer.

As a result, the delegated tasks specifying Lu Chenxi even piled up.

This also caused Lu Chenxi to be on the go for nearly a month.

Mirajane felt distressed when she saw that hard work.

So, after a month of intense work.

Lu Chenxi immediately decided that he had to hide for a while, otherwise his whole body would collapse.


Lu Chenxi followed Erza and Wendy on an extremely easy task.

It is said to be performing for a troupe.

Moreover, Lu Chenxi didn't intend to act or anything, just to be an audience.

As for why Erza took on such an unchallenged job…

Of course, it's because the reward is an ultra-rare dessert.

Erza and Wendy's eyes lit up when they heard this.

I took this job without any thought.


Looking at the extremely stiff Erza on stage, Lu Chenxi felt the embarrassment coming from the front.

As the saying goes, as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Erza's whole body is stiff at this moment, and his speech is spit out word by word.

Even Wendy and Carla and Nancy on the side didn't know how to answer.

But in her own opinion, her performance is so gorgeous and beautiful.

Apparently not paying attention to the roars of the audience who let them off the stage.

And all kinds of debris thrown on the stage.

Even Lu Chenxi below lowered his head.

Unconsciously, a three-bedroom and two-hall was dug out.

However, the performance of Erza and others can be considered a success.

As far as they get paid…


On the streets of Magnonia.

"Hum hum~~" Lucy hummed a little tune and walked on the road by the river as usual.

"The large public bath is really comfortable~" Lucy seemed to be talking to someone.

Celestial Spirit Blue, the Canis Minor next to "Blu Bleu~", echoed.

Bleu is a Celestial Spirit of Lucy. Unlike the Celestial Spirit of the Zodiac, the Celestial Spirit of Canis Minor does not have any combat power.

For many, just a pet.

But for Lucy, it was her friend.

"Our bathroom is too small. Compared with Chenxi's, it's a world of difference." Lucy was still talking.

"Blu Blu~" Blu was still responding.

"By the way, why don't you tell the landlord to remodel!" Such thoughts popped up in Lucy's mind.

But mentioning this, Lucy's face went down.

"Speaking of… I don't seem to have paid the rent for this month…"

The good mood just now disappeared completely.

He sighed slightly: "Rent…"

"Looks like it's time for me to go to work."

Shaking his head, Lucy continued to head towards his house.


With the sound of the door being opened, Lucy's eyes widened instantly.

"Why are you here?!!"

Right now, in the room.

Lu Chenxi and Erza, Wendy and Nancy Carla have three and two cats,

Sitting leisurely on the sofa at Lucy's house.

Tasting the tea from Lucy's house.

"You're back." Wendy greeted with a smile.

"We're here to disturb you." Erza said with his arms crossed and Erlang's legs crossed.

"The house is not bad," Carla said.

"How did you get in here?" Lucy was full of questions.

In response, Lu Chenxi put down the teacup in his hand and took out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

Shaking in front of Lucy.

"How do you say it… In a sense, I am your landlord now, and naturally I have the key here."

"Eh-!!" Lucy's mouth opened wide, and he cried out in horror.

"What's the matter, the landlady?"

Seeing this, Nancy explained: "Because your landlord is going to move out of the city recently, he sold the property, but the contract with the tenant has not changed."

"So it doesn't matter to you."

Speaking of which, Nancy naturally picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Lucy.

"You're welcome, just be your own home."

"This is my home…in a sense…" Lucy grumbled.

Sitting in front of a few people, Lucy asked, "In other words, Chen Xi, did you buy this house?"

"Well… to be precise, it's this house." Lu Chenxi responded.

Erza also added:

"Because I can't run out of money recently, I just met someone selling a property, so I bought this house."

"I didn't know in advance that it was the room you lived in, and we only discovered it when we came back from work to see the room, so we were waiting for you to come back."

Erza's words seemed to irritate Lucy.

"The money can't be spent… I seem to have heard something incredible…"

Lucy tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Erza got up and opened the box in front of him and continued: "This is a dessert for the reward, it's a little more for us."

Taking one of them out, Erza looked at Lucy.

"So I brought some specially for you to eat."

"Wow! Thank you!" Lucy's dullness disappeared instantly when he heard dessert.

Looking at this scene, Lu Chenxi couldn't help shaking his head:

"Sure enough, the speed at which a woman's face changes is unimaginably fast!"


"By the way, your work should be going well, right?" Lucy asked while eating dessert.

Upon hearing this, Lu Chenxi and Wendy looked at each other and sighed silently.

"It's okay…" Carla said helplessly.

It's just that Erza seems very satisfied: "The job is perfect!"

"The audience is also very excited, it's just thunderous applause!"

Nancy's mind seemed to recall the roar from the audience, and she twitched the corners of her mouth.

Tucao: "That's not called thunderous applause…"

"Okay, now that the desserts have been delivered, it's time for us to return to the guild to hand in the order." Erza stood up and planned to leave.

Seeing this, Lucy also said immediately: "Wait for me, I just finished taking a shower, and now I'm coming back to change clothes."


It didn't take long for Lu Chenxi and others to return to the guild.

When I got back, I found that Natsu and Gray were mad at each other.

"I won't go to work with this guy in the future." Natsu pouted and said.

"'Hmph, even if you begged me, I wouldn't go, idiot!" Gray was also not to be outdone.

Looking at the two of them, Lu Chenxi asked Urtia on the side before knowing the situation.

It turned out that these two guys accepted the nomination commission.

Going to the destination together, but because of the two people complaining about each other at work.

As a result, the working hours were prolonged, so the two people who were not happy with each other directly fought.

A direct fight for three days.

The most admirable thing is that these two people can still eat and sleep as usual in the middle.

In other words, stop to eat when you are hungry, and stop to sleep when you are sleepy.

After that, I started to fight again. This kind of persistent spirit is still worth learning…

"Really, it's not a three-year-old child anymore." Lu Chenxi shook his head and came to Makarov's side, taking a cup of hot milk from Lisanna.

"Yo, you just happened to be back, there are still a bunch of your nominations here." Makarov looked at Lu Chenxi and said.

"Get around me…" Lu Chenxi scratched his hair helplessly.

"President, there is an urgent power of attorney here." At this moment, Mirajane came over with a power of attorney.

Makarov put down the glass and took the task order from Mirajane.

"Chenxi, it's your nomination order again." With just a glance, Makarov saw Lu Chenxi's name on the order.


Just as Lu Chenxi drank the milk in his mouth, he spat it out.

Before Lu Chenxi could say anything, Makarov continued: "And Natsu and Gray are in there too."

Natsu and Gray stood up abruptly when they heard their names.

"Why are you here again!"

"I'll never work with this guy again." Gray pouted.

"What, I can go with Chen Xi, we don't need you at all." Natsu said loudly.

After speaking, the two quarreled again, and the two pairs of eyes stared at each other without showing weakness.

Even Lu Chenxi said helplessly, "Help me push it, old man, just say I'm not here."

But Lu Chenxi's words did not attract a response from Makarov.

Lu Chenxi couldn't help looking at Makarov.

I saw the old man staring at the boss at this time, and the hands holding the order were also trembling slightly.

"Not this time, you have to go."

"And…this time it has to be done without any mistakes." Makarov said in a deep voice.

"Old man?" Lu Chenxi asked with some doubts.

Putting down the order in his hand, Makarov looked at Lu Chenxi, Natsu and Gray very seriously.

"The client this time is Warrod Xinken!"

"One of the four kings of Ishgar called by outsiders!"

Lu Chenxi meets Makarov's gaze

"Warrod Xinken, don't you say… force"

Seeing Makarov nodded, Lu Chenxi seemed to understand something.

"It seems… it's really a job that can't be refused.".