
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 417

Chapter 419 If I Can Die, Even If I Start A War, I Will Not Hesitate

The early morning sun is gradually descending on the streets of Cou Rockers.

In just one night with the help of the kingdom, most of the entire city has been repaired.

Residents who have returned to the library Rockers also wandered the streets.

Daily life began.

It brought a lot of old anger to this post-war Ku Rockers.

Fairy Tail stayed at the hotel.

thump – thump – thump

"Dawn! It's getting late, get up quickly!"

"Love! We should go back too~"

Natsu and "Happy" stood at the door of Lu Chenxi's room and kept knocking on the door, shouting loudly.


The door to the room was slowly opened.

"It turned out to be Natsu and "Happy", are you ready to go back?"

Mirajane in cartoon pajamas rubbed her eyes sleepily and asked.

"Love, President and the others have just returned first." "Happy" responded.

"They said to leave early and go back early, but some people are still drinking now."

Natsu seems to recall Cana, who was still at the palace and Quatro Cerberus drinking together.

"Are you still drinking? It's already morning." Mirajane was a little surprised.

"I know who it is!" "Happy" said with a small paw.

"If you don't ask, you know who it is…" Mirajane laughed twice.

Mirajane turned her head to look at the few guys in the room who had not yet regained consciousness, and continued to say 02:

"Then you go and call the others first, we'll be right there."

"Okay, Wendy and Carla have already gone to find the carriage, hurry up." After Natsu explained, he left with "Happy".

After closing the door, Mirajane looked at Lu Chenxi and Erza who were still sleeping and shook their heads with a smile.

"Really, it seems that I played too crazy at the banquet yesterday."

Stepping into Nancy's exclusive cot, she found that Nancy showed no signs of waking up.

"Even Nancy went crazy yesterday."

With a helpless sigh, Mirajane started to wake up one by one.

"Everyone, the carriage for the return journey is ready!"

Soon, Wendy's shouts sounded in the square outside the hotel.

Lu Chenxi and Mirajane, who were still a little confused, also gathered in the square outside the hotel.

"Is this carriage quite stylish?" Erza exclaimed as he looked at the luxurious carriage in front of him.

"It was arranged by Princess Emerald." Wendy introduced.

Natsu, who was beside him, saw cold sweat dripping from his forehead the moment he saw the carriage.

"Really… do you really want to sit here?" He asked slightly tremblingly.

"That…although motion sickness is a problem, but… we can't walk back."

Wendy also seemed to recall the feeling of extreme distress, but there was no way she could do anything about it.

Patting Natsu's shoulder, Lu Chenxi said, "It's really useless, even Wendy is not afraid of this."

"Natsu, this kind of thing is all about willpower!" Erza said earnestly with his arms wrapped around him.

Even Lucy and Gray on the side looked at Natsu with contempt.

The crowd's words seemed to completely anger Natsu.

"Who said I was afraid?"

He clenched his hands tightly, and the whole person seemed to have flames burning behind him.

"Isn't it just a means of transportation? I can definitely do it!"

But when he stepped on the vehicle again, the raging fire receded like a tide.

Instead, an indescribable dizziness enveloped him.

Even Wendy, who was on the side, slumped over to the action, with gold stars in his eyes.

"Look, I knew it was going to be like this…" On the carriage, looking at Natsu with a bulging mouth, Gray's face was speechless.

"Don't come near me!"

Gray moved his seat slightly in disgust, away from Natsu's tilted head.

"You guys just don't have enough perseverance!" Looking at the appearance of the two, Erza seemed to have found the reason.

"Alaaaa!" Mirajane watched all this with a smile.

"But… Really experienced a lot of things!" Lucy murmured softly, looking at Ku Rockers, who was gradually moving away from the carriage window.

"Goodbye, Ku Rockers!" "Happy" shook his arms at Ku Rockers outside the window.

His words also drew Lu Chenxi's eyes out of the window.

"Hey~ that's…" Looking at the elf-like figure walking at the end of the road, Lu Chenxi murmured a little suspiciously.

"What's wrong, Dawn?" Mirajane asked aloud.

"I seem to have seen the first-generation president." He looked over but saw nothing.

Lu Chenxi frowned slightly: "Am I wrong?"


It was in the forest not far from Ku Rockers.

Dozens of large trees stand here, and the outstretched branches and leaves block the direct sunlight.

A shadowed area is formed.

In the shadow, on the ground covered with green grass, a barren area with a diameter of nearly one meter was vacated.

In this small area, there is only bare land, as if flowers, plants and trees cannot survive here.

But in this small barren land, a black-haired man is sitting cross-legged.

On his shoulders was an unknown creature covered in black. If Lu Chenxi and the others were to do it again, they would have recognized it immediately.

This is the unknown creature on Raven Tail Obra's shoulders.

Seemingly aware of something, the black-haired man opened his eyes: "Although I can't hear the sound or see the figure, but I know clearly, you are here…"


The corners of his mouth twitched, and he said to himself in this silence.

Yes, there was no one there, and even the unknown creature on the shoulder of the black-haired man widened his eyes in confusion and looked around.

However, as long as the person with the coat of arms of Fairy Tail appears here, you can find that there is actually someone behind the black-haired man!

She was wearing a pink dress that covered her entire body, and her long golden hair grew to her heels.

The emerald green pupils stared at the black-haired man with his back turned to him.

"You're here, Zeref!" Mavis responded.

Zeref, the most vicious black wizard in history, and Mavis, the first-generation president of Fairy Tail, officially met here.

"Are you still looking for your place of death?" Mavis spoke, knowing that Zeref couldn't hear.

But Zeref seemed to hear it: "The place of death has already been found."

He closed his eyes slightly, letting the breeze blow by.

A cold and seemingly emotionless voice gradually resounded:

"I've watched over and over for the past few hundred years, the end of the era, the struggle between people, the hatred, the evil mind."

"Whenever a new era comes, I always look forward to evolving it all."

"But…that's simply wrong."

"No matter how many times people make the same mistakes, they keep making the same mistakes…"

Mavis stared at the figure with his head down.

She could deeply feel the sense of loneliness that came from the pavement.

"Even so, people can still live strong, right?" she said softly.

"It's not alive!" Zeref turned around, staring straight ahead at the empty space in front of him.

"In a real sense…"

Without waiting for Mavis to refute, Zeref continued: "The lovely existence known as human has long since become extinct!"

"So you're not going to wait any longer?" Mavis seemed to understand what he meant.

Zeref stood up slowly, his low face brought a lot of pressure.

"Since the world is still rejecting me, I have no choice but to deny the world."

"Isn't Fairy Tail affirming the world?" Mavis responded coldly.

Zeref raised his head slowly, followed by a breath called death.

In just a moment, everything around them seemed to have lost their precious lives.

Black leaves fell from the branches and died before they fell to the ground.

The surrounding trees also turned into dry branches, and the large grasses covering the ground disappeared completely, replaced by the dry earth.

"This is my gift to everyone…"

"The reconciliation and rebirth of the world!"

"This world will come to an end, and I will finally open a new world."

"Are you going to start a war?" Mavis' face also sank.

"No!" Zeref's scarlet eyes stared straight ahead.

"This is unilateral annihilation!"

"I won't let anyone survive!"

"Fairy Tail will definitely stop you! Dawn is absolutely capable of stopping you! Just wait Zeref, you will be the one who perishes in the end!" Mavis's tone became extremely cold.

The gust of wind, which became fast at an unknown time, ruffled Mavis' long hair and Zeref's shirt.

Light and darkness seemed to collide violently at this moment.

The declaration that Zeref would not have heard made him slightly twitch the corners of his mouth.

"You're right, Lu Chenxi may be able to stop me, but…"

The flash of sadness on Zeref's face was clearly captured by Mavis.

He turned around slowly and took steps in an unknown direction.

The final murmurs were delivered to Mavis' ears with the gust of wind around him.

"If I can die…even if it is to start a war, I will not hesitate!".