
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 415

Chapter 417 The Battle For Yukino!

Just when a few people were still talking and chatting.

A girl walked towards Lu Chenxi.

Wearing a light blue princess dress, the flower accessories on her short white hair echo the color of her clothes.

The delicate face seems to have some light makeup, which is more beautiful and moving.

"Lord Chenxi…" Yukino came to Lu Chenxi and seemed to want to say something.

But his eyes saw Sting and the others from the Sword-Bite Tiger.

The atmosphere gradually condensed at this moment.

Pursing his lips, Yukino lifted his skirt: "Really…I'm so sorry…"

The voice fell, and Yukino turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Sting regained his senses, and quickly stopped Yukino-.

He quickly took a step, walked forward, and said softly:

"That…I want to say sorry to you here."

"The president and the eldest lady have disappeared. We plan to start over and build a new sword-biting tiger."

Sting's tone became low: "To you… we were too ruthless before…"

Meeting Yukino's gaze, Sting took a deep breath:

"But in the future we want to create a guild that values ​​companions, so we hope you can come back…"

"Hey Hey hey!!"

Seeing that something was wrong, Lu Chenxi immediately stood up.

Came in front of Yukino and protected him behind him, and said loudly:

"I'm still here, is it really okay for you to poach members of our guild in person?"

The movement here also immediately attracted Erza and others.

"We can't just sit idly by!"

Erza came to Lu Chenxi's side, wrapping his arms around Lu Chenxi's words.

"Yeah, Yukino has joined our guild!"

Lucy clenched his small fists and spoke angrily.

"That's right!" Gray said viciously.

"Man can't let you succeed!" Elfman yelled, grinning.

"For Juvia, although you don't need another candidate for Lady Gray, you still can't let you take Yukino away." Juvia said with puffed cheeks.

"You can't possibly be Gray's bride…" Lisanna complained.


The sudden upheaval of the Fairy Tail group surprised everyone in the Sword Bite Tiger.

"What are you doing!"

The sudden loud shout drew everyone's attention to Kagura.

At this moment, Kagura stood with his hands on his hips, his cheeks flushed, and the whole person stood in front of everyone with arrogance.

Behind him is Jenny, who is already drunk into a puddle of mud.

Kagura pointed his finger at everyone sharply, and a slightly drunken word came out.

"Don't forget, Yukino's life is mine, so Yukino will be taken by our Mermaid Heel, no objection!"

she announced loudly.

At the same time, everyone from Mermaid Heel stood behind Kagura synchronously, as if to convey their determination to accept Yukino!

"That…even everyone from Mermaid Heel…" Yukino was a little flattered.

"No, a beautiful woman like you!"

"Only by joining us at Blue Pegasus…"


The trio of Blue Pegasus also stood up at this moment.

"It's a wonderful fragrance!" One night and Nichiya made a disgusting poss.

Even Jenny, who was on the ground, stretched out her arm tremblingly:

"Join us to put…"

"In this case, our Lamia Scale has also joined the battle for Miss Yukino!" Leon put his arms around his arms, his tone extremely confident.

"What are you doing than that…" Jura groaned.

"However, we are also very welcome to Miss Yukino!" He stood beside Leon.

"Just join us!" Toby yelled.

"Don't freak out." Yuka on the side soothed the emotional Toby.

"If there is a flower in a purely male guild, the soul will be very excited!" Bacchus of Quatro Cerberus raised his arms.

"It's okay to lose the game, but we must win this matter!"

"Four!!" Even the people from Quatro Cerberus on the side echoed loudly.

"That…everyone…everyone, please wait…"

Seeing that the situation seemed to be getting out of hand, Yukino kept shaking his arms.

"I'm already a fairy…"

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the quarreling crowd.

Makarov rolled up his sleeves and stood on the table.

He glared at a few friends who were still bragging just now.

"Yukino is our guild's child! Do you want to fight?"


President Goldmine of Quatro Cerberus is a good old friend.

"Just to be able to breathe a sigh of relief for the results of the conference!"

"I'm going to turn…" Ooba, the president of Lamia Scale, was ready to go.

"The blood of youth seems to be coming up again!" Bob, the president of Blue Pegasus, had a warlike expression on his face!

"Even the president and the others joined in… What should I do??" Wendy squeezed her little hand nervously.

"This is love…" Sherry twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Dawn! Hit them!"

Mavis stood behind Lu Chenxi waving his small fists and shouted loudly.

Although other guild members can't see it.

"Okay, since you guys haven't given up on beating our guild girls, then I'm going to freak out!" Lu Chenxi clenched his fists, raised his head and said viciously.

"Although we can't beat you, Mr. Lu Chenxi, we can't back down on this matter!"

Sting stared at Lu Chenxi uncompromisingly.

"Then what else?" Lu Chenxi turned away from the crowd who were ready to go.

0 · · Flowers · ·

"It's on!!!"

Lu Chenxi's loud voice was like a fuse that ignited explosives, in this Noda's palace.

A fierce battle broke out.

"Damn it!" Gray roared.

"You bastard!" Elfman didn't know who he was scolding.

"It's better to stop, Yukino was originally from our guild…" Rufus's voice was a little melancholy.

"Kill them!" Gajeel yelled.

"Pull out Makarov's hair!" Granny Ooba yelled.

"Old woman, don't mess around!" Makarov protected his hair tightly.

"Don't hug your legs~~" Lu Chenxi looked at Jenny under his feet and collapsed.

"Damn Jenny!" Mirajane seemed to be going mad.

"Release Dawn!" Erza roared through gritted teeth.

"Sister, I'm… going to hit you!" Kagura's drunken voice came.

The flying seats, benches, plates and wine glasses fell to the ground, making a crackling sound.


It made the whole venue look extremely chaotic.

Look at the crowd in front of you.

Tears leaked from Yukino's eye sockets at some point.

The joy in her heart made her burst into tears, but she still raised the most brilliant smile!

"Is this… the happiness hidden by my side?" she murmured softly.


The battle continued until Arcadios appeared on the high platform, stopping everyone.

below. Lu Chenxi grabbed the night with one hand and pulled Jura's beard with the other.

The right leg was held tightly by the drunk Jenny.

And Mirajane is pulling Jenny's hair.

Erza was pulled away by Kagura, and the two tugged at each other's cheeks.

Everyone's movements stopped at this moment, and their eyes turned to Arcadios above.

"In order to reward all of you for your heroic performance in the Great Demon Fighting and Martial Arts, and for saving this country's crisis, His Majesty wants to speak to you in person, please listen quietly!"

After speaking, Arcadios stepped aside.

And the door behind him slowly opened at this moment.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, the figure wearing the king's costume and the crown on his head slowly revealed his true face.

"!!!" The moment they saw the figure, countless people widened their eyes.

Because that's not the king, it's…

"Natsu?!!" Everyone in Fairy Tail exclaimed.

"Everyone present, please relax—hahahaha!!" Natsu's voice echoed through the vast hall.

Next to him was someone who kept jumping and trying to take back his crown.

The King of Pumpkins, who is less than one meter…

Lu Chenxi could even see Makarov, who was standing beside him, stunned, as if he was quite frightened.

Shaking his head slightly, the extremely speechless voice sounded slowly.

"This idiot…" Nai.