
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 391

Chapter 393 The Future Person Who Appeared

The time is approaching night.

Although they won the final victory, the Fairy Tail people did not have the heart to immerse themselves in the aftermath of victory at this moment.

Before Lu Chenxi and the others returned, Dutton and Arcadios from the kingdom visited Fairy Tail in person.

And explained that it was entrusted by the Emerald Princess.

Come and ask Lucy and Yukino to go to the palace to help.

Although it did not specify what the specific matter was,

After all, this matter involves extremely high confidentiality, and the two have no right to inform everyone.

But according to their words, soon the king of the kingdom will explain all this in person.

However, Fairy Tail can still be guessed by everyone.

It is probably related to what Lucy said will be 10,000 dragons in the future.

In this regard, Lucy and Yukino, as mages of the Fiore Kingdom, are obliged to come forward.

Follow Dutton and Arcadios to the palace.

The future Lucy also followed, she seemed to want to meet another future person.

In addition, Mila "Nine Nine Seven" Jay, Wendy Carla and "Happy" also followed.

Lu Chenxi and others only learned about this after they came back.

"According to your words, I am afraid that Jade has decided to carry out the eclipse plan 2."

Lu Chenxi touched his chin and said.

Nancy nodded: "It is estimated that it is what we deduced, it should be the method proposed by another future person."

"But…" Having said this, Lu Chenxi pondered for a while.

"Is there any problem?" Looking at Lu Chenxi, who was a little confused.

Erza asked.

"I don't know why, I care about the other future person…"

Lu Chenxi responded with a dignified expression.

"That man seems to be full of mystery and has not shown up until now, and has no idea what his purpose was."

"I always feel a little uneasy…"

His eyes turned to the tallest palace in the city.

Where is [Hua Deng Palace Merukelias], which is where Lucy and others went.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chenxi turned to look at Urtia and Meredy.

"Can you please go to the castle to secretly protect Lucy and the others, so that at least one more layer of protection."

"But…isn't this a little too sensitive?" Meredy asked.

"No, in this matter, I think we'd better be careful."

It was Mavis who spoke.

Her emerald green pupils were also full of solemnity at the moment.

In the previous Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts competition, the magic power possessed by Rogue that did not exist in her knowledge has always made her very concerned.

And in that extremely evil magic, she vaguely sensed the magic about Zeref like the future Lucy.

This had to make her suspect that the magic power came from another future person.

Therefore, Mavis has to take this matter seriously.

"Well… in this case, we really have to be a little more cautious. It's not harmful to make more preparations anyway."

Makarov, who was sitting at the bar, said.

"I see, Meredy, let's go." Urtia nodded slightly.

"Natsu follow along." Lu Chenxi looked at Natsu next to him.

"Hey, protect people, just leave it to me!"

Natsu clasped his fists in both hands, and seemed excited.

"I said… it's not to fight, what are you excited about…"

Looking at Natsu at the moment, Nancy was quite speechless.

"Don't worry about that idiot." Gray said, wrapping his arms around him.

"Anyway, I'm asking you, if things go well, of course it's good, but I'm afraid there will be an accident, so please bring Lucy and the others back safely!"

Lu Chenxi looked at several people and said softly.

"What's the trouble with this, aren't we companions?"

Urtia put on her hood and smiled.

Her words made Lu Chenxi stunned for a moment, and then smiled helplessly.

"be careful!"

After watching a few people leave, Lu Chenxi and others also prepared to set off for the central square of the kingdom.

It is said that in addition to Fairy Tail, other guilds were also summoned.

It is estimated that the king of the kingdom is going to publicize the solar eclipse plan in public.


On the other side, at the gate of the palace.

A large number of soldiers stood here fully armed, and their eyes were fixed on the huge door in front of them.

It was the gate that had just been moved up from the bottom of the palace.

Gold and silver-white stripes are interlaced, and twelve huge door bolts are now open. In the middle of the door, it is a sign like the sun.

Eclipse Gate!

Just now, Jade has made clear the specific battle plan to the soldiers who are about to participate in the solar eclipse battle.

That is to use the solar eclipse to release the magic power that has been collected for seven years, and that is the power that can surpass the power of the magic wizard.

The so-called Eclipse Plan 2 is to use such a huge attack.

Destroy tens of thousands of incoming dragons with one blow.

And, with the help of Lucy and Yukino just now, the keys of the zodiac sign have been used to unlock the twelve bolts that blocked the gate.

Next, just wait for the time to come and just turn it on.

But the waiting time was long and extremely stressful.


On the other side, Lucy, who had completed the mission, was walking back to the hotel where Fairy Tail stayed.

But soon they stopped.

The ground in front of them was covered with large black shadows.

But a figure appeared in the shadows, blocking their way.

"Who are you?" Mirajane stepped forward, protecting Lucy and the others behind her.

He frowned slightly and looked at the figure in front of him and asked.

"In front of the shadow's extension, is it the past, the future…or the human heart?" The figure who spoke strange words gradually approached several people.

"I really miss it! Everyone at Fairy Tail!" He came to stand in front of several people, and said slowly.

It was not until the figure walked out of the shadow that Mirajane could clearly see the face of the person who came.

Dressed in black and white clothes, black bangs cover his right eye.

Except for the bangs, the long white hair was tied behind the head, forming a high ponytail.

A strange black pattern is attached to the left face.

"I came back here from a farther future, Rogue!" He raised his head.

Scarlet eyes stared at the group of people ahead.

"Rogue? Are you really Rogue?" Lucy questioned.

"It's the tiger that bites the sword…it feels very different." Wendy was also a little surprised.

"In other words, you are the one who gave advice to the Emerald Princess, right," Mirajane said.

Future Rogue nodded slightly: "That's right."

"Then why are you stopping us now?"

Carla frowned.

Facing Carla's question, Future Rogue stretched out two fingers and replied:

"The eclipse gate has two functions, which I discovered after experiencing despair in the future."

"One is to travel through time and travel to the past, while the second is the solar eclipse cannon used as a weapon, which is also the only way to hit 10,000 dragons at one time."

"You should already know this." He looked at several people and said.

Lucy nodded lightly: "We just found out about this from Emerald Princess."

"But does this have anything to do with you stopping us?" she asked.

In the future, Luo 2.0's expression also became solemn at this moment.

"It's not that simple…"

"I'm from the future seven years later. Seven years later, the world will be dominated by dragons, and less than 10% of the human beings survived. At that time, the solar eclipse was not as powerful as it is now."

"So, if you don't try to kill the dragons now, the world will end completely."

"And the purpose of my return to this era is to prevent people from preventing the opening of the solar eclipse!"

Rogue's words in the future made everyone frown tightly.

"You mean… before your seven years, someone stopped the door from opening?" Mirajane asked.

Future Rogue nodded slightly.

"It's because of that guy… that we didn't turn on the solar eclipse, and it also led the world to its demise!"

He looked up at the crowd, his scarlet eyes revealing a strong killing intent.

"If you don't interfere with absolute power, this fate cannot be changed…"

"So…that person must be killed!".