
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 389

Chapter 391 The Figure Standing Under The Sunset!

And right now.

The audience who recovered from the excitement just now also noticed that the score was wrong.

"What's wrong?" An audience member asked involuntarily, noticing the dazedness of his companion next to him.

"Hey~ look at the difference in the score." The spectator couldn't help but set his eyes on the score board.

At present, there are only five Fairy Tails left on the field, and only one from the Tiger of Sword Biting.

The score of Sword Bite Tiger is 62P.

It is significantly behind the Fairy Tail75P which is the first place.

"There's a thirteen-point gap, is there any problem?" the audience member asked.

"Look, if Sting can hit Tsundere's tail with all five of the team…"

"What will happen then?" his companion began.

In response, the spectator also stretched out his fingers and began to count the points.

"The captain is 5P, each of the other four is 2P, all add up…"

Having said that, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Thirteen points!" Not only the audience, but Jabba in the commentary also reacted and exclaimed.

"As long as Sting hits all Fairy Tail members, he can get thirteen points!"

He said blankly: "In that case… the scores of the two guilds will be the same!!"

"Then how is this to be calculated?"

He looked at the guest pumpkin man beside him.

After all, the Pumpkin Man is also the referee of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts, so this kind of thing involving rules still has to ask him.

The pumpkin man also fell silent, after thinking for a while.

Slowly said: "This situation is basically difficult to occur, but we still made an assumption… 997"

His eyes turned to Sting on the screen, and he said in a deep voice:

"If the final score is still the same, then the last person standing on the field wins! Pumpkin~"

"That is to say… As long as Sting hits the Fairy Tail five, the Tiger of Sword Bite will be able to reverse and win!"

Jabba's eyes widened.

"I think… Sting shouldn't be able to beat five people…"

Jabba said in disbelief.

"However, all five of Fairy Tail have just experienced the battle, and the consumption of magic and physical strength is not small, and some of them are injured…"

Ajima frowned.

"Also, looking at Sting's appearance, he is still full of confidence. Could it be that he planned this in the first place? Pumpkin~"

The words of the pumpkin man were also full of horror.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the current situation of Fairy Tail was also displayed on the projection screen of the magic crystal.

Obviously, they all saw the sword-biting tiger logo hanging high in the air.

Although a little surprised, everyone still moved in that direction.

Among them, the person closest to Sting.

It was Lu Chenxi who had just defeated Minerva.

What the audience noticed, Lu Chenxi naturally reacted.

But he didn't think he would lose.

And he also wanted to see what gave Sting the confidence of a dozen or five.

After walking for about a minute, we turned a corner.

Lu Chenxi saw Sting standing in the distance.

So he walked towards Sting.

This is a wide square, due to its proximity to the edge of the city.

There are very few high-rise buildings here, so it is also very open. Even from the center of the square, you can see the sunset with the lower part of the sky already submerged into the horizon.

"You still found a good place!"

Lu Chenxi came to the front of the setting sun, looked into the distance, then closed his eyes slightly, feeling the warmth of the orange light on his body.

However, for Sting, he has no intention to care about such a beautiful side.

"Are you alone?" he asked.

Lu Chenxi was still enjoying the warmth of the sunset, and he slowly opened his mouth with his back facing Sting:

"I'm enough alone."

Such wild remarks did not arouse Sting's anger.

He just smiled slightly:

"Actually, seven years ago, you were all mages I admired, but…"

He paused, then said, "Because of this, I have to hit you all at once!"

"One time… hit us?" Lu Chenxi seemed to have heard a funny joke.

Turning his head slightly, his tone gradually became cold:

"Are you underestimating us?"

"How is it possible, I respect you all very much." Sting's eyes on Lu Chenxi seemed to be burning with flames.

"You don't know… Our president is Jiemma."

"He has been completely beaten by me!"

Sting's eyes seemed to fall into memory.

The image of Lu Chenxi fighting Jiemma that night came to his mind.

"Just one blow!" he said slowly.

The tone is full of confidence!

"I've done the same thing as you…no…even better than you!"

"Since I hit Jiemma, I've been waiting for this moment! I want Lector to see how strong I am! After being reborn, I am strong!"

"Lector?" Lu Chenxi slowly turned around and looked at the excited Sting.

"Although I don't know what's going on, are you serious?"

"Absolutely serious, I've become stronger!" Sting replied loudly.

He clenched (acca) his fist: "Because of the loss of Lector, I have awakened a new powerful force!"

As if to cheer for himself, his voice gradually rose.

"For Lector, for my best friend, I must hit you!"

His words were exchanged for a brief silence from Lu Chenxi.

"For…that red kitten?" Lu Chenxi said slowly.

The appearance of Sting at the moment made Lu Chenxi inexplicably familiar.

He seems completely different from Minerva, and his reasons for fighting are clear.

Fight for the best friend!

For such a person, Lu Chenxi put away his contempt and started to face the figure in front of him.

"Although I don't know what happened to you, but…"

"Since you are so determined, I will accompany you. If even I can't win, what are you talking about hitting the five of us?" Lu Chenxi said.

Lu Chenxi's words made Sting close his eyes.

It seemed that he saw the red kitten again, and he clenched his fists violently.

The violent explosion of magic power formed a white brilliance that enveloped his body, and the surrounding airflow was affected by his powerful magic power, and became intense.

"Come on! Just let you see my awakened power!"

He smiled and opened his eyes, looking directly at the figure standing in the sunset.

Perhaps because the night is coming, the sun that was originally high above and usually looks very small.

But near dusk, I can clearly appreciate how huge it is.

Just like the tiny figure standing in the sunset.

Obviously just now, he was full of confidence that he could surpass it.


Under the setting sun, his shadow was pulled very long… very long, and it looked so tall!

Like a giant standing in the sunset!

It's like a peak that can't be climbed at all!

He was standing there, with his back facing the setting sun, the dazzling orange light made him unable to see his face at all.

But the gaze he cast was clearly reflected in Sting's pupils.

So what is that look?

Sting's heart began to have such questions.

The flames in his heart began to recede at this moment.

As if something terrible happened, it began to fade away quickly.

"Idiot, what are you afraid of!" Sting suddenly roared.

"It's all here… As long as I hit them all, I can complete the agreement with the eldest lady…"

"I can see Lector!"

He lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly, sweat oozing out of his face along with the roar.

"Go ahead!"

"I have become very strong!"

"My longing for Lector has made me stronger!"

Perhaps it was the roar that made him move again.

But… his steps were so heavy.

tah… tah… tah…

The muffled sound of stepping on the ground with each step was so clear in his ears.

"I've gotten stronger!"

"I can win…"

He kept growling.

And he is getting closer and closer to Lu Chenxi.

Getting closer...

At a certain moment, Sting raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on the figure again.

Under the setting sun, the figure of the figure was so stalwart.

can't shake…

Such an idea suddenly popped into his mind.

Just like a nightmare, once it emerges, it will never be forgotten.


Sting's knees fell to the ground, and the tightly clenched fists were also weakly released and supported on the ground.

A drop of liquid fell from his chin and disappeared to the ground.

No one knew if it was sweat or tears.

"I can't win at all…"

His voice was so low.

"I surrender...".