
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 358

Chapter 360 Infighting?

"This… Who could have predicted that the situation would develop like this?"

"The double dragon of the sword-biting tiger has no power to fight back in front of Fairy Tail!"

"Is the game going to end like this?"

Jabba on the commentary stand shouted.

"Do you only have this power?" Natsu looked at the two people who were lying on the ground in front of him and spoke slowly.


Lector's only friend is named – Sting.

Lector has always believed that Sting will be the strongest.

It also fully believed in what Sting said about defeating the dragon.

So when others questioned this, Lector was very angry and reasoned with others.

He absolutely wouldn't allow anyone to speak ill of his only friend, Sting.

Even if it was bullied and burst into tears, it always believed in Sting.

It was on that day that Sting made a promise to him.

"Since they don't believe it, I'll prove it to them!"

He touched Lector's head: "There may be no dragons in this world."

"But I heard there's a guy named Fire Dragon's out there!"

"One day I will hit him, and in front of everyone!"

There was a smile on Sting's face then.

"I'll do it!"

Sting's words were still echoing in Lector's mind.

Gently wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Lector's claws clenched tightly.

"Sting is the strongest, it must be the strongest!"

And Sting, who fell in the martial arts field, seemed to hear its voice.

"I see… Lector…" he murmured softly.

"Cough…how can…it end like this." Rogue struggled to stand up.

"Yeah… We already knew that you were not an easy target…"

Sting also slowly stood up with his hands on his knees.

"We've made an agreement… we made an agreement!"

He raised his head: "I absolutely cannot lose! For Lector!"


Two huge magical powers began to stir, and a roar like a dragon's roar resounded in the audience.

Sting and Rogue were enveloped in holy white light and dark black light.

The invisible air held up their hair.

White dragon scales gradually attached to Sting's sides on both sides of his face, and the dragon scales extended from the corners of his eyes to his neck.

The same black dragon scales appeared on Rogue's face beside him.

And their magic power also began to surge at this moment.

"Finally here, the true power of the third-generation Dragon Slayer!"

"This game is over ¨'!"

A confident smile appeared on Minerva's face in the direction of the tiger that bites the sword.

Fairy Tail direction.

"That power…" Erza looked at Laxus behind him.

"You seem to have that kind of power, don't you?" she asked.

In response, Laxus nodded slightly: "Yes, Dragon Power!"

"It's just, I didn't expect them to be able to unleash the power of the dragon on their own initiative." Laxus opened his mouth with a hint of surprise as he wrapped his arms around him.

"Being able to unleash the power of a dragon on their own will, Sting and Rogue are really good."

Lu Chenxi propped his chin with one hand, and the index finger of the other hand kept tapping the stone brick in front of him, smiling.

"But… this kind of thing, Natsu and the others have completely mastered it seven years ago!"

As Lu Chenxi said, Natsu and the others were able to freely master this power seven years ago.

Even Wendy was able to freely use the power of Dragon Power in the Hundred Years Mission.

So, such a trick for both Natsu and Gajeel.

Nothing at all.

In the Great Demon Fighting Arena.

Looking at the two people covered in dragon scales in front of him, Natsu couldn't help but smile.

He stretched out his palm, and the flames began to burn in his hand.

"Come on, let me see your power!"

Gajeel on the side came over with a displeased face.

"I said, you guy, how can you let you show off the limelight alone?"

"Ha, didn't you say I came alone?" Natsu frowned and looked at Gajeel.

"You just made a show of it, it's time for me!"

"What, did you win?"

"Ha, you really dare to say it, do you want to try it?"

"You mean you want to fight?"

Looking at the two people in front of them, they fell into a quarrel over who to go.

Both Sting and Rogue fell silent.

"You… how dare you underestimate us like this!" Sting raised his head sharply.

The face covered with dragon scales looked particularly hideous.

"Rogue!" He looked at Rogue beside him.

"I understand!" Rogue's face darkened too.

The next moment, the two of them shot out like arrows from the string.

"No time to argue with you!" Gajeel turned away from Natsu.

His hands were itchy for a long time, and he rushed up to meet the two of them excitedly.

White rays of light gathered in Sting's hands: "White Dragon's – Holy Fist!"

His fist swung out brazenly, and a ray of light like a laser burst out violently.

But the next moment, Gajeel's arm turned into an iron pillar, blocking Sting's fist.

The intense light slammed into Gajeel's iron, causing puffs of blue smoke.

"Hey, it really is a lot stronger!" He chuckled softly.

The right leg instantly turned into an iron pillar and stretched forward and hit Sting's abdomen, knocking him back directly.

On the other side, Rogue jumped out of the shadow, the black breath clinging to his hand.

He formed pitch-black claws, and he was supposed to have no movement at all, but Gajeel noticed it the moment he showed his figure.

The arm instantly turned into an iron dragon sword.

The rotating sawtooth brought a huge lethality to it.

The next moment, the iron dragon sword intersected with the dark claws and stalemate.

Rogue frowned, even if he used the power of the dragon, why couldn't he even fight against each other?

There was no time to frown and think.

Gajeel's mouth began to bulge.

"Iron Dragon's – Roar!!"

A terrifying metal tornado enveloped Rogue in an instant.

Among them, tens of thousands of metal iron sheets are constantly cutting Rogue's figure.

"Uhhhh~~" This made him scream in agony until he flew out.

Sting on the other side was not stunned either.

He, who had just been repelled, jumped high, his angry mouth wide open.

"White Dragon's—Holy Breath!!"

A huge beam of light blazed out of Sting's mouth.

fell to the ground.

boom! ! !

A huge impact erupted on the ground, and the already riddled ground could no longer withstand such a huge pressure and collapsed.

The sudden feeling of stagnation caught Gajeel and Natsu, who was doing nothing, by surprise, and fell to the collapsed ground.

And Rogue, who had just been knocked into the air, also stabilized his body by relying on the gravel, and opened his mouth likewise.

"'The Shadow Dragon's – Shadow Fission!!"

The black beam of light roared out of his mouth, and dispersed into countless black lights in the air, falling towards the two of them like a shower.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The sound of explosions continued, and even the magic crystal screen used for playback was stagnant due to the explosion.

When it recovered again, the battle field had been switched from the ground to the ground.

And the camera also gave Rogue and Sting standing on the bottom floor.

Although the two were not doing well, Sting was gasping for breath.

Rogue on the side was even more miserable, with wounds cut by iron pieces all over his body.

One hand also covered the most severely injured right arm.

However, their eyes were fixed on the ruins in front of them.

From the solemn expressions of the two, the audience understood that the battle was not over.

Sure enough, the gravel on the ruins ahead was violently pushed away.

Natsu sat up angrily.

"Gajeel from Damn it! Didn't you say you could handle it?"

Beside Natsu, Gajeel (Noqian's) also pushed aside the ruins and got up: "Of course I can handle it!"

"But who knew that this broken field didn't even get played, and suddenly collapsed!"

"Huh? What is the problem with the venue? I think it's because of lack of strength that it's so embarrassing."

Natsu pouted.

"What? Stinking Fire Dragon, I've seen you upset for a long time!" Gajeel pressed Natsu's head against Natsu's head and said fiercely.

"Huh? I can't ask for it, Rotten Iron Dragon!" Natsu responded to Gajeel, not to be outdone.

"You bastard!"

"You idiot!"

Bang-bang-bang-! !

In everyone's speechless eyes, two people who were obviously in the same team actually moved their hands during the game.

Also, the fight seemed to be very intense.

"Those two idiots…" Lu Chenxi put one hand on his forehead.

"You said… after this game, will the two of them have the most serious injuries caused by beating each other?" Laxus seemed to have thought of something funny.

As for Erza on the side, he doesn't have such a good temper.

Looking at the two people who were in trouble, her face darkened.

"Damned two guys, you must take care of them when you come back!".