
Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail Magic Guild: I Stole It From My Sleepwalking

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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559 Chs

Chapter 344

Chapter 346 The Battle Between God And Dragon

"You're still only going to use despicable tactics… Ivan…"

Makarov lowered his head and murmured.

His voice was low, and his face was extremely ugly, with self-blame, disappointment… and unspeakable sadness.

Seeing that his own son has come this far, I am afraid that no father can face it calmly.

in the venue.

Laxus picked up his coat and draped it over him.

He didn't want to say anything more about his despicable father, turned around and walked towards the passage.

The rune knights of the judges also poured into the martial arts arena.

Will be taken away by the Raven Tail group.

"Cough cough… Laxus." Looking at Laxus passing by him.

Ivan coughed twice, then slowly opened his mouth and stopped Laxus.

"I admit that I lost this time, but…"

He raised his bloodshot eyes and looked at Laxus who was standing not far away.

"Remember, [Lumen·Xinghui] is the unknown dark side of Fairy Tail…"

Weak, he smiled gloomily.

"You'll know sooner or later… Know what Fairy Tail really is!"


Ivan was taken away, but Ivan's last words and that gloomy laughter were reflected in Laxus' mind.

With a long sigh, Laxus turned to leave the passage.


Due to serious fouls, Raven Tail decided to disqualify Da Crow Tail from participating in the Great Demon Fight after consultation with the organizer.

At the same time, it also banned the qualifications of Big Crow Tail and their screaming conventions for the next three years.

And later, according to Makarov973, he finally made up his mind and submitted evidence to the council about the illegal fundraising activities with Crow Tail and some illegal things they secretly did.

If nothing else, Raven Tail will definitely face the fate of being dissolved by the council, and the president, Ivan, will even face prison.

Unscathed, Laxus returned to the B stands.

"Good job, Laxus!" Lu Chenxi patted his shoulder.

"Welcome back!" Mirajane said with a smile.

"I just said, he doesn't have to worry at all." Gajeel pouted.

"But you were the most excited just now." Juvia complained.

Laxus nodded in response to everyone's congratulations, but Ivan's words just echoed in his mind, making him a little absent-minded.

Because of Laxus's character, everyone didn't find it strange.

So they all set their sights on the last game that is about to be played.

At this moment, the pumpkin man picked up the microphone and calmed the emotions of the audience.

"Although there was an uncomfortable game, please keep your eyes on the upcoming fourth game!"

Jabba at the commentary also picked up the battle list in his hand.

Started to announce loudly.

"Game 4, by Team Fairy TailA – Wendy Marvell VS Lamia Scale – Sherry Blendy~~"

Maybe it's because both parties are acca-loving Loli.

Jabba's voice was surprisingly excited.

"Oh~ it's time for Wendy to play!" Lu Chenxi sat up straight, obviously interested.

Lu Chenxi has seen Wendy's growth over the years.

However, it may take some victories to prove exactly where it has come.

In this regard, Lu Chenxi is looking forward to it!

Sherry is the cousin of Lamia Scale Sherria.

About the same age as Wendy, and even about the same height.

But everyone at Lamia Scale knows how much power is contained in that small body.

In this regard, Leon is very confident.

"Go ahead and let other people know how good you are, Sherry!"

He watched Sherry speak encouragingly.

"I can see Gray's shocked expression!" Speaking of this, Leon unconsciously recalled the shock of Juvia, who had fallen in love at first sight.

Suddenly his face turned slightly red.

Looking at Leon's expression, Yuka on the side twitched the corners of his mouth.

"You shouldn't be thinking about Gray…"


"Let everyone wait, so now I invite two players to enter!"

The voice of the pumpkin man fell.

Two small figures ran and appeared on the martial arts arena.

However, Sherry seemed to be a little rash, and when he was halfway through, he didn't notice the stones left from the battle just now.


An unsteady fell to the ground.

Seeing Sherry fall in front of her, Wendy seemed a little worried.

He quickened his pace and tried to pick up Sherry who fell.

But… Sherry wasn't alone.

The same pebbles that don't know where, the same way.


Wendy accidentally fell to the ground.



The rashness of the two little girls ushered in the kind laughter of the crowd.

Wendy, who fell to the ground, scratched her head embarrassedly.

"That…please give me some advice."

Sherry also nodded his head slightly and opened his mouth with a smile.

"Hmm~ Please give me some advice!"

In the Fairy Tail stand, Carla covered her face.

"Really, why can't that kid Wendy pay more attention!" she said angrily.

"If you are rash in battle, things may happen."

"Uh, haha, but Wendy's words must be fine." Nancy sneered and said.

"It looks like it must be a very cute duel this time!!"

At the commentary, Jabba's nose kept exhaling hot air.

With peach blossoms in his eyes, his entire body kept twisting from side to side.

"Uncle will definitely support both sides!" he said excitedly.

Yajiba on the side held his hands and moved his body in disgust.

Tucao: "How has your role changed…"

"But…but she's really a cute girl!"

Jabba covered his face with his hands, and his body seemed to twist even more.

This excited Jabba was the first time Yajima had seen in the past few days.

Sighing slightly, he moved the stool again, trying to stay away from this guy as much as possible.

Then he looked at Wendy in the field and said softly, "But there are such children in Fairy Tail!"

"Well, I have some knowledge of her, she is a brave magician."

Rahal responded to Ajima's words.

"Okay, the final match of the third day of the Great Demon Dou Yanwu officially begins!"

clang—-! ! !

With the words of Jabba and the sound of the gong, this much-anticipated battle also kicked off.

Wendy clenched the fists of both hands.

"We finally got here, I must do my best!"

She raised her head, her face firmer than ever.

"I'm going!"

"Yeah!" Sherry smiled and nodded in response to Wendy's words.

Wendy raised her hands flat and closed her eyes slightly.


Two sky blue magic circles appeared on both sides of her.

"Additional magic – the power of the steel arm, the galloping wind!"


A gust of wind, visible to the naked eye, began to surround Wendy.

Wendy opened her eyes sharply.

"Dragon's – Wing Strike!!"

She twirled her arms towards Sherry, and the gust of wind around her formed a sharp wind blade, attacking Sherry.

However, Sherry kept jumping behind him with his agile movements.

Dodge Wendy's attack.

Sherry, who jumped high, opened his arms, and the black wind formed by magic began to rotate around Sherry's arms.

"North Wind, quickly become the breath of God, and run on the earth!" She chanted an unknown spell in her mouth.

"Watch out, Wendy!"

She shouted, and then the violent black wind formed a huge tornado and swept towards Wendy.

"God's—North Wind!"

Almost the same attack as Wendy, but with a terrifying aggression.

"Black wind?!" Lu Chenxi's pupils narrowed.

"The god-destroying magic in the sky, I didn't expect that other than the person named Oruga, there are still people in the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Arena who can use the god-destroying magic!"

The corners of Lu Chenxi's mouth raised slightly.

"In other words, this game…is a battle between gods and dragons!".